Collection view controller, view, and layouts for pinching from book view, to page grid, to full screen page.
This is a simple CollectionViewController, CollectionView, and related Layouts to navigate around collections of pages. The top-level layout is the Shelf, where collections of pages are grouped into rows. After selecting a row, that row fans out into a grid view. Last, when a page is selected, the pages zoom to full screen.
Navigating back out be either pulling at the top of the list, or by pinching back into the previous layout
This is a UICollectionView based layout based on Loose Leaf app. Loose Leaf's navigation has a number of other feature's I'd like to eventually implement here as well. When I built Loose Leaf originally, UICollectionViews didn't exist yet (ack!), so it's been a lot of fun rebuilding some of the interactions with much simpler and cleaner code!
This framework was originally written in Objective-C, and then rewritten in Swift in late '21. The original source is available in the old/obj-c branch. The new Swift version is now the main branch.