diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json
index e5df7c79153..3b5419d8133 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json
@@ -493,6 +493,42 @@
"QuotationTemplate.Tax/VAT:": "Tax / Vat (%{0}) :",
"QuotationTemplate.TotalDiscount:": "Total Discount :",
"QuotationTemplate.TOTALDUE:": "TOTAL DUE :",
- "QuotationTemplate.BankAccount": "Our bank account information can be found at {0}"
+ "QuotationTemplate.BankAccount": "Our bank account information can be found at {0}",
+ "Permission:Raffles": "Raffle",
+ "Permission:Draw": "Draw",
+ "Menu:Raffles": "Raffles",
+ "RaffleIsNotDrawable": "Raffle is not drawable",
+ "WinnerCountMustBeGreaterThanZero": "Winner count must be greater than zero",
+ "FullDescription": "Full Description",
+ "VisibilityStartDate": "Visibility Start Date",
+ "VisibilityEndDate": "Visibility End Date",
+ "RaffleDate": "Raffle Date",
+ "SubscriptionCode": "Subscription Code",
+ "GroupCode": "Group Code",
+ "MaxWinnerCount": "Max Winner Count",
+ "ReDraw": "Re-Draw",
+ "EditRaffle": "Edit Raffle",
+ "Raffles": "Raffles",
+ "CreateARaffle": "Create a raffle",
+ "Draw": "Draw",
+ "Enum:RaffleStatus:0": "Active",
+ "Enum:RaffleStatus:1": "Next",
+ "Enum:RaffleStatus:2": "Past",
+ "DrawDone": "Draw Done",
+ "HomePageShowType": "Home Page Show Type",
+ "None": "None",
+ "Card": "Card",
+ "Horizontal": "Horizontal",
+ "Winners": "Winners",
+ "StartDateMustBeLessThanEndDate": "Start date must be less than end date",
+ "VisibilityStartDateMustBeLessThanVisibilityEndDate": "Visibility start date must be less than visibility end date",
+ "StartDateMustBeGreaterThanVisibilityStartDate": "Start date must be greater than visibility start date",
+ "EndDateMustBeLessThanVisibilityEndDate": "End date must be less than visibility end date",
+ "DrawnDone": "Drawn Done",
+ "AddColor": "Add Color",
+ "Colors": "Colors",
+ "RemoveColor": "Remove Color",
+ "MaxColorCountWarning": "You can add up to {0} colors",
+ "MinColorCountWarning": "You must add at least {0} colors"
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json
index 4951ee85b43..43a77629fc9 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json
@@ -191,6 +191,33 @@
"DiscordPageTitle": "ABP Discord Community",
"ViewVideo": "View Video",
"AbpCommunityTitleContent": "ABP Community - Open Source ABP Framework",
- "CommunitySlogan": "A unique community platform for ABP Lovers"
+ "CommunitySlogan": "A unique community platform for ABP Lovers",
+ "RaffleIsNotActive": "Raffle is not active",
+ "YouAreAlreadyJoinedToThisRaffle": "You are already joined to this raffle",
+ "InvalidSubscriptionCode": "Invalid subscription code",
+ "Raffle:{0}": "Raffle: {0}",
+ "Join": "Join",
+ "Leave": "Leave",
+ "LoginToJoin": "Login to join",
+ "ToEnd:": "To end:",
+ "days": "days",
+ "hrs": "hrs",
+ "min": "min",
+ "sec": "sec",
+ "Winners:": "Winners:",
+ "To{0}LuckyWinners": "to {0} lucky winner(s)",
+ "ActiveRaffles": "Active ",
+ "UpcomingRaffles": "Upcoming ",
+ "CompletedRaffles": "Completed ",
+ "NoActiveRaffleTitle": "No active raffle is available at the moment.",
+ "NoActiveRaffleDescription": "No active raffle is available at the moment.",
+ "RaffleSubscriptionCodeInputMessage": "This raffle requires a registration code. Please enter the registration code below:",
+ "RaffleSubscriptionCodeInputErrorMessage": "The registration code is incorrect. Please try again.",
+ "GoodJob!": "Good Job!",
+ "RaffleJoinSuccessMessage": "You are successfully registered tor the raffle. You will be informed via email if you win the prize!",
+ "RaffleLoginAndRegisterMessage": "You should sign in to join a raffle. You can create an account for free if you haven't registered yet.",
+ "Ok": "Ok",
+ "SeeDetails": "See Details",
+ "WaitingForDraw": "Waiting for draw"