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197 lines (133 loc) · 8.63 KB

API Gateway Tile Service


This Terraform module provisions a tile service using Amazon API Gateway and S3. The service supports requests against tilesets using the slippy map tiles specification and single-file "tilefile" archives like COGs and PMTiles using range requets. The service is completely serverless.

Service diagram

Table of Contents


Create a Terraform configuration to setup the module.

provider "aws" {
  region  = "YOUR_REGION"

module "tile" {
  source            = "addresscloud/tile-service/aws"
  api_name          = "tile-service"
  api_region        = "YOUR_REGION"
  s3_bucket_name    = "YOUR_NEW_BUCKET_NAME"

output "api_invoke_url" {
  description = "Output the invoke URL once the API is deployed."
  value       = module.tile.api_invoke_url

Run the configuration to create the S3 bucket and API gateway.

terraform init
terraform apply

Data Requirements

Tilesets and Tilefiles

The module supports raster and vector tilesets using the slippy map tilenames specification. TileJSON files are also supported using the convention tile.json and placed in the root of the tileset (see Bucket Layout).

The module supports querying raster and vector tilefiles using HTTP range requests. Examples that have been tested are Cloud Optimised Geotiffs and PMTiles, examples of both are included in the Client Demos.

Bucket Layout

Tiles should be stored in the bucket using the layout below.

  • Where YOUR_NEW_BUCKET_NAME is the bucket defined in the s3_bucket_name variable.

  • The tileset is a directory name with any unique URI-safe alphanumeric name to identify individual tilesets.

  • The version is a directory with any unique URI-safe alphanumeric name to differentiate versions of the tile set. For example 2022-06-28.

  • The tile.json file should be a TileJSON file describing the tileset and with the tiles attribute pointing to the newly created API Gateway instance.

  • The tilefile is a directory name with any unique URI-safe alphanumeric name to identify individual tilefiles.

  • The file.extension file should be a single-archive tilefile that supports range requests.

Example complete S3 tileset path:


Example complete S3 tilefile path:


Content Encoding

The module can support compressed tiles if the content-encoding metadata is appended to files in the S3 bucket during upload. Additionally the content-type header can also be set if required by client application. Note that on-the-fly compression by API Gateway is not currently supported.

For example when uploading a vector tileset with gzip compression:

aws s3 cp --recursive my-tile-set/ s3://YOUR_NEW_BUCKET_NAME/TILESET/VERSION/ --content-encoding gzip --content-type application/x-protobuf

Subsequent API requests for these tiles will return Content-encoding and Content-type response headers.


The API exposes the following endpoints:

Get TileJSON

GET /{API_INVOKE_URL}/v1/{tileset}/
X-Api-Key: {API_KEY}

Get Tileset tile

GET /{API_INVOKE_URL}/v1/{tileset}/{version}/{z}/{x}/{y}
X-Api-Key: {API_KEY}

Get part of a Tilefile

GET /{API_INVOKE_URL}/v1/{tilefile}/{version}/{file.extension}
X-Api-Key: {API_KEY}
Range: 0-255

Maximum Payload Size

Note that the maximum payload size for API Gateway is 10 MB. Requesting tiles larger than this will return a 500 error.


All endpoints support OPTIONS requests for CORS. See examples/lambda-authorizer for an example of custom header configuration.


The module automatically requires an API Gateway API key to be present in all requests using the X-API-KEY header. The example in examples/api-key demonstrates creation of an API key and usage plan. Alternatively the API key requirement can be completely disabled by setting the api_require_api_key variable to false. Note that this may expose an API to public access.


The following error types are supported:

  • 404 - not found (missing file/tile)
  • 403 - forbidden (failed authorization)
  • 500 - internal server error (all other errors)

Version Path

The module includes a v1 in the path to future proof against breaking changes to the API.

Client Demos

Demo Source API Endpoint Client Data Format Data Source
Vector tileset github /tileset MapLibre Compressed protocol-buffers (.pbf) OpenMapTiles
Raster tileset github /tileset MapLibre Portable network graphic (.png) Sentinel/ESA
PMTile github /tilefile MapLibre + PMTile plugin PMTile OpenMapTiles
COG github /tilefile Geotiff.js + Plotty Cloud Optimised GeoTiff Sentinel/ESA

Configuration Examples


The module uses Amazon API Gateway and S3 to provision a vector tile API suitable for modern mapping libraries such as MapLibre and Mapbox.

API Gateway is particularly useful when authorization is required to protect non-public data sources. S3 provides a secure and scaleable storage backend and when used with API Gateway removes the need for any server-side logic or functions. The module's serverless architecture means that the service is highly-scaleable.



These alternatives influenced the design of this module should be considered if API Gateway features are not needed.

  • CloudFront + S3 the leanest way to self-host tiles
  • TiTiler supports multiple data types including rasters using Lambda functions
  • MapTiler Cloud excellent commercial solution when self-hosting is not required


This module is maintained by Addresscloud.


PRs accepted.


MIT © 2022 Addresscloud Limited