/** * This program * - reads an *.osm from stdin * - writes 45*30 degree node tiles + a way file + a rel file * * @author ab */ package btools.mapcreator; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import btools.expressions.BExpressionContextNode; import btools.expressions.BExpressionContextWay; import btools.expressions.BExpressionMetaData; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Hashtable; public class OsmCutter extends MapCreatorBase { private long recordCnt; private long nodesParsed; private long waysParsed; private long relsParsed; private long changesetsParsed; private DataOutputStream wayDos; private DataOutputStream cyclewayDos; private DataOutputStream restrictionsDos; public WayCutter wayCutter; public RestrictionCutter restrictionCutter; public NodeFilter nodeFilter; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement psNoise = null; PreparedStatement psRiver = null; PreparedStatement psForest = null; ResultSet rsBrouter = null; Hashtable hashNoise=new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashRiver=new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashForest=new Hashtable(); int osm_id_int = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("*** OsmCutter: cut an osm map in node-tiles + a way file"); if (args.length != 6 && args.length != 7) { System.out.println("usage: bzip2 -dc | java OsmCutter "); System.out.println("or : java OsmCutter "); return; } System.out.println("*** OsmCutter: arg number ok" + args[0] + " " + args[1] + " " + args[2] + " " + args[3] + " " + args[4] + " " + args[5]); new OsmCutter().process( new File( args[0] ) , new File( args[1] ) , new File( args[2] ) , new File( args[3] ) , new File( args[4] ) , new File( args[5] ) , args.length > 6 ? new File( args[6] ) : null ); } private BExpressionContextWay _expctxWay; private BExpressionContextNode _expctxNode; // private BExpressionContextWay _expctxWayStat; // private BExpressionContextNode _expctxNodeStat; public void process (File lookupFile, File outTileDir, File wayFile, File relFile, File resFile, File profileFile, File mapFile ) throws Exception { if ( !lookupFile.exists() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "lookup-file: " + lookupFile + " does not exist" ); } BExpressionMetaData meta = new BExpressionMetaData(); _expctxWay = new BExpressionContextWay( meta ); _expctxNode = new BExpressionContextNode( meta ); meta.readMetaData( lookupFile ); _expctxWay.parseFile( profileFile, "global" ); // _expctxWayStat = new BExpressionContextWay( null ); // _expctxNodeStat = new BExpressionContextNode( null ); this.outTileDir = outTileDir; if ( !outTileDir.isDirectory() ) throw new RuntimeException( "out tile directory " + outTileDir + " does not exist" ); wayDos = wayFile == null ? null : new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( wayFile ) ) ); cyclewayDos = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( relFile ) ) ); if ( resFile != null ) { restrictionsDos = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( resFile ) ) ); } // read the osm map into memory System.out.println( "start parsing osm map ............" + mapFile); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); new OsmParser().readMap( mapFile, this, this, this ); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println( "parsing time (ms) =" + (t1-t0) ); // close all files closeTileOutStreams(); if ( wayDos != null ) { wayDos.close(); } cyclewayDos.close(); if ( restrictionsDos != null ) { restrictionsDos.close(); } // System.out.println( "-------- way-statistics -------- " ); // _expctxWayStat.dumpStatistics(); // System.out.println( "-------- node-statistics -------- " ); // _expctxNodeStat.dumpStatistics(); System.out.println( statsLine() ); } private void checkStats() { if ( (++recordCnt % 100000) == 0 ) System.out.println( statsLine() ); } private String statsLine() { return "records read: " + recordCnt + " nodes=" + nodesParsed + " ways=" + waysParsed + " rels=" + relsParsed + " changesets=" + changesetsParsed; } @Override public void nextNode( NodeData n ) throws Exception { nodesParsed++; checkStats(); if ( n.getTagsOrNull() != null ) { int[] lookupData = _expctxNode.createNewLookupData(); for( Map.Entry e : n.getTagsOrNull().entrySet() ) { _expctxNode.addLookupValue( e.getKey(), e.getValue(), lookupData ); // _expctxNodeStat.addLookupValue( key, value, null ); } n.description = _expctxNode.encode(lookupData); } // write node to file int tileIndex = getTileIndex( n.ilon, n.ilat ); if ( tileIndex >= 0 ) { n.writeTo( getOutStreamForTile( tileIndex ) ); if ( wayCutter != null ) { wayCutter.nextNode( n ); } } } private void generatePseudoTags( HashMap map ) { // add pseudo.tags for concrete:lanes and concrete:plates String concrete = null; for( Map.Entry e : map.entrySet() ) { String key = e.getKey(); if ( "concrete".equals( key ) ) { return; } if ( "surface".equals( key ) ) { String value = e.getValue(); if ( value.startsWith( "concrete:" ) ) { concrete = value.substring( "concrete:".length() ); } } } if ( concrete != null ) { map.put( "concrete", concrete ); } } // Ess Bee : NEW function to add the new tags (estimated_noise_class , river, forest...) private void generateSpecialTags( long osm_id , HashMap map ) { // is the database allready connected? if (conn == null) { // init... connect to the database System.err.println("OsmCutter start connection to the database........"); String sql_noise = "SELECT * from noise_tags"; String sql_river = "SELECT * from river_tags"; String sql_forest = "SELECT * from forest_tags"; String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/brouter_db?user=postgres&password=PG1211#pg&ssl=false"; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); System.err.println("OsmCutter connection to the database was successful........"); // load the new noise tags in a hash table psNoise = conn.prepareStatement(sql_noise); rsBrouter = psNoise.executeQuery(); while (rsBrouter.next()) { hashNoise.put(rsBrouter.getInt("losmid"),rsBrouter.getString("noise_class")); // System.err.println("hashNoise load ... id=" + rsBrouter.getInt("losmid") + " value=" + rsBrouter.getString("noise_class")); } System.err.println("hashNoise loaded, size=" + hashNoise.size()); // load the new river tags in a hash table psRiver = conn.prepareStatement(sql_river); rsBrouter = psRiver.executeQuery(); while (rsBrouter.next()) { hashRiver.put(rsBrouter.getInt("losmid"),rsBrouter.getString("river_class")); } System.err.println("hashNoise loaded, size=" + hashRiver.size()); // load the new forest tags in a hash table psForest = conn.prepareStatement(sql_forest); rsBrouter = psForest.executeQuery(); while (rsBrouter.next()) { hashForest.put(rsBrouter.getInt("losmid"),rsBrouter.getString("forest_class")); } System.err.println("hashForest loaded, size=" + hashForest.size()); System.err.println("OsmCutter ..hash tables loaded successfully...."); } catch (SQLException g) { System.err.format("SQL State: %s\n%s", g.getSQLState(), g.getMessage()); } catch (Exception f) { f.printStackTrace(); } String hashResult = null; } // end init // for each highway , add new tags if found in the hash tables.. for( Map.Entry e : map.entrySet() ) { if ( e.getKey().equals("highway") ) { osm_id_int = (int) (long) osm_id; // start with NOISE if ( hashNoise.get(osm_id_int) != null) { System.out.println(" ADD noise tag osm_id=" + osm_id_int + " noise_class=" + hashNoise.get(osm_id_int) ); map.put("estimated_noise_class", hashNoise.get(osm_id_int) ); } // go on with river if ( hashRiver.get(osm_id_int) != null) { System.out.println(" ADD river tag osm_id_int=" + osm_id_int + " river_class=" + hashRiver.get(osm_id_int) ); map.put("estimated_river_class", hashRiver.get(osm_id_int) ); } // go on with forest if ( hashForest.get(osm_id_int) != null) { System.out.println(" ADD forest tag osm_id_int=" + osm_id_int + " forest_class=" + hashForest.get(osm_id_int) ); map.put("estimated_forest_class", hashForest.get(osm_id_int) ); } return; } } } @Override public void nextWay( WayData w ) throws Exception { waysParsed++; checkStats(); // encode tags if ( w.getTagsOrNull() == null ) return; // System.out.println("OsmCutter nextWay way=" + w + " way.id=" + w.wid); // Ess Bee 08 12 2022 generateSpecialTags (w.wid, w.getTagsOrNull()); generatePseudoTags( w.getTagsOrNull() ); int[] lookupData = _expctxWay.createNewLookupData(); for( String key : w.getTagsOrNull().keySet() ) { String value = w.getTag( key ); _expctxWay.addLookupValue( key, value.replace( ' ', '_' ), lookupData ); // _expctxWayStat.addLookupValue( key, value, null ); } w.description = _expctxWay.encode(lookupData); if ( w.description == null ) return; // filter according to profile _expctxWay.evaluate( false, w.description ); boolean ok = _expctxWay.getCostfactor() < 10000.; _expctxWay.evaluate( true, w.description ); ok |= _expctxWay.getCostfactor() < 10000.; if ( !ok ) return; if ( wayDos != null ) { w.writeTo( wayDos ); } if ( wayCutter != null ) { wayCutter.nextWay( w ); } if ( nodeFilter != null ) { nodeFilter.nextWay( w ); } } @Override public void nextRelation( RelationData r ) throws Exception { relsParsed++; checkStats(); String route = r.getTag( "route" ); // filter out non-cycle relations if ( route == null ) { return; } String network = r.getTag( "network" ); if ( network == null ) network = ""; String state = r.getTag( "state" ); if ( state == null ) state = ""; writeId( cyclewayDos, r.rid ); cyclewayDos.writeUTF( route ); cyclewayDos.writeUTF( network ); cyclewayDos.writeUTF( state ); for ( int i=0; i 7 || lat < 0 || lat > 5 ) { System.out.println( "warning: ignoring illegal pos: " + ilon + "," + ilat ); return -1; } return lon*6 + lat; } protected String getNameForTile( int tileIndex ) { int lon = (tileIndex / 6 ) * 45 - 180; int lat = (tileIndex % 6 ) * 30 - 90; String slon = lon < 0 ? "W" + (-lon) : "E" + lon; String slat = lat < 0 ? "S" + (-lat) : "N" + lat; return slon + "_" + slat + ".ntl"; } }