You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 16
Build your own Applets
To create your own applets, it is highly recommended that you use IFTTT Platform as it allows you to create more versatile applets. You can sign up for IFTTT Platform in the following link: http://maker.ifttt.com
macOS IFTTT Control works thanks to m-cli, so it's possible to use any m-cli command with IFTTT, plus some extra macOS IFTTT Control commands. The commands available at this moment are:
usage: bluetooth [ status | on | enable | off | disable | help ]
bluetooth status # bluetooth status
bluetooth on # turn on bluetooth
bluetooth enable # turn on bluetooth
bluetooth off # turn off bluetooth
bluetooth disable # turn off bluetooth
usage: disk [ ls | list | info | fs | filesystems | ejectall | verify | repair | help ]
disk ls # list disks
disk list # list disks
disk list /dev/disk0 # list a specific disk
disk fs # list available filesystems for formatting
disk filesystems # list available filesystems for formatting
disk info /dev/disk0 # display information
disk ejectall # eject all mountable volumes
disk verify volume /Volume/MyVol # verify volume
disk verify disk /dev/disk0 # verify disk
disk repair volume /Volume/MyVol # repair volume
disk repair disk /dev/disk0 # repair disk
disk format MS-DOS MYNAME /dev/disk2 # format the entire disk with a windows format (MS-DOS)
disk format volume MS-DOS MYNAME /Volumes/myvol # format the volume with a windows format (MS-DOS)
disk reformat /Volumes/myvol # reformat a volume
disk rename CURRENTNAME NEWNAME # rename a volume
usage: display [ status | help ]
display status # status of displays
display help # show usage
usage: dns [ flush | help ]
dns flush # flushes local DNS
usage: dock [ showdelay | autohide | magnification | position | addblankspace | addrecentitems | prune | help ]
dock showdelay x.x # Changes how long the Dock takes to show up when auto-hide is enabled
dock autohide YES # Enable Dock's auto hide feature
dock autohide NO # Disable Dock's auto hide feature
dock magnification YES # Turn magnification on
dock magnification NO # Turn magnification off
dock position BOTTOM # Change Dock's position to the bottom of the screen
dock position LEFT # Change Dock's position to the left of the screen
dock position RIGHT # Change Dock's position to the right of the screen
dock addblankspace # Add a blank space (separator) to the Dock
dock addrecentitems # Add a stack containg your recent items to the Dock
# (You can change the stack's type by right clicking on it)
dock prune # Removes all apps from Dock
usage: dir [ tree | size | delete | help ]
dir tree # tree view of folders in the current path
dir tree /path # tree view of folders in a specific path
dir delete empty # delete empty folders recursively in the current path
dir delete empty /path # delete empty folders recursively in a specific path
dir delete dsfiles # delete .DS_Store files recursively in the current path
dir delete dsfiles /path # delete .DS_Store files recursively in a specific path
dir size # calculate current folder size
dir size /path # calculate folder size in a specific path
usage: finder [ showhiddenfiles | showfileextensions | showdesktop | showpath | help ]
finder showhiddenfiles # get the current status
finder showhiddenfiles YES # show hidden files
finder showhiddenfiles NO # no show hidden files
finder showextensions # get the current status
finder showextensions YES # show all file extensions
finder showextensions NO # don't show all file extensions
finder showdesktop # get the current desktop status
finder showdesktop YES # enable the desktop
finder showdesktop NO # disable the desktop
finder showpath YES # show the current opened folder path on the top bar of the Finder window
finder showpath NO # show the current opened folder name on the top bar of the Finder window
usage: firewall [ status | enable | disable | list | add | remove | help ]
firewall status # Show status
firewall enable # Enable firewall
firewall disable # Disable firewall
firewall list # List applications handled by firewall
firewall add /path/to/file # Add app to firewall
firewall remove /path/to/file # Remove app from firewall
usage: flightmode [ on | off | help ]
flightmode on # turn flightmode on
flightmode off # turn flightmode off
usage: gatekeeper [ status | list | ls | enable | disable | create | help ]
gatekeeper status # gatekeeper status
gatekeeper list # list rules
gatekeeper enable # enable gatekeeper
gatekeeper disable # disable gatekeeper
gatekeeper enable MYRULE # enable rule
gatekeeper disable MYRULE # disable rule
gatekeeper create RULENAME /path/to/program # Create a rule for the application
usage: group [ list | ls | info | adduser | removeuser | ismember | help ]
group list # get list of groups
group info mygroup # display group information
group adduser myuser mygroup # add an user to a specific group
group removeuser myuser mygroup # remove an user from a specific group
group ismember myuser mygroup # show if the user is a member of a specific group
usage: hostname [ help ]
hostname # get the current hostname information (computername, hostname, localhostname and netbiosname)
hostname newhostname # set a new hostname (computername, hostname, localhostname, netbiosname)
hostname help # only shows this help
usage: info [ help ]
info # print macOS operating system version information
usage: itunes [ status | play | pause | next | prev | mute | unmute | vol up | vol down | vol #| stop | quit | help ]
itunes status # Show status
itunes play # Play track
itunes pause # Pause track
itunes next # Play next track
itunes prev # Play previous track
itunes mute # Mute iTunes
itunes unmute # Unmute iTunes
itunes vol up # Volume Up
itunes vol down # Volume Down
itunes vol # # Set volume level
itunes stop # Stop track
itunes quit # Quit iTunes
usage: lock [ help ]
lock # lock session
usage: ntp [ status | enable | disable | set | help ]
ntp status # status of the network time service
ntp enable # enable clock to use network time
ntp disable # disable clock to use network time
ntp set timehost1.net.sap.corp # set network time server
usage: printer [ settings | name | queue | drivers | web | help ]
printer settings # Printer settings
printer name # Display printer names on system
printer queue # Display items in printer queue on system
printer drivers # Display all printer drivers
printer web # Enable and show web interface
usage: network [ ls | list | location | help ]
network ls # list network interfaces
network location # get current location
network location ls # list locations
network location create XYZ # create a location
network location delete XYZ # delete a location
network location switch XYZ # switch location
usage: nosleep [ until | help ]
nosleep until 3600 # no sleep until 3600 seconds
nosleep until my_script.sh # no sleep until the script ends
nosleep until pid 64377 # no sleep until the process id ends
usage: notification [ showcenter | help ]
notification showcenter # get the current status
notification showcenter YES # enable the notification center
notification showcenter NO # disable the notification center
usage: restart [ -f | --force | help ]
restart # restart computer (needs confirmation)
restart -f # restart computer (without confirmation)
usage: safeboot [ status | enable | disable | help ]
safeboot status # get the boot args
safeboot enable # enable safe boot
safeboot disable # disable safeboot
usage: screensaver [ status | askforpassword | help ]
screensaver # launch screensaver
screensaver status # get the current status
screensaver askforpassword # get password requirement to unlock
screensaver askforpassword YES # enable password requirement to unlock
screensaver askforpassword NO # disable password requirement to unlock
usage: service [ --status-all | --list | --ls | start | stop | load | unload | help ]
service --status-all # list all services
service --list # list all services
service --ls # list all services
service --ls com.apple.sessionlogoutd # show information about a specific service
service start com.apple.sessionlogoutd # start a service
service stop com.apple.sessionlogoutd # stop a service
service load com.apple.sessionlogoutd # load a service
service unload com.apple.sessionlogoutd # unload a service
usage: shutdown [-f | --force | help ]
shutdown # shutdown computer (needs confirmation)
shutdown -f # shutdown computer (without confirmation)
usage: sleep [ help ]
sleep # put the mac to sleep
usage: timezone [ list | ls | set | help ]
timezone # get current timezone
timezone ls # list available timezones
timezone set Europe/Berlin # set timezone
usage: trash [ status | clean | help ]
trash status # get trash info
trash clean # clean trash
usage: update [ list | install | help ]
update list # list available updates
update install all # install all the available updates
update install iTunesX-12.4.1 RAWCameraUpdate6.20-6.20 # install specific updates
usage: user [ list | ls | info | create | delete | help ]
user ls # list users
user info demouser # display user information
user create # create a user, it will ask you the below information
Full name:
Shell [/bin/bash]:
user delete demouser # delete user
usage: volume [ level(0-100) | change(-n|+n) | up | down | mute | unmute | ismute ]
volume 70 # set the volume to 70 %
volume +5 # increase the volume by 5 (up to 100)
volume -10 # decrease the volume by 5 (down to 0)
volume up # increase the volume by 6.25
volume down # decrease the volume by 6.25
volume # get the volume level
volume mute # set mute
volume unmute # unset mute
volume ismute # check the volume status
usage: vpn [ ls | list | start | stop | status | help ]
vpn ls # list VPN connections
vpn start # interactive mode
vpn start VPN # start vpn connection named VPN
vpn start VPN USER # start a vpn connection with a given user
vpn start VPN USER PASS # start a vpn connection with a given user and password
vpn start VPN USER PASS SECRET # start a vpn connection with a given user, password, and secret
vpn stop VPN # stop vpn connection named VPN
vpn status VPN # status vpn connection named VPN
usage: wallpaper [ /path/to/file.jpg | help ]
wallpaper ./wallpapers/tree.jpg # set wallpaper
usage: wifi [ scan | off | on | connect | help ]
wifi status # wifi status
wifi scan # scan wifi
wifi showpassword [ESSID] # show wifi network password (default: current)
wifi ls # list known wifi networks
wifi list # list known wifi networks
wifi forget ESSID # forget a wifi network
wifi history # wifi connection history
wifi off # turn off your wifi
wifi on # turn on your wifi
wifi connect ESSID PASSWORD # join a wifi network
wifi connect ESSID # join a wifi network (prompt for password)
usage: download [ url ]
open "http://google.com/file.zip" # downloads a file
usage: notificationcenter [ title | message ]
notificationcenter "hello" "world" # shows a notification on the notification center
usage: open [ file | application | url ]
open "http://google.com" # opens a website
open /Volumes/Archive/Documents/file.txt # opens a file
open /Applications/Messages.app # opens an application
usage: say [ message ]
say "hello" # says hello
For the trigger of your Applet, you can choose almost any IFTTT service since the triggers are independent to macOS IFTTT Control, For this tutorial we will use the service "Button Widget" as trigger.
For this example, we will create a button that turns off the Bluetooth on our Mac.
As I said before, you can choose almost any service from IFTTT, The only condition is that the service that will be used as a trigger has a unique ingredient, such as the date on which it was triggered. For this example I will use the Button Widget as a trigger.
For the action, the "Dropbox" service must always be used. Once the Dropbox service has been selected, the "Append to a text file" option must be selected.
Now is the time to build the command that will run on our Mac, in this case we want to turn off the Bluetooth. For that we must fill the following data inside the applet:
- File name: Your Mac Hash
- Content: The command to execute
- Dropbox folder path: macOSIFTTTControl/
The commands should be written in the following format: unique id|command parameters
, You can use the trigger date as unique id. In this case our command will be {{OccurredAt}}|bluetooth off
And that's it! Your applet is ready, now you can try it or port it to IFTTT Platform to share it with more users.
If you want to create an applet in order to publish it later, you must follow all the steps above but using the IFTTT Platform interface which is intended for developers rather than the end user interface.
If the purpose of the applet is to be published in the Marketplace we recommend you to read this article.
- Home
- Installing macOS IFTTT Control
- Using Pre-Made Applets
- Build your own Applets
- Contributing Applets to the Marketplace
- Upgrading macOS IFTTT Control
- Uninstalling macOS IFTTT Control