Process Information PID: 12496 EXE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin\Origin.exe STARTED: Fri, Jun 23 2017 09:33:14 PM WARN 09:33:14 PM 13076 IGOTelemetry.cpp: 77 Unable to retrieve telemetry prod id WARN 09:33:14 PM 13076 IGOTelemetry.cpp: 87 Unable to retrieve telemetry timestamp INFO 09:33:14 PM 13076 DllMain.cpp: 2266 Info Display: disabled INFO 09:33:14 PM 13076 DllMain.cpp: 2271 32-bit DLL Process attach - 9 INFO 09:33:14 PM 13076 DllMain.cpp: 2323 parent process name: originsteamoverlaylauncher.exe (size 30) INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 7702E920 (DoDragDrop) between 00000001 and F6FAE920 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 192 mhooks: BlockAlloc: Allocated block at 77180000 as 282 trampolines INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747FE3E0 (SetFocus) between 00000001 and F477E3E0 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747EB070 (SetForegroundWindow) between 00000001 and F476B070 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747F8570 (BringWindowToTop) between 00000001 and F4778570 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 74868390 (SwitchToThisWindow) between 00000001 and F47E8390 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747FE5C0 (ShowWindowAsync) between 00000001 and F477E5C0 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747FE5B0 (ShowWindow) between 00000001 and F477E5B0 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747FE560 (SetWindowPos) between 00000001 and F477E560 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 747FE2F0 (SetActiveWindow) between 00000001 and F477E2F0 INFO 09:33:15 PM 13076 mhook.cpp: 437 TrampolineAlloc: for 770C98C0 (CreateFileW) between 00000001 and F70498C0