'UbiqArchView' is an apple App Store like animation, that shows circular progress of ongoing tasks in different states
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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
XCode8+ Minimum Deployment Target iOS 9.3
UbiqArchView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "UbiqArchView"
Copy UbiqArchView.swift into your project
You can initialize it from XIB file as well as manually:
let ubiqArchView = UbiqArchView(frame: CGRect(origin: point, size: boundSize))
Update default parameters by setting them externaly:
//Add symbol size
ubiqArchView.symbolSize = 20
// Width of inner static circle and broken animatable arch circle
ubiqArchView.archlineWidth = 3
// Progress circle line width
ubiqArchView.progressLineWidth = 6
// Pause symbol thickness
ubiqArchView.pauseSymbolThickness = 4
// Vertical distance between pause symbols and circle
ubiqArchView.pauseSymbolTopMultiplicationFactor = 4
// Horizontal distance between two pause symbols
ubiqArchView.pauseSymbolsDistance = 3
Modify state when your process/task is pending, inprogress or finished
// Sets Pending state
// Sets In Progress state
// Sets Paused state
// Sets state Normal
Modify animatable progress by updating 'progress' property
ubiqArchView.progress = 0.7
Check or change process state by accessing or modifying ubiqState property
ubiqState = .pending
- Added pause state support
- Added enum for handling state more correctly
UbiqArchView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Armen Abrahamyan, abrahamyan.armen@gmail.com