Source code for paper Controlling Bias Exposure for Fair Interpretable Predictions [EMNLP2022]
- Download
to the current folder. - Create a
folder and prepare your data indatasets/
. You can also download our data from GDrive.
We support the following datasets:
- Jigsaw toxicity classification: The outcome is the toxicity label; the bias is the gender.
- Biobias dataset: The outcome is the professions; the bias is the gender.
- Bold dataset: A generation task where the input is a prompt, and the output is continuous text; the bias is race.
Data format: train/valid/test.json file, each line has an input (column name "document", string), outcome (column name: "label", integer), bias (column name: "gender", integer), datapoint id (column name "annotation_id", integer/string).
{"document": "You act like you never broke the law man, I wish I was as clean as you.", "label": 0, "gender": 0, "annotation_id": 966}
{"document": "'\nTrump is a con man and a buffoon.\n\nNothing more.", "label": 1, "gender": 0, "annotation_id": 2068}
--mode train \
--label gender \
--model latent \
--save_path $OUT_DIR \
--resume_snapshot $OUT_DIR/ \ # if you want to resume training
--batch_size $BS \
--dependent-z \
--selection $SV \
--lasso $LS \
--lambda_init $LV
$SV: selection rate for rationales
$LS: lasso weight
$LV: lambda value
Read the paper to see more explanations for those hyperparameters. The checkpoint will be saved at $OUT_DIR/
- Load the bias rationale extractor.
- Train the debiasing rationale extractor; the bias rationale extractor is fixed.
python \
--bias_model $OUT_DIR/ \
--save_path $ENERGY_REF_SAVE_DIR
--eps 1e-5 \
--num_iterations -100 \
--batch_size 1024 \
--sparsity 0.003 \
--coherence 1.0 \
--lambda_init 0.001 \
--word_vectors ./glove.840B.300d.sst.txt \
--dependent-z \
--strategy 2 \
--lambda_min 0.001 \
--model latent \
--train_embed \
--seed $seed \
--lasso 0.1 \
--bias_thred $bias_thred \
--selection $selection \
--debias_method $debias_method \
--abs \
--bias_weight $bias_weight
num_iterations: number of epochs if less than 0, else number of batches.
word_vectors: path to download word embeddings.
strategy: use 2 to reproduce our work.
dependent-z: if the prediction is dependent on z; use it to reproduce our work.
train_embed: if the embedding layer will be trained.
bias_threshold: what is the bias tolerance threshold in computing the penalty.
abs: if you want to penalize (select - $SV).
bias_weight: bias weight in loss computation.
After training the debiased checkpoint is saved to $SAVE_DIR
We re-use the classifier from the saved single rationale extractor. You can also train your own discriminator as long as it follows the classifier class in debias_models/common/
You can load the discriminator to evaluate the outcome label accuracy (e.g., for professions). In this case, make sure you have trained the corresponding rationale extractor; otherwise, train it now:
--mode train \
--model latent \
--label label \
--save_path $DISCRIM_DIR/label \
--batch_size $BS \
--dependent-z \
--selection $SV \
--lasso $LS \
--lambda_init $LV
Or you can evaluate bias prediction accuracy by directly loading the bias discriminator from the bias rationale extractor you saved before:
cp $OUT_DIR/ $DISCRIM_DIR/gender/
- Load the saved rationale extractor.
- Load the saved discriminator.
- Calculate the metrics.
--save_path $RESULT_SAVE_TO_DIR \
--rationale_model_path $ENERGY_REF_SAVE_DIR/ \
--discrim_model_path $DISCRIM_DIR/$LABEL_TYPE/ \
--save_predictions 1 \
--dataset biobias \
--generate 0 \
--word_vectors ./glove.840B.300d.sst.txt
can be the outcome (e.g., professions) by setting $LABEL_TYPE=label
or bias (e.g., gender) by setting $LABEL_TYPE=gender
To reproduce our work in debiasing classification, you do not need to calculate the metrics for generated bias rationale, you only need debiased rationales. Your pipeline is:
- Train a bias rationale extractor (use bias label).
- Train an outcome debiased rationale extractor using the energy model(use both bias and outcome label). This model will generate the debiased rationales.
- Train an outcome discriminator for evaluation (use outcome label).
- Generate outcome rationales for accuracy, F1, comprehensiveness, and sufficiency evaluation (use outcome label).