Cassandra 2.1.5 as a Docker container. For development use only.
Paste this into your terminal to start a 5 node cluster with OpsCenter:
bash <(curl -sL
OR, if you don't trust the one-liner, here are its contents:
docker pull abh1nav/opscenter:latest
docker pull abh1nav/cassandra:latest
echo "Starting OpsCenter"
docker run -d --name opscenter abh1nav/opscenter:latest
sleep 10
OPS_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' opscenter)
echo "Starting node cass1"
docker run -d --name cass1 -e OPS_IP=$OPS_IP abh1nav/cassandra:latest
sleep 30
SEED_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' cass1)
for name in cass{2..5}; do
echo "Starting node $name"
docker run -d --name $name -e SEED=$SEED_IP -e OPS_IP=$OPS_IP abh1nav/cassandra:latest
sleep 30
echo "Registering cluster with OpsCenter"
curl \
http://$OPS_IP:8888/cluster-configs \
-d \
\"cassandra\": {
\"seed_hosts\": \"$SEED_IP\"
\"cassandra_metrics\": {},
\"jmx\": {
\"port\": \"7199\"
}" > /dev/null
echo "Go to http://$OPS_IP:8888/"
Skip this section if you don't want to run OpsCenter.
Pull the image and launch OpsCenter.
docker pull abh1nav/cassandra:latest
docker run -d --name opscenter abh1nav/opscenter:latest
Grab the OpsCenter IP:
OPS_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' opscenter)
Pull the image.
docker pull abh1nav/cassandra:latest
Launch the node
- without OpsCenter:
docker run -d --name cass1 abh1nav/cassandra:latest
- with OpsCenter:
docker run -d --name cass1 -e OPS_IP=$OPS_IP abh1nav/cassandra:latest
Grab the seed node's IP using:
SEED_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' cass1)
Connect to it using CQLSH:
cqlsh $SEED_IP
Follow the single node setup to get the first node running and keep track of its IP. Run the following to launch the other nodes in the cluster:
- without OpsCenter:
for name in cass{2..5}; do
echo "Starting node $name"
docker run -d --name $name -e SEED=$SEED_IP abh1nav/cassandra:latest
sleep 30
- with OpsCenter:
for name in cass{2..5}; do
echo "Starting node $name"
docker run -d --name $name -e SEED=$SEED_IP -e OPS_IP=$OPS_IP abh1nav/cassandra:latest
sleep 30
Once all the nodes are up, check cluster status using:
nodetool --host $SEED_IP status
or, if you installed OpsCenter, go to http://$OPS_IP:8888
and choose the "Add Existing Cluster option".