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Ti Alloy Widget for oAuth2

This Widget opens a new Fullscreen Window on top of your current app and takes you to your custom auth url. The Widgets WebView listens for the code response to handle the 2 leg-auth and then also listens for your redirect_url and upon that load saves your token (if configured) and then executes the onSuccess function where you can control (and close) the Widget.

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Create Instance

var adalWidget = Alloy.createWidget('ti.oauth2');

Define parameters

adalWidget.customServer = true;
adalWidget.customAuthUrl = '';
adalWidget.customTokenUrl = '';
adalWidget.customLogoutUrl = '';
adalWidget.customCookieUrl = '';
adalWidget.clientId = 'clientidhere';
adalWidget.clientSecret = 'secret-guid-would-go-here';
adalWidget.scope = 'scope-one scope-two';
adalWidget.redirectUrl = '';
adalWidget.responseType = 'code';
adalWidget.grantType = 'authorization_code';
adalWidget.customTitleText = 'My App Login Title';
adalWidget.saveTokensToTiProperties = true; //saves to Ti.App.Properties.getString  ('azure-ad-access-token');

Launch Login

//prompt/show UI   |   success CB  |   error CB    |   allowCancel  |   cancel CB
adalWidget.authorize(true, onSuccess, onError, true, onCancel);

Success Function

function onSuccess(authResults) {



Open Login Window with the assigned properties (see below)


Close Login Window

Properties configured up front

customServer {BOOL}

true - use your own server (be sure to also define customAuthUrl & customTokenUrl)
false - use MS Graph/Azure AD

customAuthUrl {String}

URL to use for the initial Auth request

customTokenUrl {String}

URL to use for the (2nd leg) Token request

tenant {String)

Tenant GUID or Domain

clientId {String}

GUID provided by your server

clientSecret {String}

GUID provided by your server

scope {String}

List of scopes to authorize. Each seperated by a space

redirectUrl {String}

URL configured in your server

responseType {String}

code (default)

grantType {String}

authorization_code (default)

customTitleText {String}

Text to use in the TitleBar of the iOS/Android App

saveTokensToTiProperties {BOOL}

true - saves the token to Ti Properties so that it is accessible throughout the app and available after restarts

Properties passed in w/ .authorize() Method

prompt {BOOL}

Show UI

onSuccess {Function}

Function used in callback for successful authenitcation

onError {Function}

Function used in callback for unsuccessful authentication

allowCancel {BOOL}

Determines whether to allow the use of Cancel during authentication

onCancel {Function}

Function executed, if (allowCancel === true) && user clicks to execute


In my use case, my Identity Server expires my tokens after a period of time. I wanted to capture when my refresh token was going to expire and upon resuming my app, if the expiration time was in the next 10 minutes, I wanted to go ahead and renew the token before the user got into using the app.

To accomplish that, in my onSuccess function I did the following:

function onSuccess(authResults) {
	var secondsToSetExpiration = parseInt(authResults.expires_in) - 600; //subtract 10 minutes
	var expDate = moment().add(secondsToSetExpiration, 'seconds'); //find that timestamp
	Ti.App.Properties.setString('azure-ad-access-token-exp', expDate); //set the time stamp for future reference

Then in my resume event I check the current time against the expiration time (less 10 minutes)

Ti.App.addEventListener('resumed', function (e) {'APP RESUMED');
	var tokenExp = moment(Ti.App.Properties.getString('azure-ad-access-token-exp')).format();
	var currentExp = moment().format();
	if (currentExp > tokenExp) {
		adalWidget.authorize(false, onRefreshSuccess, onRefreshError, true, onRefreshCancel);
	} //else no refresh needed, more than 10 minnutes before expiring

Take Note: that my first parameter is set to false. This keeps the Auth refresh window "in the background". Also, I have slightly different onSuccess and onError functions to handle this scenario. Your results may vary.

I chose to have this Widget pop over the top of my app so that I can inject and use from within anywhere in my app. That also means I have my own "login" screen where I have a button that I use to allow for manual authentication (in cases where network services fail) as well as provide feedback/status to the user ("Authenticating...", "Opening App...",) and on failure back to "Login".

In my RESTe API Endpoint definitions I added a check for any 401 errors and then execute launching the Widget to re-Auth

onError: function(e, retry){
    if (e.code === 401) {
    } else {
        //handle other errors here


Ti Alloy Widget for oAuth2







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