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adanay committed Feb 26, 2018
1 parent 40bc238 commit ee93270
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Showing 523 changed files with 25,564 additions and 23 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions +eval/feval.m
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
% Copyright (c) 2018 Adanay Martín & Oliver Schütze.
% This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
% the file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

function [fx, fcount, fundef] = feval(f, x, iswarning, opts)
% Vectorized objective function evaluation.
% Each row of x is considered an individual to be evaluated.
% iswarning defines whether to display a warning or an error if the
% function value is undefined. The function value will be checked only if
% opts.FunValCheck is true.
% opts are the optimization options.
% The result is always of size (m x nobj) even if m = 1.

fcount = 0;
fundef = false;

m = size(x, 1); % no of individuals

if m == 1 || opts.UseVectorized
fx = feval(f, x);
if m == 1
fx = fx(:)';
fx = fx(:, :);
fcount = m;
if opts.FunValCheck
fundef = val.checkval(fx, 'f', iswarning);
for i = 1 : m
fxi = feval(f, x(i, :));
fxi = fxi(:)';

if i == 1
nobj = length(fxi);
fx = zeros(m, nobj);

fx(i, :) = fxi;
fcount = fcount + 1;
if opts.FunValCheck
fundef = fundef || val.checkval(fxi, 'f', iswarning);

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions +eval/heval.m
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
% Copyright (c) 2018 Adanay Martín & Oliver Schütze.
% This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
% the file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

function [Hx, Hcount, Hundef] = heval(H, x, iswarning, opts)
% Vectorized Hessian function evaluation.
% Each row of x is considered an individual to be evaluated.
% iswarning defines whether to display a warning or an error if the
% Hessian value is undefined. The Hessian value will be checked only if
% opts.FunValCheck is true.
% opts are the optimization options.
% The result is always of size (m x n x n x nobj) even if m = 1.
% The result of H(x) is assumed to be (n x n x nobj) if m = 1.

Hcount = 0;
Hundef = false;

[m, n] = size(x); % m is the number of individuals and n is the number of variables.

if m == 1 || opts.UseVectorized
Hx = feval(H, x);
if m == 1
Hx = Hx(:, :, :);
Hx = shiftdim(Hx, -1); % (1 x n x n x nobj)
Hx = Hx(:, :, :, :);
Hcount = m;
if opts.FunValCheck
Hundef = val.checkval(Hx, 'H', iswarning);
for i = 1 : m
Hxi = feval(H, x(i, :));
Hxi = Hxi(:, :, :);

if i == 1
nobj = size(Hxi, 3);
Hx = zeros(m, n, n, nobj);

Hx(i, :, :, :) = Hxi;
Hcount = Hcount + 1;
if opts.FunValCheck
Hundef = Hundef || val.checkval(Hxi, 'H', iswarning);
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions +eval/hevalandmodchol.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
% Copyright (c) 2018 Adanay Martín & Oliver Schütze.
% This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
% the file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

function [Hx, Hcount, Hundef, Lx, Lmodif] = hevalandmodchol(H, x, iswarning, opts)
% Vectorized Hessian function evaluation plus a Modified Cholesky
% decomposition.
% If Lmodif = true, then Hx is not positive definite, thus Lx * Lx' needs
% to be computed.
% Each row of x is considered an individual to be evaluated.
% iswarning defines whether to display a warning or an error if the
% Hessian value is undefined. The Hessian value will be checked only if
% opts.FunValCheck is true.
% The Cholesky modification will be performed only if the Hessian is
% defined.
% opts are the optimization options.
% The result is always of size (m x n x n x nobj) even if m = 1.
% The result of H(x) is assumed to be (n x n x nobj) if m = 1.

Lx = [];
Lmodif = [];

[Hx, Hcount, Hundef] = eval.heval(H, x, iswarning, opts);
if ~Hundef && nargout > 3
[Lx, Lmodif] = utils.modcholn(Hx, 2, 3);
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions +eval/hevalorfd.m
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
% Copyright (c) 2018 Adanay Martín & Oliver Schütze.
% This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
% the file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

function [Hx, Hcount, Hundef, Happrox, Hident,...
fx, fcount, Jx, Jcount, Jundef, nobj] = hevalorfd(H, f, J, x, fx, Jx, lb, ub, iswarning, formident, opts)
% Vectorized Hessian function evaluation.
% If H is empty, finite differences (FD) are used.
% Each row of x is considered an individual to be evaluated.
% iswarning defines whether to display a warning or an error if the
% Hessian value is undefined. The Hessian value will be checked only if
% opts.FunValCheck is true. I.e., if opts.FunValCheck is true and H(x) is
% undef, then
% + iswarning = true implies that a warning will be displayed and the
% Hessian will be computed by FD if the Jacobian or the objective functions
% are available. Otherwise the Hessian will be approximated to the identity
% matrix.
% + iswarning = false implies that an error will be thrown.
% In case that FD is applied with the Jacobian, the value of the Jacobian
% is the one that will be checked if opts.FunValCheck is true. If also
% iswarning = true, then FD will be re-computed using the objective
% function f if available.
% formident will force the formation of the identity to be returned in Hx
% in case there is no other choice than approximating Hx to the identity.
% Otherwise Hx will be empty (but known to be the identity if Hident is true).
% opts are the optimization options.
% The result is always of size (m x n x n x nobj) even if m = 1.
% The result of H(x) is assumed to be (n x n x nobj) if m = 1.
% fx (if entered) is assumed to be of size (m x obj) even if m = 1
% (after being calculated using one of the vec eval functions).
% Jx (if entered) is assumed to be of size (m x obj x n) even if m = 1
% (after being calculated using one of the vec eval functions).

Hcount = 0;
Hundef = false;
Happrox = false;
Hident = false; % the Hessian was approx to the identity matrix

fcount = 0;

Jcount = 0;
Jundef = false;

m = size(x, 1); % m is the number of individuals

if isempty(H)
[Hx, Hcount, Hundef] = eval.heval(H, x, iswarning, opts);
nobj = size(Hx, 4);
if Hundef
if ~isempty(f) || ~isempty(J)
Happrox = true;
Hident = true;
Hx = eval.hevalorsd([], x, nobj, iswarning, formident, opts);

function [] = hess()
Happrox = true;

if m == 1 && ~isempty(Jx)
Jx = shiftdim(Jx, 1);

[Hx, fx, fcount, Jx, Jcount, Jundef] = fd.hessian(f, J, x, fx, Jx, lb, ub, [], opts);
nobj = size(Hx, 4);
if m == 1
Hx = shiftdim(Hx, -1); % (1 x n x n x nobj)
if Jundef
if ~isempty(f)
[Hx, fx, fcount] = fd.hessian(f, [], x, fx, [], lb, ub, [], opts);
if m == 1
Hx = shiftdim(Hx, -1); % (1 x n x n x nobj)
Hident = true;
Hx = eval.hevalorsd([], x, nobj, iswarning, formident, opts);

if m == 1 && ~isempty(Jx)
Jx = shiftdim(Jx, -1); % (1 x nobj x n)
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions +eval/hevalorfdandmodchol.m
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
% Copyright (c) 2018 Adanay Martín & Oliver Schütze.
% This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
% the file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

function [Hx, Hcount, Hundef, Happrox, Hident, Lx, Lmodif,...
fx, fcount, Jx, Jcount, Jundef, nobj] = hevalorfdandmodchol(H, f, J, x, fx, Jx, lb, ub, iswarning, formident, opts)
% Vectorized Hessian function evaluation plus a modified Cholesky
% decomposition.
% If H is empty, finite differences (FD) are used.
% A Modified Cholesky decomposition is performed afterwards.
% If Lmodif = true, then Hx is not positive definite, thus Lx * Lx' needs
% to be computed.
% Each row of x is considered an individual to be evaluated.
% iswarning defines whether to display a warning or an error if the
% Hessian value is undefined. The Hessian value will be checked only if
% opts.FunValCheck is true. I.e., if opts.FunValCheck is true and H(x) is
% undef, then
% + iswarning = true implies that a warning will be displayed and the
% Hessian will be computed by FD if the Jacobian or the objective functions
% are available. Otherwise the Hessian will be approximated to the identity
% matrix.
% + iswarning = false implies that an error will be thrown.
% In case that FD is applied with the Jacobian, the value of the Jacobian
% is the one that will be checked if opts.FunValCheck is true. If also
% iswarning = true, then FD will be re-computed using the objective
% function f if available.
% formident will force the formation of the identity to be returned in Hx
% (and Lx) in case there is no other choice than approximating Hx to the
% identity. Otherwise Hx (and Lx) will be empty (but known to be the
% identity if Hident is true).
% opts are the optimization options.
% The result is always of size (m x n x n x nobj) even if m = 1.
% The result of H(x) is assumed to be (n x n x nobj) if m = 1.
% fx (if entered) is assumed to be of size (m x obj) even if m = 1
% (after being calculated using one of the vec eval functions).
% Jx (if entered) is assumed to be of size (m x obj x n) even if m = 1
% (after being calculated using one of the vec eval functions).

Lx = [];
Lmodif = [];

[Hx, Hcount, Hundef, Happrox, Hident,...
fx, fcount, Jx, Jcount, Jundef, nobj] = eval.hevalorfd(H, f, J, x, fx, Jx, lb, ub, iswarning, formident, opts);

if nargout > 5
if Hident
Lmodif = false;
if formident
Lx = Hx;
[Lx, Lmodif] = utils.modcholn(Hx, 2, 3);
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions +eval/hevalorqn.m
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
% Copyright (c) 2018 Adanay Martín & Oliver Schütze.
% This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
% the file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

function [Hx1, Hcount, Hundef, Happrox, Hident] = hevalorqn(H, x1, Jx1, x0, Jx0, Hx0, iswarning, formident, opts)
% Vectorized Hessian function evaluation.
% If H is empty, a QN update will be performed.
% Each row of x1, (and x0) is considered an individual to be evaluated.
% iswarning defines whether to display a warning or an error if the
% Hessian value is undefined. The Hessian value will be checked only if
% opts.FunValCheck is true. I.e., if opts.FunValCheck is true and H(x1) is
% undef, then
% + iswarning = true implies that a warning will be displayed and the
% Hessian will be updated if the previous iteration values are provided.
% Otherwise it will be approximated to the identity.
% + iswarning = false implies that an error will be thrown.
% formident will force the formation of the identity to be returned in Hx1
% in case there is no other choice than approximating Hx1 to the identity.
% This may happen e.g. if the previous iteration values are not provided.
% Otherwise Hx1 will be empty (but known to be the identity if Hident is true).
% opts are the optimization options.
% The result is always of size (m x n x n x nobj) even if m = 1.
% The result of H(x) is assumed to be (n x n x nobj) if m = 1.
% Jx1 (and Jx0) (if entered) is assumed to be of size (m x obj x n) even
% if m = 1 (after being calculated using one of the vec eval functions).
% Hx0 (if entered) is assumed to be of size (m x n x n x nobj) even if m = 1
% (after being calculated using one of the vec eval functions).

Hcount = 0;
Hundef = false;
Happrox = false;
Hident = false; % the Hessian was approx to the identity matrix

m0 = size(x0, 1);
m1 = size(x1, 1);
m = max(m0, m1); % m is the number of individuals

if isempty(H)
[Hx1, Hcount, Hundef] = eval.heval(H, x1, iswarning, opts);
if Hundef
if ~isempty(Jx1) && ~isempty(x0) && ~isempty(Jx0)
nobj = size(Hx1, 4);
Happrox = true;
Hident = true;
Hx1 = eval.hevalorsd([], x1, nobj, iswarning, formident, opts);

function [] = hess()
Happrox = true;

if m0 == 1
Jx0 = shiftdim(Jx0, 1);
Hx0 = shiftdim(Hx0, 1);
if m1 == 1
Jx1 = shiftdim(Jx1, 1);

Hx1 = qn.bfgs(Hx0, x0, Jx0, x1, Jx1, opts);

if m == 1
Hx1 = shiftdim(Hx1, -1); % (1 x n x n x nobj)

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