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Fix out of memory errors by adding "filesInDatabase" option
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Add filesInDatabase option which can be disabled to put uploaded files on-disk only - applies to both minidumps and symbol files.
Also add maximum uploaded file size limit.
  • Loading branch information
Jimbly committed Mar 12, 2018
1 parent ae2345f commit 3eb4fc3
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Showing 5 changed files with 165 additions and 43 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ customFields:
- name: 'customfile2'
params: ['customparam']
dataDir: '/home/myuser/.simple-breakpad-server'
fileMaxUploadSize: 100000000
filesInDatabase: true

### Database configuration
Expand All @@ -129,6 +131,12 @@ For now, if you change this configuration after the database is initialized, you

Simple breakpad server caches symbols on the disk within the directory specified by `dataDir`. The default location is `$HOME/.simple-breakpad-server`.

## Uploaded Files

By default, there is no enforced limit to uploaded file size (limited by Node.js heap size and database size), and uploaded files (minidumps or custom files) are stored directly in the database. The maximum allowed file size can be specified with `fileMaxUploadSize` (in bytes).

The server can be directed to store all uploaded files on disk (instead of in the database) with `filesInDatabase: false`, however the dumps may be unable to be read after switching, so the database should be recreated (manually delete the `database.sqlite` file from your data directory). Old symbols files (already on disk) should still work fine after changing this setting, even if they don't show up in the web interface's Symfiles list. Note: if `filesInDatabase` is set to `false`, and you are doing backups, you should back up your entire data directory (or, at least, the symbols/ directory) in addition to your database file.

## Contributing

Simple Breakpad Server is a work in progress and there is a lot to do. Send pull requests and issues on the project's [Github page](
Expand Down
113 changes: 85 additions & 28 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ busboy = require 'connect-busboy'
streamToArray = require 'stream-to-array'
Sequelize = require 'sequelize'
addr = require 'addr'
fs = require 'fs-promise'

crashreportToApiJson = (crashreport) ->
json = crashreport.toJSON()
Expand All @@ -31,16 +32,15 @@ crashreportToViewJson = (report) ->
props: {}

for name, value of Crashreport.attributes
if value.type instanceof Sequelize.BLOB
fields.props[name] = { path: "/crashreports/#{}/files/#{name}" }

json = report.toJSON()
for k,v of json
if k in hidden
# pass
else if config.get("customFields:filesById:#{k}")
# a file
fields.props[k] = { path: "/crashreports/#{}/files/#{k}" }
else if Buffer.isBuffer(json[k])
# already handled
# shouldn't happen, should hit line above
else if k == 'created_at'
# change the name of this key for display purposes
fields.props['created'] = moment(v).fromNow()
Expand All @@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ crashreportToViewJson = (report) ->

return fields

symfileToViewJson = (symfile) ->
symfileToViewJson = (symfile, contents) ->
hidden = ['id', 'updated_at', 'contents']
fields =
contents: symfile.contents
contents: contents
props: {}

json = symfile.toJSON()
Expand All @@ -77,7 +77,23 @@ symfileToViewJson = (symfile) ->
.then ->
Symfile.findAll().then (symfiles) ->
Promise.all( -> Symfile.saveToDisk(s))).then(run)
pruneSymfilesFromDB = not config.get('filesInDatabase')
# TODO: This is really, really slow when you have a lot of symfiles, and
# config.get('filesInDatabase') is true - only write those which do not
# already exist on disk? User can delete the on-disk cache if needed.
Promise.all( -> Symfile.saveToDisk(s, pruneSymfilesFromDB)))
.then ->
console.log 'Symfile loading finished'
if Symfile.didPrune
# One-time vacuum of sqllite data to free up all of the data that was just deleted
console.log 'One-time compacting and syncing database after prune...'
db.query('VACUUM').then ->
db.sync().then ->
console.log 'Database compaction finished'
.then ->
.catch (err) ->
console.error err.stack
process.exit 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +136,11 @@ run = ->
console.trace err
res.status(500).send "Bad things happened:<br/> #{err.message || err}"

fileSize: config.get 'fileMaxUploadSize'
lastReportId = 0 '/crashreports', (req, res, next) ->
props = {}
streamOps = []
Expand All @@ -129,18 +149,32 @@ run = ->
# Fixed list of just localhost as trusted reverse-proxy, we can add
# a config option if needed
props.ip = addr(req, ['', '::ffff:'])
reportUploadGuid = moment().format('') + '.' + + '.' + (++lastReportId)

req.busboy.on 'file', (fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) ->
streamOps.push streamToArray(file).then((parts) ->
buffers = []
for i in [0 .. parts.length - 1]
part = parts[i]
buffers.push if part instanceof Buffer then part else new Buffer(part)

return Buffer.concat(buffers)
).then (buffer) ->
if config.get('filesInDatabase')
streamOps.push streamToArray(file).then((parts) ->
buffers = []
for i in [0 .. parts.length - 1]
part = parts[i]
buffers.push if part instanceof Buffer then part else
new Buffer(part)

return Buffer.concat(buffers)
).then (buffer) ->
if fieldname of Crashreport.attributes
props[fieldname] = buffer
# Stream file to disk, record filename in database
if fieldname of Crashreport.attributes
props[fieldname] = buffer
saveFilename = path.join reportUploadGuid, fieldname
props[fieldname] = saveFilename
saveFilename = path.join config.getUploadPath(), saveFilename
fs.mkdirs(path.dirname(saveFilename)).then ->
file.pipe fs.createWriteStream(saveFilename)

req.busboy.on 'field', (fieldname, val, fieldnameTruncated, valTruncated) ->
if fieldname == 'prod'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,13 +279,18 @@ run = ->

if 'raw' of req.query
res.set 'content-type', 'text/plain'
if symfile.contents?

res.render 'symfile-view', {
title: 'Symfile'
symfile: symfileToViewJson(symfile)
Symfile.getContents(symfile).then (contents) ->
res.render 'symfile-view', {
title: 'Symfile'
symfile: symfileToViewJson(symfile, contents)

breakpad.get '/crashreports/:id', (req, res, next) ->
Crashreport.findById( (report) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,20 +320,38 @@ run = ->

breakpad.get '/crashreports/:id/files/:filefield', (req, res, next) ->
# download the file for the given id
field = req.params.filefield
if !config.get("customFields:filesById:#{field}")
return res.status(404).send 'Crash report field is not a file'

Crashreport.findById( (crashreport) ->
if not crashreport?
return res.status(404).send 'Crash report not found'

field = req.params.filefield
contents = crashreport.get(field)

if not Buffer.isBuffer(contents)
return res.status(404).send 'Crash report field is not a file'

# Find appropriate downloadAs file name
filename = config.get("customFields:filesById:#{field}:downloadAs") || field
filename = filename.replace('{{id}}',

if !config.get('filesInDatabase')
# If this is a string, or a string stored as a blob in an old database,
# stream the on-disk file instead
onDiskFilename = contents
if Buffer.isBuffer(contents)
if contents.length > 128
# Large, must be an old actual dump stored in the database
onDiskFilename = null
onDiskFilename = contents.toString('utf8')
if onDiskFilename
# stream
res.setHeader('content-disposition', "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"")
return fs.createReadStream(path.join(config.getUploadPath(), onDiskFilename)).pipe(res)

if not Buffer.isBuffer(contents)
return res.status(404).send 'Crash report field is an unknown type'

res.setHeader('content-disposition', "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"")

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ nconf.defaults
files: []
params: []
dataDir: SBS_HOME
filesInDatabase: true
fileMaxUploadSize: Infinity

# Post-process custom files and params
customFields = nconf.get('customFields')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ for field, idx in customFields.params
nconf.set('customFields', customFields)

nconf.getSymbolsPath = -> path.join(nconf.get('dataDir'), 'symbols')
nconf.getUploadPath = -> path.join(nconf.get('dataDir'), 'uploads')


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19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/model/
Expand Up @@ -29,13 +29,30 @@ for field in customFields.params
schema[] = Sequelize.STRING

for field in customFields.files
schema[] = Sequelize.BLOB
schema[] = if config.get('filesInDatabase') then Sequelize.BLOB else Sequelize.STRING

Crashreport = sequelize.define('crashreports', schema, options)

Crashreport.getStackTrace = (record, callback) ->
return callback(null, cache.get( if cache.has

if !config.get('filesInDatabase')
# If this is a string, or a string stored as a blob in an old database,
# just use the on-disk file instead
onDiskFilename = record.upload_file_minidump
if Buffer.isBuffer(record.upload_file_minidump)
if record.upload_file_minidump.length > 128
# Large, must be an old actual dump stored in the database
onDiskFilename = null
onDiskFilename = record.upload_file_minidump.toString('utf8')
if onDiskFilename
# use existing file, do not delete when done!
use_filename = path.join(config.getUploadPath(), onDiskFilename)
return minidump.walkStack use_filename, [symbolsPath], (err, report) ->
cache.set, report unless err?
callback err, report

tmpfile = tmp.fileSync()
fs.writeFile(, record.upload_file_minidump).then ->
minidump.walkStack, [symbolsPath], (err, report) ->
Expand Down
65 changes: 51 additions & 14 deletions src/model/
Expand Up @@ -35,19 +35,54 @@ options =

Symfile = sequelize.define('symfiles', schema, options)

Symfile.saveToDisk = (symfile) ->
Symfile.getPath = (symfile) ->
symfileDir = path.join(symbolsPath,, symfile.code)
fs.mkdirs(symfileDir).then ->
# From
# Transform the debug file name into one ending in .sym. If the existing
# name ends in .pdb, strip the .pdb. Otherwise, add .sym to the non-.pdb
# name.
symbol_name =
if path.extname(symbol_name).toLowerCase() == '.pdb'
symbol_name = symbol_name.slice(0, -4)
symbol_name += '.sym'
filePath = path.join(symfileDir, symbol_name)
fs.writeFile(filePath, symfile.contents)
# From
# Transform the debug file name into one ending in .sym. If the existing
# name ends in .pdb, strip the .pdb. Otherwise, add .sym to the non-.pdb
# name.
symbol_name =
if path.extname(symbol_name).toLowerCase() == '.pdb'
symbol_name = symbol_name.slice(0, -4)
symbol_name += '.sym'
path.join(symfileDir, symbol_name)

Symfile.saveToDisk = (symfile, prune) ->
filePath = Symfile.getPath(symfile)

# Note: this code will migrate symbol files between filesInDatabase: true/false,
# or from an older version where filesInDatabase: true only referred to
# dump files, however dump files have no similar migration - the database
# must be wiped, so this is only actually useful for upgrading versions,
# not switching between filesInDatabase modes, though it can be used
# to import/export symbol files if you don't care about old dumps.

if not symfile.contents
if not prune
# If at startup, and the option was set back to "filesInDatabase", read them back from disk?
return fs.exists(filePath).then (exists) ->
if (exists)
console.log "Restoring contents to database from symfile #{}, #{filePath}"
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8').then (contents) ->
Symfile.didPrune = true
Symfile.update({ contents: contents }, { where: { id: }, fields: ['contents']})
# At startup, pruning, already no contents, great!

fs.mkdirs(path.dirname(filePath)).then ->
fs.writeFile(filePath, symfile.contents).then ->
if prune
console.log "Pruning contents from database for symfile #{}, file saved at #{filePath}"
delete symfile.contents
Symfile.didPrune = true
Symfile.update({ contents: null }, { where: { id: }, fields: ['contents']})

Symfile.getContents = (symfile) ->
if config.get('filesInDatabase')
fs.readFile(Symfile.getPath(symfile), 'utf8')

Symfile.createFromRequest = (req, res, callback) ->
props = {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,8 +133,10 @@ Symfile.createFromRequest = (req, res, callback) ->
p.then ->
Symfile.create(props, {transaction: t}).then (symfile) ->
Symfile.saveToDisk(symfile).then ->
Symfile.saveToDisk(props, false).then ->
if not config.get('filesInDatabase')
delete props.contents
Symfile.create(props, {transaction: t}).then (symfile) ->
callback(null, symfile)

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