= language to define the action of the ACTORs in the 2D shooting game.
= object such as the bullet, turret, enemy or stage-pattern controlled by the FUNCTION.
= composed of the FUNCTION_NAME, FUNCTION_ARGUMENTs and the SCRIPT described in the indentation block.
straightBullet a, s
@angle = a
@speed = s
= sequcence of COMMANDs (e.g. fire the bullet, vanish in certain timing, change the position, angle or speed) to control the ACTOR.
= composed of the COMMAND_NAME and COMMAND_ARGUMENTs.
straightBullet 90, 0.02
@y += 0.01
= one of below-listed strings.
- VARIABLE = (set)
- VARIABLE += (incrementBy)
- VARIABLE -= (decrementBy)
- VARIABLE <= (set the steady-state value)
- VARIABLE <+= (set the steady-state increment value)
- VARIABLE <-= (set the steady-state decrement value)
- VARIABLE => (set the target value)
- vanish (vanish the ACTOR)
- wait (wait executing the SCRIPT)
- waitUntil (wait executing the SCRIPT conditionally)
- notify (suspend the waiting state of other ACTORs)
- repeat (repeat the CHILD_SCRIPT)
- while (repeat the CHILD_SCRIPT conditionally)
- FUNCTION_NAME (add another ACTOR)
= set the VALUE to the VARIABLE (e.g. position, angle or speed of this ACTOR).
@x = 0.2
= increment the VARIABLE by the VALUE.
@speed += 0.1
= decrement the VARIABLE by the VALUE.
= set the VALUE to VARIABLE every frame.
@x <= cos(@y * 0.001) * 0.4 + 0.5
(means the value of VARIABLE @x is set to the calculation result of the expression 'cos(@y * 0.001) * 0.4 + 0.5' every frame)
= increment the VARIABLE by the VALUE every frame.
@x <+= 0.01
(increments the value of the VARIABLE @x by 0.01 every frame)
= decrement the VARIABLE by the VALUE every frame.
= set the VALUE to the VARIABLE in a time span of VALUE(2) frames (1 frame = 1/60 sec.).
@y => 0.5, 120
(means the value of the VARIABLE @y changes from the current value to 0.5 linearly in a time span of 120 frames)
= vanish this actor.
= vanish CHILD_ACTORs having the FUNCTION_NAME.
(CHILD_ACTOR = ACTORs added by this ACTOR.)
= wait executing the SCRIPT for VALUE frames.
{COMMAND_ARGUMENT = default value} = optional argument having the default value.
= wait until VALUE becomes 1 (true).
= suspend the waiting state of the PARENT_ACTOR.
= suspend the waiting state of the CHILD_ACTOR having the FUNCTION_NAME.
= repeat the CHILD_SCRIPT VALUE times.
(CHILD_SCRIPT= indentation blocks after the COMMAND.)
repeat 10
fire a, s
a += av / 10
s += sv / 10
(SCRIPT from 'fire a, s' to 's += sv / 10' is the CHILD_SCRIPT)
= repeat the CHILD_SCRIPT until VALUE becomes 0 (false).
= add another ACTOR controlled by the FUNCTION corresponding the FUNCTION_NAME with FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_VALUEs.
@x <= cos(@y * 800) * 0.4 + 0.5
@y <+= 0.003
downwardBullet 0.02
wait 30
downwardBullet s
@angle = 0
@speed = s
(means the 'waveEnemy' fires the 'downwardBullet' every 30 frames)
= below-listed actor variable or string represents the user defined variable.
- @x (x-coordinate of the position of this ACTOR) (=0 means the left edge of the screen, =1 means the right edge)
- @y (y-coordinate of the position of this ACTOR) (=0 means top, =1 means bottom)
- @angle (direction of movement of this ACTOR) (=0 means downward, =90 means rightward, =180 means upward, =270 means leftward)
- @speed (speed of movement of this ACTOR)
= float value, VARIABLE, below-listed read-only variable or expression consists of OPERATORS and VALUEs.
- $playerX, $px (x-coordinate of the position of the PLAYER)
- $playerY, $py (y-coordinate of the position of the PLAYER)
- $enemyCount, $ec (total numbers of enemies on the screen)
- $angleToPlayer, $atp (angle from this ACTOR to the PLAYER)
- $distanceToPlayer, $dtp (distance from this ACTOR to the PLAYER)
- $ticks, $t (frame ticks from this ACTOR is generated)
- $parentX, $prx (x-coordinate of the position of the PARENT_ACTOR)
- $parentY, $pry (y-coordinate of the position of the PARENT_ACTOR)
- $infinity, $inf (infinite value)
@angle + 180
$playerY < 0.5 ? -1 : 1
(PLAYER = object controlled by the player (e.g. my ship, tank or fighter))
= operators to calc the float value.
- +, -, *, /, % (Arithmetic operations)
- V1..V2 (Get a random integer value from V1 to V2)
- V1__V2 (Get a random float value from V1 to V2)
- V1|V2 (Get V1 or V2 fifty-fifty)
- ==, !=, >, >=, <, <= (Comparison operations) (1 means true, 0 means false)
- !, &&, || (Logical operations)
- ? : (Conditional operator)
- () (Bracket)
- sin(), cos() (Trigonometric function)
= described in front of FUNCTIONs of stage, enemy, turret or bullet ACTORs.
- :stage (sets up enemies in the stage)
- :enemy (moves on the game screen and fires bullets)
- :turret (moves together with the enemy and fires bullets)
- :bullet (is fired toward the PLAYER)
= characters after '#'.
wait 2 # this is a comment.
= bootstrap FUNCTION.
addWaves 10
Copyright © 2013 ABA Games
Distributed under the MIT License.