diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index be4fa5dd2..8b4b7ee88 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -20,6 +20,28 @@ [](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miraisoft.genshindb) +### Translations +Currently the app supports English and Spanish (There are some folks working on a french / russian translation). +If you want to help me with the translations, i encourage you to check the following files: + +The translations are splitted in two files, the main one (where all the data of the characters / artifacts / etc are stored): +[Main](https://github.com/Wolfteam/GenshinDb/blob/develop/assets/i18n/en.json) + +And the general one: +[General](https://github.com/Wolfteam/GenshinDb/blob/develop/lib/l10n/intl_en.arb) + +To translate the general one is very simple, create a copy of the file, keeping the keys and translate the values: +E.g (in spanish) : "dark" :"Oscuro" + +The main one is where you will find all the data for all the weapons, artifacts, etc. +To translate this file just create a copy of it and do the following: +There is a key called "key" for each character, weapon, etc, and this one does not require a translation, it's just there for convenience, +and the same applies here, just keep the keys and translate the values +E.g: if I'm translating "name": "Normal Attack" to spanish it will look like this: "name": "Ataque normal" + +In this file, there are some translations (mainly for weapons) that look like this: "Increases DMG against enemies affected by Hydro or Pyro by {{0}}%", +The {{x}} is a placeholder and the value shouldn't be changed, but the position can be changed in the text. + ### Special Thanks * To [Uzair Ashraf](https://github.com/uzair-ashraf) for his wish simulator