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Easily and remotely monitor the progress of your R scripts.



Consider the script example_scripts/square.R

#< Setting up the square function
square <- function(x) {
#< Computing the square

The #< comments are special comments that tell monitauR to log these steps.

$ Rscript -e "monitauR::monitor('example_scripts/square.R')"

Job 1: --- Initialised ---
Job 1:
Job 1: Setting up the square function (1/2)
Job 1: Computing the square (2/2)
Job 1: --- Finished ---

Alternatively, you can include a call to monitauR::monitor() at the top of the script and run the script normally with $ Rscript example_scripts/square.R or > source("example_scripts/square.R"). NOTE: if you are running the script interactively (i.e. line by line) then you only need to run the the first line i.e. monitauR::monitor(). Monitor will automatically run the rest of your script (just make sure it's saved).

#< Setting up the square function
square <- function(x) {
#< Computing the square
$ Rscript example_scripts/square.R

Job 2: --- Initialised ---
Job 2:
Job 2: Setting up the square function (1/2)
Job 2: Computing the square (2/2)
Job 2: --- Finished ---

The steps are logged to a web-api and can be viewed using the web-app at



MonitauR will create a unique random token e.g. 4e814983-a675-4d07-9789-6a3b4f187867 this token is required to access the logs. Tokens can be used to group jobs together by specifying them in monitauR::monitor(token="my-project-token") all jobs using this token will show up on the same jobs page. You can set the token to anything* however, setting it to something simple may clash with other tokens.

Comment Syntax

The comment syntax can be changed using the comment_syntax option in monitauR::monitor e.g. monitauR::monitor('example_scripts/square.R', comment_syntax="#") to log normal comments. A name for the script can be specified with the name option e.g. monitauR::monitor('example_scripts/square.R', name="cool script").

Expression comments

Expressions can be used in monitauR comments by wrapping them in {}. For example the last line of the script below will send 'The result is 25' to the server.

#< Setting up the square function
square <- function(x) {
#< Computing the square
res <- square(5)
#< { sprintf("The result is %s", res) }

Emails (experimental)

Using the email argument you can get the monitauR-api to send you emails when your job finishes/errors.

monitauR::monitor('example_scripts/square.R', email="")


There is a plumber api running on that receives and logs requests from monitauR::monitor. The script infile (example_scripts/square.R) has a special comment syntax (#<) that tells monitauR::monitor when to send a logging request.

While evaluating the script when the special comment (#<) is reached a request is sent to the server telling it to log the step.

lifecycle of a monitauR script

  1. The script is parsed and the expressions are extracted
  2. Job ID is generated (status set to initialised)
  3. A future is created (using the Job ID) for each special comment step
  4. Job status is set to running
  5. Script is evaluated and futures are run in sequential order
  6. Any errors are caught and sent to the server (status set to error)
  7. When the script completes the Job status is set to finished


Details for the default plumber api can be found here. However, the default api is shared and anyone can add to or edit the data on there, and the data might be wiped at any point. If you want your own private server you could deploy your own API and replace the API_URL pram in monitauR::monitor.


Jobs can be monitored via /jobs section of webapp found at Details for the webapp can be found here.

Docker dev env

docker run --rm -p 8787:8787  -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio -e ROOT=TRUE -e PASSWORD=yourpasswordhere rocker/rstudio


MonitauR the progress of your R scripts 🐮




