- Display a game in the browser
- Switch turns between two players, or switch turns between a player and the computer (AI)*
- Design logic for winning & visually display which player won
- Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript files
- Stick with KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles
- Use Javascript or jQuery for DOM manipulation
- Deploy your game online, where the rest of the world can access it
- Use semantic markup for HTML and CSS (adhere to best practices)
- Think about game logic
- Win condition, objectives
- Simple graphics, but with animation
- Keep as much as possible dynamic
- Number of terrain tiles dynamic
- Terrian size dynamic
- Get player controls just right
- Make the controls "slippery" for challenge
- Get terrain scrolling, humans roaming
- Get human pickup working
- Floating up, floating down
- Get tanks working
- Bullet physics
- Get screens working
- Get sounds working
- CreateJS Suite (EaselJS, TweenJS, PreloadJS, SoundJS)
- RequireJS
- Pixsel: Sprite maker
- Jfxr: simple sound effects maker
- Audacity audio editor
- Chip music from: rolemusic.sawsquarenoise.com
- Bitmap fonts
- Adjusting player controls for specific feedback
- Keeping focus on Minimum Viable Product
- Aligning UI screens
- Tank aiming and shooting at UFO, trigonometry
- Collisions
- Tank bullet physics
- Amusing myself with animations
- Simplicity of graphics
- Using RequireJS to structure project, modular
- Needs mobile
- Mobile, use virtual joystick
- Physics library (P2.js)
- More enemies
- varied levels