Do you want to get your work featured here, be it an article, plugin or other code ? You're at the right place.
Did you Notice something missing in this curated list of awesome things related to YOURLS ? Or encountered a dead link ?
The best and fastest way is to open a pull request to add, fix or remove links.
Please prefer hosting your resources (code, article) somewhere users will be able to interact with you (blog comments, ideally Github issues). This way, official YOURLS resources won't be polluted by questions concerning your material.
Any content, free or commercial, is welcome to be listed. Just make it clear to users.
On your README
or home page, make sure your users notice that you are listed on this awesome list. This way the community will grow faster and you will eventually get more users
It's totally optional, but it's a nice way to show you've been featured in an Awesome list. You can choose either the regular badge or the flat one.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.