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53 lines (43 loc) · 2.31 KB

Yogularm Infinite

Yogularm Infinite is a Java game in which Yogu - the player - jumps and runs through an auto-generated 2-dimensional world. As the name says, it is impossible to finish the game. However, the goal is to collect as many coins as possibly. Chickens make their own way through the dizzy air, and you have to watch out for arrows...

How to start Yogularm Infinite

This repository does not contain the binary files of Yogularm. Either follow the steps below to set up Eclipse, or start Yogularm from the web.

How to develop

  1. Eclipse must be installed, and this repository downloaded completely.
    • If you want to develop for android, install android sdk next
  2. Import the projects (de.yogularm.common and is required, the others are optional) into your workspace.
  3. If you want to develop for desktop, set up the correct native libraries: Create a symbolic link from de.yogularm.desktop/build/.classpath-PLATFORM (where PLATFORM is your platform, e.g. win32 or linux64) to de.yogularm.desktop/.classpath. Alternatively, you can create a copy.
  4. If you want to distribute your own edition of Yogularm, you should set up Java WebStart. If you only want to run it locally, you don't need this step.
    • Read the article about how to create keystore
    • Save the keystore as de.yogularm.desktop/build/keystore
    • Copy de.yogularm.desktop/build/ to and insert the storepass as value for sign.storepass
  5. Build the complete workspace. It may be neccessary to open a java file, make a little change, save it, undo the change and save it again before compiling.
  6. Open the file de.yogularm.desktop/src/de.yogularm.desktop/ and run it as a Java Application.

If you want to contribute to Yogularm, please fork the git repository

