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This project plugs Google Gears in Ruby on Rails.

Gears on Rails helps developers to write fully offline functionnal web applications based on Gears without learning a bit of Gears.

Here we provide an demo to show what we have got and illustrate our ideas.

In this page, I am going to show how to make an offline read-only application using GoR Plugin.

In order to use this Plugin, Json should be installed on the system.

     gem install json_pure

We need Goolge Gears also installed on your system. You would be prompted to install Google Gears when you first time vist this web application if you havn't install it.

Now I am playing as a Rails programmer, who wants to make an offline version web app but without how to do this in javascript and havn't heard of Google Gears.
1. Setup a Rails project and Install Plugin

     rails demo
     ruby script/plugin install
    ruby script/plugin install git://
1.1 Config the database.yml properly
2. Generate Controller and Edit View

    script/generate controller say hello 

In hello.html.erb in the View folder.

          <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %>
          <h1>Online Status: <%= online_status_tag %> <BR> </h1>
          <b>Gears Status: <%= gears_status_tag %></b>
                    <td>&lt;%= link_to_local "SaySomething", :update=>'result', :action=>'saysomething'%></td>
                    <td>Rui says:</td>
                    <td id="result"></td>

Notes: In order to use 'online_status_tag' and 'link_to_local' helpers, you must add <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %> in <head>.

You can add online_status_tag multiple times to the places you need. gears_status_tag is used to indicate the current offline app status.
3. Edit Controller and add local controller

In app/controller/say_controller.rb add


then add action 'saysomething'

  def saysomething
    render :text=>

In app/controller, make subfolder 'local' and add file 'say_controller.json'

Note that all offline actions in 'say' controller are stored in this file in valid json format as "action_name":"code"

Add saysomething offline version in say_controller.json

     "saysomething": "return ('blabla...');"	

4. Done! Start Server

visit: http://localhost:3000/say/hello

The default offline view is the static page of each view. However, once you define the corresponding local action in json file, the offline response would be the return value of that local action. If you either don't want stale pages of your views or write javascript actions, you could simply write like this:

     acts_as_local :except=>['hello']

Visitors can't vist these excluded pages when they are offline.

You can exclude more actions like

     acts_as_local :except=>['hello','aaa','bbb']

Not working?

Change TARGET in vendor/plugins/acts_as_local/lib/gor/javascripts/data_switch.js to your host

The following will show how to create an offline view of a message board application.
Quick Start for Message Board

Use the 4 easy steps to convert your web-application to an offline working web-application.
Step 0 - Installation of GoR Plugin.

Install GoR from Googlecode. Inorder to install GoR from google code run the following command :

ruby script /plugin install
Step1 - Create offline actions by editing the controller

After installing GoR edit the controller to create the offline actions. Make the following changes to the controller.

add acts_as_local at the start of the controller.

Define a new Local action in the controller. It is important to include the single inverted comma '. Add the following code to the controller.

def new_local
		 posts = Post.find_local("all");


Define create_local action. It is important to include the single inverted comma '. Add the following code to the controller.

 def create_local
        post ="post"));
        window.location.reload( false );

Step 2 - Debug Information

Edit view to create offline view.

Add debug info to online view

<p><b> Debug info: Online: <%= online_status_tag %> 
 Gears: <%= gears_status_tag%> </b></p>

Create a new html.erb file and copy the contents from the online view as it is to make the offline template.
Step 3.Edit View to create offline view.

After offline view is created replace following Ruby functional part

<% for post in @posts %>
      <td><%=h post.title %></td>
      <td><%=h post.body %></td>
  <% end %>


 <%= local '
   var posts;
 posts.each(function(post) {
 puts "<tr>"
 puts "<td>"+post.title+"</td>"
 puts "<td>"+post.body+"</td>"
 puts "</tr>"
' %>

At the end replace

<form action="/posts/new" onSubmit="alert(Form.serialize(this));" class="new_post" id="new_post" >


<% form_local_for('post',:action=>'create') do |f| %>

Copyright (c) 2008 [name of plugin creator], released under the MIT license


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