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Multiplayer Ping Pong Game !!


TLDR; I wanted to make this game because ping pong is a simple game and I wanted to learn more about networking multiplayer games!

How to play

Move: WASD or Arrow keys

Forfeit: O

Quickchat: F (1 - 9)

Debug Mode: G to toggle



Pros: The game responds to inputs immediately (client prediction) regardless of the internet connection quality between the client and the game server. The ball is predicted but the server is authoriative of it. Client has no input delay and super low bandwidth and smooths the corrections.

Cons: Prediction can go wrong, hackable, people can make their inputs purposely delayed and jittery, when client leaves the tab, it needs to resimulate all the time that passed when it left the tab instead of using the latest server state (since its determinstic lockstep and we are only sending the inputs), times where it looks like the other paddle doesn't hit the ball then the client gets the input from the other client that he hit the ball so the ball snaps back to where it should be around now (typically in the middle), fake wins (when you have high ping)

What should happen

  • Client presses down an arbitary key
  • Client applies the input and sends to the server the "tick" (frame number) that it was pressed on and the input data
  • Server receives the input and rewinds back in time to apply the input for the client
  • Server hands down the inputs to all the participating clients
  • Client gets the inputs from the server although its in the past because of delay
  • The client has to rewind to the past where the receiving input tick was on, and then reapplies inputs all the way to the present tick
  • Everyone is happy! No input delay
  • However, the quality of your experience is no longer dependent on how good your connection is to the game server, instead it depends on other people's connections
  • Also this does not scale well which is why you typically see determisntic lockstep implemented in small room-based games
  • But there are still two approaches you can do beyond this, Interpolation or Extrapolation (and both lol), For interpolation, you are purposely adding extra delay to opponents so they look smoother, for extrapolation, you are predicting what the opponent will do.
  • Since I want this game to be decently fast-paced, I will extrapolate the state of the game based on the last inputs of the other players. If the client is doing nothing, then it is assumed that they are still doing nothing. If they are holding left, then its assumed that they are still holding left the next frame. Im using the last input we received from that client and using it for future ticks to extrapolate it. I also add some decay in the input to simulate uncertainity because the prediction could be going in the wrong directions and we want to prevent large corrections. However this means that if you hold up, the other player whos watching you will see you slightly behind. (With no decay, they would see you at the same place).
  • We can also do some smoothing although its optional. Try not to have too big of a smoothing rate. Smoothing definitely helps and I decided to choose a smoothing rate of 15. I implemented smoothing by linearly interpolating to the actual simulation state by an arbitary smoothing rate.

The code is free and open source :D

(Might refactor it later to use svelte and typescript :p)

Notes: Sorry for the lack of comments and you can dm me if you have any questions concerning this project or the code (I respond very fast) [ Discord: ZeroTix#6300, Youtube: ZeroTix (pls subscribe :D) ]