Displays shogi board and pieces with Initial arrangement and moves information that is written in JavaScript literals.
Initial development period: June 2021 - August 2021 First Deployed in production site - March 2023
A demo running in website can be seen in this link .
(This is a rewrite of modx/PHP/JS projects from 2012. This new project is written with TypeScript with Preact (In another word, 100% client side solution.) - original PHP/JS/JQuery project is https://github.com/a2life/Web_shogiboard)
To get started, clone repository and then do
npm install
npm run dev
to run dev server
- This will run the project with demo page on local server. index.html file has enough data to show multiple shogi-boards with different parameter settings.
- Data to render those boards are in JavaScript section of index.html, contained in object array with globally declared variable name of 'initialSetup_ts81'.
- Behavior and parameters are almost identical to those described in web-shogi-board project from 8 years ago. The project 8 years ago was written with PHP and JavaScript with liberal use of JQuery library functions. This project does not use JQuery. Modern TypeScript/JavaScript features are sufficient. Kifu parser is now written in JavaScript(TypeScript), meaning it is processed in client side. It is not that I am avoiding PHP and server side processing. Rather I am much more comfortable with concept of client side processing.
- The previous project relied on modx CMS as a framework. This new setup does not rely on specific CMS. The only thing required will be for the hosting side to provide shogi data in Javascript array.
npm run build
to build project with example index.html
npm run serve
to server built project
- BookMarking: Kif format document specifies & as 'bookmark' token. I have not seen this used in any kifu that I have encountered but this will be very useful to bookmark any points in branched move. current 'startAt' parameter will only work in main branch position. Currently, the program 'sees' & but do nothing about it.
This is a TypeScript / Preact project with ViteJs as a bundler to display shogi board on webpages. Intended usage is to display shogi board for explaining game of shogi piece movement and strategy.
This application is not intended to be used to play shogi. The purpose of this application is to display recorded Shogi movements.
- Shows static board to demonstrate piece placement on the board
- demonstrate tactical movement of pieces, such as creating castle or prepare for attack
- replay games from kifu record that is available from Shogi kifu database.
- The program can take standard Kakinoki(柿木) style Kifu format as one of Initial setup parameters and parse them into playable shogi board display.
- Own instruction set in JavaScript Object format for piece movement and placement is used. Kifu is first translated to this internal instructions and executed.
- Branching is supported
- Play forward, backward or jump to branch point with play buttons. mouse clicking on the right half of the board will also move pieces forward. Clicking on the left half of the board will move pieces backwards
- Piece placement and movement of them are controlled by CSS. One can change CSS to modify board and piece appearance.
- Rendering of multiple shogi boards on single web page is supported. Simply put placeholders as div elements with class name of 'board-app'. If you place two such divs on the page, then the app will render two shogi boards. You need to provide a rendering data array with corresponding number of elements in Javascript. Each board is managed as an element of data array. There is no iframe tags involved.
- Right clicking on the board will display context menu with the following action items
- Rotate board 180 degree
- Copy SFEN data to clipboard
- Download board's graphic image in PNG format
- Download Kifu. This option is only available if Kifu is used as a source of data
Placement of shogi piece on the board is managed by class attributes of html tag.
For example, to place sente's king on the 55 location, the following image tag is created and inserted to containing div element
by the program.
<img src="[PathToKoma]/sou.png" class="koma c5 r5" alt="" />
The class indicator .c5 and r5 place a piece to relevant location (column 5, row 5) according to css definition. to move the piece from 55 to 44, the program will manipulate the class so that the tag will be now
<img src="[PathToKoma]/sou.png" class="koma c4 r4" alt="" />
the browser will reposition the piece. This gives the illusion that the piece has "moved"
buttonBar block is dynamically created if "moves" exists. commend block will be dynamically created if there is/are comment(s) in Kifu record.
board rendering mechanism is basically a couple of js modules and one CSS file.
- index.js
- vendor.js
- index.css
When you build the project, those three files will be generated with unique hash strings added to the filename.
Those javascript files will be served from /assets folder The build script also populates assets folder with all required shogi board and piece images.
to create a board, place div element with board-app class, like so
<div class='board-app'></div>
This will show shogi board with 'normal' size.
<div class='board-app large'></div>
This will show shogi board with 'large' size.
Then attach the Javascript snippet with the array object with name 'initialSetup__ts81'.
This variable name 'initialSetup_ts81'is hard coded in index.js as declared global variable. this array need to be stuffed with Shogi data
const initialSetup__ts81=[
{ ...object literal...}
You may add multiple object literal in the initialSetup__ts81 array. Just add matching number of divs with board-app class name.
Below example shows the two object literals with data to display on the board
senteOnBoard: "53s,16b",
goteOnBoard: "41s,51k,61s",
senteOnHand: 's1',
goteOnHand: 'r2,p3,l1,g1',
moves: [
"***Juicy initial comment***",
"s+5216***Spirit of this problem!***",
"sd62s***The rest is easy***",
caption: "Three move tsume with extra pieces in gote on-hand area"
initialComment: 'Hisshi Problem',
kifu:`#KIF version=2.0 encoding=UTF-8
# ---- Kifu for Windows V7 V7.06 棋譜ファイル ----
開始日時:2015/03/27 21:40:49
終了日時:2015/03/27 21:41:16
後手の持駒:飛二 角二 金三 銀三 桂四 香三 歩十五
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・v香|一
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ と ・v玉|二
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・v歩 ・|三
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・v歩|四
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|五
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|七
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|八
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|九
先手の持駒:金 銀
1 2二銀打 ( 0:05/00:00:05)
2 2一桂打 ( 0:06/00:00:06)
3 1三金打 ( 0:03/00:00:08)
4 同 桂(21) ( 0:03/00:00:09)
5 2一銀(22) ( 0:03/00:00:11)
6 投了 ( 0:07/00:00:16)
Inside the program, the second object, which main part is a kifu file literal, will be 'pre-processed' to create object literals comparable to the first object. In the project 8 years ago, this 'pre-processing' was done in the PHP server side script. In this implementation, 'pre-processing' is done on the client side JavaScript (in your browser)
parameters are object element inside the object literal. The following parameters are currently recognized.
- sOnHand or senteOnHand : string indicating on hand pieces for sente. default is none. ex. "l,l,p" (see below)
- gOnHand or goteOnHand: string indicating on hand pieces for gote. default is none ex. "l,l,p" (see below)
- sOnBoard or senteOnBoard: string indicating on board pieces for sente. default is initial setup for sente for no handicap game. ex. "11l,21n,31s,41g,51k,13p,22b"
- gOnBoard or goteOnBoard: string indicating on board pieces for sente. default is initial setup for gote for no handicap game. ex. "99l,28r"
- showMarker:boolean When set to true, it turns on marker indicator to show the last move. When markerAt is set, showMarker will be automatically set to true.
- markerAt: string Indicating the initial grid position that will be highlighted. default is 00 position which is "out of the way". ex., "24" for position 2四 for the initial display. Afterward, showMarker behavior takes over. If this parameter exists, then ShowMarker flag will be also set to true.
- moves : string[], data representing piece moves. ex. ["s-2627","g-8687","s-2526","g-8586"] (this represents 2六歩、8四歩、2五歩、8五歩).
- kifu: The program can read kakinoki(柿木) style kifu notation. Append entire kifu record inside backtick pair (quoted literal) . it will take precedence over other individual parameters (moves, sOnHand,gOnHand,gOnBoard,sOnBoard)
- url: Specifies the url for kifu file in kifu format. The utf8 encoded as well as Shift-JIS encoded text file is supported. Also, CORS policy will be enforced. Therefore, depending on Server's origin and header setting, this parameter may not work.
- sfen: static board information in sfen format. However, move count and side information is not utilized at this time.
- startup and tesuu: number Those two are the same. the board will advance its move to assigned move number. Allows board to start from middle of the game record. if both are defined, then 'startAt' takes precedence.
- animate or smooth: boolean Set to false by default. If set to true, pieces will glide rather than abruptly jump.
- maskBranch :boolean default is false. When branch moves exists, then a dropdown list will be displayed at the branch point. It usually shows the default move. if this parameter is set to true, then the selection window shows "Next Move" and forces user to select move. Also, the select option order is randomized. when "next move" is displayed in the option window, forward button and tap forward are disabled.
- maskBranchOnce : boolean, default is false. Similar to maskBranch but it does mask branch window only once. subsequent or replayed branch will not be masked.
- If more controlled branch masking is desired, you can add '?' as a first character of comment line. First branching moves after the comment will be masked. See below.
- flip: boolean default to false. When set to true, Rotate the board image 180 degree.
- grid: number. default is 1. Corresponds to different graphics file for grid.
- ban: number default is 2. Corresponds to different graphics for ShogiBoard
- koma: number default is 5. Corresponds to different graphics for koma.
- marker: number default is 1. Corresponds to different color for marker.
- See SetImageSelection.ts for options available for grid,ban,koma and marker.
- Moves, along with onHand and onBoard parameter can be used to do quick construction of shogi board without the use of kifu source
Moves do not need to alternate between hands. Usually the notation goes like below.
is also allowed. it will be handy for teaching how to construct a castle.
Branching is supported. Branch moves will be shown in front of button bar if the selections are available.
Piece representations in moves, sOnHand,gOnHand,sOnBoard and gOnBoard parameters are as follows.
l : lance
L : lance promoted
n : Knight
N : Knight promoted
s : silver
S : silver promoted
r : Rook
R : Rook promoted
b : Bishop
B : Bishop promoted
k : King
Move notation
Anything after three asterisks and before three asterisks is considered as a comment paragraph and will be displayed in comment window.
If the first character of the comment is '?' or whole comment is just '?' (surrounded by three asterisks) this will affect the first branching dropdown list after the comment and option window will show "Next move" instead of default move. Next move must be selected from dropdown list. Order of selection list will be randomized.
kifstr is 5 or 6 character string.
first character ; Either s or g to notate the Side s = sente(black) and g = gote (white) Note in shogi, the black moves first
second character : '-' to indicate normal move, '+' to indicate promotion, 'd' to indicate drop
third and fourth chars: 'move to' coordinate. 34 means 3d, 22 means 2b etc.,
fifth and six column : 'move from' coordinate for '-' and '+'. in case of 'd' then only fifth column will be used as piece indicator
some example of moves
"s-7677", // white move a piece from 77 to 76
"g-3433", // black moves a piece from 33 to 34
"sd55g", // black drops a gold to 5e.
"g-3534***do you think this is cool?******words after carriage return***", // white moves a piece from 34 to 35. Comment windows displays"do you think this is cool?<cr>words after carriage return"
s+2228 // piece at the 28 position is moved to 22 and then get promoted.
"x" // end of moves indicator
"x" by itself is a special character and denotes the end of moves.
Branch is supported in the following way.
"kifst=1", //fisrt move 1
"kifstr=2",// move 2
"kifstrJ3",// move 3 etc.,
"kifstrJ4:labelA1", // move 4. move 4 has branch. label should be assigned to the line to indicate its play.(ie., 3七銀etc.,
"kifstr=5:labelB1", // move 5
"C:4", // indicates branch move at 4th move.
"kifstr=4:labelB2", // and labelB2 is stuffed into the selectin list.
In the above example, when move reaches the third move (J3), list box will be created and the user is presented with a choice with labelA1 and Label A2. If the user chooses label A1, then make a move, the user will then be presented with the list box with choices of LabelB1 and Label B2.
This method of manually creating each pieces move and managing branch moves will quickly become tiresome. Therefore, a most likely scenario is to create kifu file using application such as Kifu for windows and create Kifu file to use with the program.
Most Shogi GUI can also generate Kakinoki style kifu file (usually identified with file extension kif or kifu)
There are two ways to utilized Kakinoki style kifu files.
- See example1.js in record folder for example.
- This method is slightly inefficient because after the initial script loading and executing, the script has to fetch the file content as a promise object, then re-render the board from resolved promise object.
- See urlfetch.js for example.
- File must be in utf-8 encoded or SJIS encoded kifu format.
(note) When supplying the kifu from the server as a string literal, kifu value will be surrounded by back tick (`) as a string literals in JavaScript. Care should be taken to escape each backslash so that string literal will not process it as a combination of next character and make kifu information not properly parsed.
- It is possible to add data-input attribute to board-app div for delayed input of kifu data object
<div class="board-app" data-input="input1"></div>
In this case, hidden inbox field with element id of input1 is created.
Note: corresponding kifudata object (that may be an empty object) still need to be created for setup array.
Given the kifuData in setup object as kifuDataObject, the input field can be stuffed with value property of the element. ie.,
const inputElement = document.getElementById('input1');
Then this input can be dispatched to notify the change to the app.
const trigger = new Event('change');
The shogiboard app side will first decode URI component and then parse the JSON. See the first example on index.html