All notable changes to Moire project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Main Engine.
- Rendered frames background visualization.
- Keep the desired frame rate.
- Automatically drop speed of the simulation to match the frame rate.
- Handle keyboard events.
- Widgets.
- Base Panel decoration with smooth show-hide transitions.
- Descriptive list widget for table-like info visualization.
- System info widget with general info like FPS, timestep etc.
- Noise TV example.
- Tests.
- 100% code coverage by unittests.
- Documentation.
- Throughout API documentation via docstrings.
- Sphinx configuration to automatically build and publish at Read The Docs.
- Project overview.
- Brief installation instructions.
- Placeholder for tutorial.
- Miscellaneous.
- MIT License.
- Readme.
- Contributing Guidelines.
- Code of Conduct
- Changelog.