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WiFire SDK for Android that can be embedded in other apps to enable WiFire functionality


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WiFire SDK for Android. Allows apps to embed WiFire functionality

You will need an API key for the WiFire SDK service to work. Please email to get an API key.

Integration with your existing project in Android Studio

In the build.gradle file of the app, add the following in the dependencies section:

- The WiFire SDK has Google Play Services 10.2.6 pre-included. If you are also on the same version you can just include this line

dependencies {
    compile 'com.mobstac.wifire:WiFireSDK:1.1'

- If you want to use a specific version of Google Play Services, you will need to add dependencies as following

dependencies {
    compile 'com.mobstac.wifire:WiFireSDK:1.1@aar'
    compile '' + GMS_LIB_VERSION
    compile '' + GMS_LIB_VERSION
    compile '' + GMS_LIB_VERSION
    compile '' + GMS_LIB_VERSION
    compile '' + GMS_LIB_VERSION
    compile 'com.firebase:geofire-android:2.1.1'
    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-core:2.4.2'
    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-s3:2.4.2'
Latest version


Proguard rules

Add the following lines to

-keep class com.amazonaws.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.fasterxml.jackson.**
-keep class com.mobstac.wifire.** { *; }


WiFire requires the following permissions.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" />

It is not necessary to explicitly add these permissions to your app. They will be added automatically when you include the SDK

Optional permissions

These permissions are optional and can be removed


    Usage - Required to better manage saved WiFi networks in the android system starting Android 6.0.

    Consequence - WiFire won't be able to delete or modify a saved network on the user's device



    Usage - Required to autofill the one time password (OTP) from service provider's SMS

    Consequence - The user will have to manually fill in the OTP during the network login

How to remove

Add this line to your AndroidManifest.xml

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS"
        tools:node="remove" />

Runtime permissions

Since Android 6.0 Android has introduced the concept of runtime permissions. WiFire SDK requires two runtime permissions -


WiFire requires the location permission to sync nearby Hotspots. WiFire SDKs enableSync() method will fail if location permission is denied.

SMS read/receive

WiFire requires the SMS permission to read SMS messages and extract the one time password (OTP) for logging in to a captive network. The user will have to manually fill in the OTP if this permission is denied.

Setup test network


1. Initialise the SDK with your API key (preferably in the Application class)

Note: The API key is tied to the package name of your app and will not work with another app.
WiFire.initialise(getApplicationContext(), "MY_API_KEY", new AuthListener() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d("WiFire", "Authentication successful");

    public void onFailure(WiFireException e) {
        Log.d("WiFire", "Authentication failed");

2. Get WiFire instance

WiFire wiFire = WiFire.getInstance();

3. Syncing for Hotspots

//Starting sync
public void onResume() {
    if (wiFire != null) 
    	wiFire.enableSync(new WiFireErrorListener() {
                public void onError(WiFireException e) {
                    Log.e("WiFireSDK", e.getMessage());

//To sync within a required radius, pass an argument which is the radius in metres
wiFire.enableSync(1000, new WiFireErrorListener() {
    public void onError(WiFireException e) {
        Log.e("WiFireSDK", e.getMessage());

//Stopping sync
public void onPause() {
    if (wiFire != null) 

Since syncing can be resource intensive onResume() and onPause() would be ideal places to enable and disable sync respectively. While sync is enabled WiFire will both perform WiFire scanning and sync WiFire hotspots in the vicinity when the user's location changes

4. Syncing in background

WiFire can sync when the app is in the background. To achieve this you can omit the disableSync() call when the app goes to the background.

To optimise battery usage for sync while in background you can use


This will decrease the scan cycle frequency to minimise battery usage in the background.

Make sure to call wiFire.setPassiveScanningMode(false); when the app comes to the foreground to make sure your scan list gets updated correctly in time.

5. Getting a list of WiFireHotspot objects

wiFire.setHotSpotListener(new HotSpotListener() {
    public void onScanComplete(ArrayList<WiFireHotspot> wiFireHotSpots) {
        //Populate your listView or recyclerView here

WiFire will perform WiFi scans and will return a list of all the hotspots that are in range and can connect to. A list will be delivered every ~10 seconds.

6. Connecting to a network

try {
    wiFire.connectToNetwork(hotspot, new ConnectionListener() {
        public void onSuccess() {
        	Log.d("WiFire", "Connected");

        public void onFailure(WiFireException wiFireException) {
            Log.d("WiFire", wiFireException.getMessage());
} catch (WiFireInitException e) {
    Log.e("WiFire", e.getMessage());
    // This is to catch errors which can stop WiFi connection from initiating or completing
    // Possible errors
    // - User details have not been provided
    // - Another connection in progress
    // - An OEM level permission manager is blocking WiFi access
    // - Invalid hotspot, if a null WiFireHotspot object was passed
    // - Hotspot is out of range

7. Listening to WiFi network updates

To listen to WiFi connection/state changes you can create a BroadcastReceiver which extends com.mobstac.wifire.WiFireReceiver

This listener can work even when the app is in the background. Location and sync must be enabled for onWiFiNetworkInRange to work.

This allows for the following functionality

  • Show notifications when a WiFi network is available for connection
  • Recognise the business establishment the user is currently at
  • Show notifications for network login, when the user connects to a captive network
  • Clear older notifications when the user leaves a place
  • Get updates about WiFi connectivity changes
public class MyWiFireReceiver extends WiFireReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        super.onReceive(context, intent);

    public void onWiFiStateChange(WiFiState wiFiState, WiFireHotspot wiFireHotspot) {
        //WiFi network's state has changed, possible states are 
        //connected, disconnected, captive portal detected.

        // WiFireHotspot object will tell you which network the user is connected to.
        // It will be null if WiFiState is NO_WIFI or if the network that the user is connected to is not a public WiFire network.

    public void onWiFiNetworkInRange(ArrayList<WiFireHotspot> wiFireHotspots) {

        //This callback will work while WiFire sync is enabled. 

        //You can show notification for WiFi availability here. 

        //This will also have the business name so you can detect where the user is.

        //You will receiver this callback only once for a fixed set of WiFi networks.

        //When there are no networks in range, you will receive this callback once 
        //with an empty list to help clear any connectivity/business related notifications.

Set-up the intent filter for it like this

        <!--For listening to changes in WiFi state-->
        <action android:name="com.mobstac.wifire.WIFI_STATE_CHANGE" />
        <!--For listening to WiFi networks in range-->
        <action android:name="com.mobstac.wifire.WIFI_IN_RANGE" />

WiFire SDK requires that the network stay in range for at least one minute (60 seconds) before a notification is sent to the user. This avoids spamming the user while they are walking or driving.

To change the delay for this notification, you can use


Note that this only affects the onWiFiNetworkInRange callback. WiFi state events will be delivered instantly.

8. Starting automatic network login

try {
} catch (WiFireInitException e) {
    Log.e("WiFire", e.getMessage());
    // This is to catch errors which can stop automatic login from starting. Possible errors are 
    // - User details have not been provided
    // - Not connected to WiFi

This will launch an activity which will take care of the login flow. To check if the activity successfully completed login, use onActivityResult()

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, data);
    if (requestCode == WiFire.CAPTIVE_LOGIN_REQUEST) {
        if (responseCode == WiFire.CAPTIVE_LOGIN_SUCCESS) {
            Log.d("WiFire", "Login successful");
        } else if (responseCode == WiFire.CAPTIVE_LOGIN_FAILED) {
            Log.e("WiFire", "Login failed");
        } else if (responseCode == WiFire.CAPTIVE_LOGIN_CANCELLED) {
            String reason = data.getStringExtra("reason");
            if (reason == null)
                reason = "Login cancelled";
            Log.e("WiFire", reason);
        } else if (responseCode == WiFire.CAPTIVE_LOGIN_NETWORK_FAILURE) {
            String reason = data.getStringExtra("reason");
            if (reason == null)
                reason = "Login failed because of network failure";
            Log.e("WiFire", reason);

9. Get current WiFi's state

wiFire.getCurrentState(new NetworkStateListener() {
    public void onResult(WiFiState wiFiState) {
        switch (wiFiState) {
            case NO_WIFI:
                //Not connected to WiFi;
            case WIFI_CAPTIVE_PORTAL:
                //Login needed to access network;
            case WIFI_INTERNET:
                //On the internet
                //No internet access

10. Get the SSID of the current network

String networkName = wiFire.getCurrentNetworkName();

null if not connected to WiFi

11. Check if the current network is a WiFire verified public network

boolean verified = wiFire.isWiFireNetwork();

12. Setting user details

As per TRAI regulations a public WiFi hotspot is supposed to collect the user's phone number

WiFire.getInstance().setUserDetails(countryCode, phoneNumber, emailID, name);

You will need to set the user's details in the SDK before connecting to a network. Email ID and name fields are optional, but some providers require those fields to be filled out before they give you Internet access.


WiFire SDK for Android that can be embedded in other apps to enable WiFire functionality







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