ZWay Home Automation UI
UI for Z-Way Automation Server
API Documentation: http://docs.zwayhomeautomation.apiary.io/
Issues, bugs and feature requests are welcome: https://github.com/Z-Wave-Me/home-automation-ui/issues
- 2.0.1
- Update Morearty to 0.7.x
- Update Immutable to 3.5.x
- Fixes on Preferences/Modules/Instances views
- Minor design fix
- 2.0.0rc11
- Morearty 0.7.4
- React 0.12.1
- requirejs with jsx
- bugfixes
- 2.0.0rc8-rc10
- Fixes doorlock, switch
- Fix TranslationMixin
- Minor fixes
- 2.0.0rc7
- Localization
- Upgrade lib: Morearty 0.5 Immutable 3.0.0
- Gulp. Replace rimraf. Update manifest.
- 2.0.0rc6 (Maintenance release)
- Add Code Climat
- Minor fixes
- 2.0.0rc5
- Updated morearty to 0.4.7
- Integrated travis-ci
- Removed CHANGELOG.md
- 2.0.0rc4
- Thermostat stable
- ColorPicker stable
- Integration with travis-ci
- 2.0.0rc3 - Thermostat(beta) and Color picker widget(alpha). Update morearty to 0.4.5 and Immutable 2.5
- 2.0.0rc1-rc2 - Initial new version. Update Readme.md
## Build ##
- Install nodejs (example Ubuntu install)
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get -y update
$ sudo apt-get -y install nodejs
- Install npm-packages
$ cd /path/to/automationFolder
$ sudo npm install -g gulp bower && npm instal
- Compile front-end to /path/to/automationFolder/dist.
$ gulp
## Other task ##
- Start developer web server
$ gulp develop_server
- Validation JS
$ gulp validate