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Resource Overview

The following resources are accessible via the REST API or are concepts core to the Zingle Platform that you should familiarize yourself with.


An Account is the master record for a Business that uses Zingle. As the developer you will be granted access to specific Accounts, and be provided the ability to perform operations on their behalf. An Account is a container for one or more Services.


A Service is a distinct messaging center that contains collections of conversations with Contacts.


Every Service must have an associated Plan. The plan defines the messaging limitations, features, and cost of the Zingle Service.


Contacts are customers to the Business. They are individuals that communicate in a two-way conversation with a Zingle Service.


Labels are customizeable colored tags that can be applied to Contacts. Services may message all Contacts with a given Label for group messaging capabilities.

Custom Field

Custom Fields provide the ability to add variable meta data to Contacts. Custom Fields are useful for maintaining relevant stateful information about your Contacts.

Custom Field Option

Custom Fields may be either simple types (like a string), or be an option list. Custom Field Options are the invididual values within an option list.

Custom Field Value

When updating Custom Field data on a Contact, you are actually updating a Custom Field Value object. This entity maps a Custom Field to the value on the Contact.

Channel Type

Channel Types are the medium that facilitate communication between the Contact and the Service. Example Channel Types are: Phone Number, Email Address, and User Defined.

Service Channel

A Service Channel is the way Contacts can communicate with a Service. A Service Channel might have a Channel Type of Phone Number, with a Channel Value of +18585555555. Service Channels must be unique across the entire Zingle platform. A Service may contain multiple Service Channels of differing Channel Types.

Contact Channel

A Contact Channel is the way Services can communicate with a Contact. A Contact Channel might have a Channel Type of Phone Number, with a Channel Value of +18585555555. Contact Channels must be unique within a Zingle Service. A Contact may contain multiple Contact Channels of differing Channel Types.


Messages define the sender, recipient(s), message body, and attachments. Messages are sent to/from Contacts, Services and Labels via Channels.

Message Correspondent

Message Correspondents are the abstract representation of either the Sender or Recipient on a Message.

Message Attachment

Message Attachments provide the ability to add binary data, such as images, to messages.


Automations perform triggered tasks, based on conditions, within the Zingle platform without any direct user interaction. Tasks include messaging contacts, applying labels, applying custom fields, printing to Zingle Printers, and much more.

Available Phone Number

As part of the Zingle platform, you are able to search for, and provision new SMS-capable Phone Numbers. These phone numbers will become an additional Channel on which Contacts can communicate to your Service.