nvm use
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm install
pre-commit install
pnpm run start-server
pnpm run ci
Test Locally
# start the dev server
pnpm next dev -p 4001
pnpm run test -- --spec test/specs/svg.e2e.ts
Deploy to Vercel without having to commit or push (the randomized URL for viewing build will be in the output of this command). Note: this will create the directory .vercel
at the root of the project, which is in .gitignore. So, if this is a clean clone, this will prompt for a setup. Following the setup prompts configure the local repo.
pnpm vercel # preview deployment
pnpm vercel --prod
Spell check against a aspell definition in dotfiles
aspell --master=en_US --lang=en_US -c resume.json
- Install tfenv.
- Install blackbox.
- Run
. - Add
file to theterraform
cd terraform
terraform fmt
Initialize the backend
cd terraform
terraform init -backend-config=./terraform.backend
Apply the infrastructure
terraform apply --var-file=main.tfvars
Upgrading Terraform
tfenv list-remote
echo "1.3.10" > terraform/.terraform-version
terraform init -backend-config=./terraform.backend
terraform plan -var-file=main.tfvars
Upgrading providers
Upgrade to the maximum version allowed by versions.tf
terraform init -upgrade -backend-config=./terraform.backend
terraform plan -var-file=main.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=main.tfvars