(Depreciated - see http://wikilogic.github.io/ for contributors setup)
You'll need these already installed:
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Browserify
- Gulp 4
npm install -g gulpjs/gulp.git#4.0
npm install -g jshint
Then you can pull in WikiLogic:
git clone https://github.com/WikiLogic/WikiLogic.git
npm install
npm start
This will just run the server. TODO: hook up to the remote db when this command is run.npm run start:dev
This will run EVERYTHNIG locally, don't be afraid if your terminal goes nuts, there's a lot happening in there.
With Docker and Docker Compose, you won't need to install MongoDB and the dependencies manually.
Just execute the following commands:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000
to see the application. You can also connect to your MongoDB on localhost:27017
(e.g. with RoboMongo).
- The
directory is “inside” the Docker container, so you won't see it on your host machine. - This has only been tested with Docker for Mac. URLs can change under Linux or Windows.
This is the Express app, job 1: serve the static assets. job 2: serve the data. In future versions these two jobs will be split.
This holds the JS and CSS for the web app. Do not do any development in here, your work will be overwritten by compilers.
This hold the es6 / sass files that will be compiled down into the static folder. This is where any Front End Devs will live.
This is the code that will test everything. When you push / pullrequest to our github repo, travis will run these tests and only accept the branch / commit if the tests pass.
- Clientside we're using Rivets.js to bind data to the DOM and browserify to deal with the JS that manages that data.
- Serverside we're using Express.js to serve the site.
- For the database we're using MongoDB.
see user profile:
db.users.find({"local.email":"email here"}).pretty()
remove drafts from user profile:
db.users.update({"local.email":"email here"},{$set:{"meta.unPublished":[ ]}})
db.users.update({"local.email":"email here"},{$set:{"meta.published":[ ]}})
clear out claims:
/ true
clear out drafts
Root statement:
- Hypothesis (prediction)
- Observation
- Undisputed fact
- Absolute truth
Example claims
There are no absolute truths (it would be an argument against itself)
Shout out to useiconic for the icons!
this looks good for the graph: http://cytoscapeweb.cytoscape.org/tutorial
and this: http://sigmajs.org/
Sounds for fun? http://loudlinks.rocks/#examples
Fancy tool tip positioning> https://popper.js.org/
Make it look like office? http://dev.office.com/fabric
swap db to rethink - push!!!
One day: http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2016/05/announcing-syntaxnet-worlds-most.html?m=1 here's the repo: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/syntaxnet
some good ideas for styles: http://cognition.happycog.com/article/happy-cog-starter-files-2016-edition
Haxl: https://github.com/facebook/Haxl could be useful
port finder in case ports are already being used on your computer: https://github.com/indexzero/node-portfinder
get some standard linting set up: https://blog.codepen.io/2014/04/22/009-code-quality/
for documentation: https://github.com/integrations/gitbook
UI ideas: https://airtable.com/templates/human-resources/employee-directory
better auth: https://auth0.com/blog/2015/08/20/from-theory-to-practice-adding-two-factor-to-node-dot-js/
Need to build a node map version of this: http://codepen.io/birjolaxew/pen/jrqzrb
cool style idea for the tabs: http://codepen.io/marcobiedermann/pen/aZZQww
this may be needed: https://github.com/paulmillr/es6-shim/ needs more looking into!
interesting for deployment/scaling: http://kubernetes.io/
Also for when we get really big: https://webtorrent.io/ p2p streaming data using the browser! and this: https://zeronet.io/
cool tree design idea: http://png.clipart.me/graphics/thumbs/199/icon-tree-flat-abstract-background-with-web-icons-interface-symbols-cloud-computing-mobile-devices-business-concept_199444085.jpg
Love this style: http://codepen.io/Benny29390/pen/Lkwbxz
For the back end - build together microservices and identify those that can be dropped in times of really high load.
ohhhhh for the canvas: https://www.quantamagazine.org/20150803-physics-theories-map/
other argument maps:
- debategraph: http://debategraph.org/
animations on scroll: https://github.com/michalsnik/aos - test this, looks good!
Wikilogic is maintained by The WikiLogic Foundation