This is the marketing site for Cylinder, found at
It's built in Middleman. We are deployed to GitHub Pages.
Middleman is a static site generator built in Ruby. This makes it a great fit for projects that may end up as a Ruby on Rails app. Its minimalistic structure makes it very easy to work with, and includes support for deploying to Github Pages.
- HAML: Simple template markup
- Sass (LibSass): CSS with superpowers
- Bourbon: Sass mixin library
- Neat: Semantic grid for Sass and Bourbon
- Bitters: Scaffold styles, variables and structure for Bourbon projects.
- Middleman Live Reload: Reloads the page when files change
- Middleman Deploy: Deploy your Middleman build via rsync, ftp, sftp, or git (deploys to Github Pages by default)
- Coffeescript: Write javascript with simpler syntax
Clone up your project in your code directory.
Install a Ruby manager like
This repository uses the Ruby version specified in the .ruby-version file.
bundle install
bundle exec middleman
Stylesheets, fonts, images, and JavaScript files
go in the /source/assets/
Vendor stylesheets and JavaScripts
go in each of their /vendor/
If you have problems, please create a GitHub Issue.
Have a fix or want to add a feature? Pull Requests are welcome!
Copyright © 2017 Cylinder Digital, Inc..