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The Notifications Center is the page for Worldbrain administrators to create and send new notifications to their users. Examples of notifications include system udpates, security notices and general notices to Worldbrain users. This is a MERN stack application (MongoDB/Express/React/Node.js).

Getting Started

To get started with the Notifications webapp, please clone and follow the instructions for installation and command lines to start up the webapp below:


You should have Node and NPM installed
node -v (to check node version)

You should also have Mongdb Community Edition installed (Ubuntu version)

npm install mongodb --save

This app uses the following dependencies: Express: provides a framework to set up our Node.js server
Body-Parser: parses incoming request bodies to send data/JSONs via req.body POST route
Nodemon: watches our server.js file for changes, then restarts it
Mongoose: provides methods and schema to interact with Mongodb Note please install 4.10.8 to avoid deprecation warnings with promises.

Install with:
npm i express body-parser nodeman mongoose --save

Testing routes

To interact with MongoDB, you can either use Robomongo or Studio 3t (download whichever is most convenient). It should automatically connect with mongo and you can create view the Notifications collection

Use Postman to test the routes specified in src/api.js, You can test all of the CRUD routes and create new notifications via Postman.

Running the web-app

To make sure server is up and running: npm start
To run the react-app: npm run start-dev To run mongodb: sudo service mongodb start To run in production: NODE_ENV="production" node server.js


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