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BP-01 : Android Wallet (Completed ✔)


The Android Wallet is a secured online wallet designed to propose a secured place to store or move XCASH to another wallet. It will be available on any Android device (tablet or phone).


To complete this project succesfully, we believe that the project taker project manager to have good knowledge of X-Cash, cryptonote and Monero ecosystem. The builder can choose any technology stack he/she see fit (Java, Kotlin, React Native etc...).
Forking an already existing Monero Android wallet is also possible.

Milestones / Develirables

The project is considered finished when a stable beta version is available to download. It should have :

  • All the basic wallet functions (transfer, public or private).
  • The delegate voting functions.
  • Synchronization from trusted remote node list.
  • Secured access with password.

Additional information / Budgeting

No budget was planned before the launch of this project.
We have decided to reward 35M XCASH to @snakewaypasser on the project completion considering the difficulty of the task.

No USD matching was announced for this project.

✔ Completed

Date Reward (XCASH) XCASH Address Tx Hash
02/04/2021 11,286,937 XCA1oLHDtCaji9Q3UUnmh1dCGxHcCwbmL8m1mLZWp8Q7Md1iHba29Tc9gzz1d2f1AUcwjr4YGGGbzYnanbfFFCR91cWDWqQumd 939de4e294b67c29e0beebd8f17ff3da612908513edeafa5a6e33b8a3413874a
02/04/2021 23,713,063 XCA1oLHDtCaji9Q3UUnmh1dCGxHcCwbmL8m1mLZWp8Q7Md1iHba29Tc9gzz1d2f1AUcwjr4YGGGbzYnanbfFFCR91cWDWqQumd f72d28a89e6546f67234bca936d97b287b578dacda665c2170015508a1e70360