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age encrypt. Yet another attempt to store, manage and share secrets in git repository based on age.


There's plenty of mature solutions for this, sops, git-crypt, blackbox, agebox, git-agecrypt. I was frustrated with the way it all worked. I wanted something with

  • Simple workflow, simple encryption with just SSH keys
  • Better shell experience
    • Shell completions (bash, zsh, fish)
    • Invoke command from any subdirectory
  • Mechanism to share secrets to limited users/groups in repository.

agec is basically just a small wrapper around age.


Download binary from releases


curl -L -o agec ""
chmod +x ./agec
sudo mv ./agec /usr/local/bin


curl -L -o agec ""
chmod +x ./agec
sudo mv ./agec /usr/local/bin

or build from source, agec requires go >= 1.18

go install

Shell completions require additional setup, supports bash/zsh/fish

agec completion [SHELL] --help

Example workflow

Change "aca" with your github id. This example will use public keys registered in github for encryption.

Setup test directory

mkdir testdir && cd testdir && git init && agec init && echo "secret txt" > secret.txt

Add group "admin" and register "aca" and yourself as a member of group admin, with public keys from github

agec groupadd admin
curl "" | agec useradd aca -g admin -R -
curl "{{ your github id }}.keys" | agec useradd {{ your github id }} -g admin -R -

Agec have concept of 'user', 'group'. You can check it in root configuration.

cat .agec.yaml

Create encrypted file that can be decrypted by members of group admin

agec encrypt secret.txt -g admin

decrypt file, it will try to decrypt file with keys in ~/.ssh by default.

agec decrypt secret.txt.age

edit files

chown updates owner of the secret, this will change owner of secret.txt from "group:admin" to "user:aca"

agec chown -u aca -g '' secret.txt

Re-encrypt it, but you won't be able to decrypt the secret as you are not the owner of secret anymore.

agec encrypt secret.txt
agec decrypt secret.txt.age # fail

List of available commands, and detailed usage.

agec --help
agec [command] --help


Store, manage and share secrets in git repository based on age






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