This is an adaptation of the html5up template "Spectral" for the Python static site generator Pelican.
It it base on Frank Valcarcel work on "Twenty", and other sources of inspiration.
There are currently 12 templates:
├── archives.html // archive pages (right-sidebar)
├── article.html // article pages (no-sidebar)
├── banner.html // hero unit on index
├── base.html // all templates extend base, base contains head, body, and nav
├── category.html // category pages (right-sidebar)
├── style1.html // gallery section on index
├── style2.html // gallery section on index
├── style3.html // gallery section on index
├── cta.html // call to action near footer of index and archives
├── footer.html // copyright and social icons
├── index_page.html // one-to-one for index of original
├── most_recent.html // three column most recent articles template
├── page.html // all pages (no-sidebar)
└── pagination.html
- index.html (extends base.html)
This theme honors the following standard Pelican settings:
- Putting feeds in the
section: *FEED_ALL_ATOM
- Template settings:
(Blogroll will be put in the sidebar instead of the head) - Analytics & Comments
(classic tracking code) *GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UNIVERSAL
(Universal tracking code) *PIWIK_URL
You can add social links following at the bottom of the page, following the same convention that the pelican-bootstrap3 theme (
In order to make the Facebook like button and other social sharing options work better, the template contains Open Graph metatags like . You can disable them by setting USE_OPEN_GRAPH to False. You can use OPEN_GRAPH_FB_APP_ID to provide a Facebook app id. You can also provide a default image that will be passed as an Open Graph tag by setting OPEN_GRAPH_IMAGE to a relative file path, which will be prefixed by your site's base url. Optionally, you can override this default image on a per article and per page basis, by setting the og_image variable in an article or page.
You can provide a logo for your site using SITELOGO
. For example: SITELOGO = 'images/my_site_logo.png'
. You can then define the size of the logo using
. The width
of the <img>
element will be set accordingly.
By default the SITENAME
will be shown as well. It's also possible to hide the site name using the HIDE_SITENAME
1. skel.js
html5up uses skel.js to handle responsiveness of their templates. For skel to work right css has to be available at the {{ SITEURL }}/css/
path. I did not want to alter any of the files in the template (not even the init.js). So to fix this for development my fab script copies over the css and js from the static folder and places them into their corresponding locations in my output directory.
Here's my fab script I call collectstatic
def collectstatic():
if os.path.isdir(DEPLOY_PATH):
local('mkdir -p {deploy_path}/css/ {deploy_path}/js/ {deploy_path}/fonts/ {deploy_path}/images/'.format(**env))
local('cp -rf {theme_path}/static/css/* {deploy_path}/css/'.format(**env))
local('cp -rf {theme_path}/static/js/* {deploy_path}/js/'.format(**env))
local('cp -rf {theme_path}/static/fonts/* {deploy_path}/fonts/'.format(**env))
local('cp -rf {theme_path}/static/images/* {deploy_path}/images/'.format(**env))
2. index page
Following pelican's FAQ, the index page must have a few extra parmeters
Template: index_page
save_as: index.html
Status: hidden
The Image:
parameter can be used to define the background image
4. articles categories
To generalize the use of this template, 2 article categories can be defined in the
STYLE3_TITLE = "Accumsan mus tortor nunc aliquet"
which correspond to the third gallery container in the template. The third containter list all the static pages.
├── blog //standard articles
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── pages
│ ├──
│ └──
└── programming //category
[ ] Portfolio Category
[ ] Add Featured
and FeaturedImage
attribute to content and templates
Twenty 1.0 by HTML5 UP | @n33co
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
This is Twenty, a minimal, multi-page responsive site template for HTML5 UP.
As the name implies, this is my twentieth (!) design for HTML5 UP. Since the last few have been single page affairs, I decided to go with something a bit more conventional and threw in four extra page layouts. Beyond that, it's the usual drill: fully responsive, built on HTML5/CSS3/skel, and CCA licensed like all my other stuff.
Special thanks to Michael Domaradzki ( for allowing me to use his excellent photos in Twenty's demo*.
(* Not included with this download (replaced with generic placeholder images), as I only have permission to use his work in my own on-site demos. Do NOT download or use any of his work without prior explicit permission.)
AJ @n33co
- Font Awesome (
- jQuery (
- html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
- background-size polyfill (
- Misc jQuery plugins (
- skel (