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Pretty names for Haskell record fields.
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Fixed "many fields of the same type inside one record" case.
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adept committed Aug 22, 2009
1 parent 192e1b9 commit 6b0b208
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 21 deletions.
63 changes: 42 additions & 21 deletions src/GraphType.hs
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ buildGraph types depth root =
attribute("compound", "true")
-- Try harder to route edges around clusters
attribute("remincross", "true")
-- Try harder to route edges around clusters
-- attribute("rankdir", "LR")
-- Add topmost declaration and proceed with links going from it
(danglingLinks,clusters) <- addDecl root [] types
addLinks danglingLinks clusters types
Expand All @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ type ClusterId = NodeId

mkDL :: DeclName -> Port -> NodeId -> DanglingLink
mkDL target sourcePort sourceNode =
DL target (\cluster targetNode -> edge' sourceNode (Just sourcePort) targetNode Nothing [("lheadz",show cluster)])
DL target (\cluster targetNode -> edge' sourceNode (Just sourcePort) targetNode Nothing [("lhead",show cluster)])

-- | Information about clusters already added to the graph:
-- (Data declaration name, (cluster for this declaration, first node in this cluster))
Expand All @@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ addLinks links@((DL target mkLink):rest) clusters types =

-- | Field of the record in dot file
data Field = F { fieldName::Maybe Name
, fieldPort::Maybe Port
, typeName::DeclName
, createFieldLink::[Maybe (NodeId -> DanglingLink)] -- substitude record NodeId here and get a dangling link
Expand All @@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ addDecl root clusters decls = do
-- For simple type declaration, create a single record depicting type.
-- Collect and outgoing links.
let (TypeDecl _ _ _ t) = d
let fs = type2fields t
let fs = type2fields 0 t
fields2horizRecord fs
else do
-- For data/newtype declaration, create a single record for each constructor.
Expand All @@ -109,37 +112,55 @@ addDecl root clusters decls = do

mkRecord label fs = do
rId <- record label
let links = [ mkLink rId | (F _ _ mkLinks) <- fs, Just mkLink <- mkLinks ]
let links = [ mkLink rId | (F _ _ _ mkLinks) <- fs, Just mkLink <- mkLinks ]
return (rId, links)

mkLabel fs = block $ toLabel $ map mkComponent fs
where mkComponent field | fieldName field == Nothing = typeName field
| otherwise = let (Just fn ) = fieldName field
t = typeName field
in block $ fromName fn <||> t
mkLabel fs = wrap $ toLabel $ map mkComponent fs
wrap = case fs of
[_] -> id
_ -> block
mkComponent field | fieldName field == Nothing = (fromMaybe "" $ fieldPort field) ++ typeName field
| otherwise = let fn = fromName $ fromJust $ fieldName field
t = typeName field
text = case head t of
'{' -> block $ fn ++ " :: | " ++ block t
_ -> fn ++ " :: " ++ t
p = fromMaybe "" $ fieldPort field
in p ++ text

addConstructor (ConDecl nm types) = do
let fs = concatMap type2fields types
let fs = concat $ zipWith type2fields [0..] types
fields2vertRecord ("ConDecl " ++ fromName nm) fs
addConstructor (RecDecl nm types) = do
let fs = map rectype2field types
let fs = zipWith rectype2field [0..] types
fields2vertRecord ("RecDecl " ++ fromName nm) fs

-- TODO: add names
rectype2field (nms,t) = F (Just $ name fName) fLabel (concatMap createFieldLink fs)
where fs = type2fields t
fName = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map prettyPrint nms
fLabel = toLabel $ map typeName fs

type2fields t = map typeName2field referencedTypes
rectype2field x (nms,t) =
let fs = type2fields x t
fName = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map prettyPrint nms
fLabel = mkLabel fs -- toLabel $ map typeName fs
in case fs of
[f] -> F { fieldName=(Just $ name fName)
, fieldPort=fieldPort f
, typeName=typeName f
, createFieldLink = createFieldLink f
_ -> F { fieldName=(Just $ name fName)
, fieldPort=Nothing
, typeName=fLabel
, createFieldLink = (concatMap createFieldLink fs)

type2fields x t = map (typeName2field x) referencedTypes
where referencedTypes = [ prettyPrint qname | TyCon qname <- universeBi t ] -- TODO: process TyInfix as well

typeName2field nm =
typeName2field x nm =
case findDecl nm decls of
Just d -> F Nothing ( unwords [port, nm] ) [Just (mkDL nm port)]
Nothing -> F Nothing nm [Nothing]
Just d -> F Nothing (Just port) nm [Just (mkDL nm port)]
Nothing -> F Nothing Nothing nm [Nothing]
port = concat [ "<",nm,">" ]
port = concat [ "<", nm, show x, "> " ]

toLabel [] = ""
toLabel fields = foldr1 (<||>) fields
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