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adhearn committed Aug 10, 2016
1 parent d3c6b43 commit d3c9349
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 0 deletions.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions journal.el
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(defvar journal-base-directory "/Users/adhearn/Dropbox/exobrain/journal"
"The directory that holds journal files, without any date information.")

(defun journal-time->year
(nth 5 (decode-time time)))

(defun journal-time->month
(nth 4 (decode-time time)))

(defun journal-time->day
(nth 3 (decode-time time)))

(defun journal-time->dow
"Returns the day of the week from the given time"
(nth 6 (decode-time time)))

(defun journal-dow-string
"Returns the day of the week as a three character string (e.g. 'Mon', 'Tue', etc.)"
(let ((dow (journal-time->dow time)))
((= dow 0) "Sun")
((= dow 1) "Mon")
((= dow 2) "Tue")
((= dow 3) "Wed")
((= dow 4) "Thu")
((= dow 5) "Fri")
((= dow 6) "Sat")
(t (error "Invalid day of week: %d", dow)))))

(defun journal-month-string
"Returns the month of the given date as a string. The full name of the month is used, all in lowercase."
(let ((month-num (journal-time->month time)))
((= month-num 1) "january")
((= month-num 2) "februaury")
((= month-num 3) "march")
((= month-num 4) "april")
((= month-num 5) "may")
((= month-num 6) "june")
((= month-num 7) "july")
((= month-num 8) "august")
((= month-num 9) "september")
((= month-num 10) "october")
((= month-num 11) "november")
((= month-num 12) "december")
(t (error "Invalid month: %d", month-num)))))

(defun journal-day-string
"Returns the day of the month of the given time as a string."
(number-to-string (journal-time->day time)))

(defun journal-filename-for-date
"Returns the filename corresponding to today's date."
(let ((year (journal-time->year date))
(month (journal-month-string date))
(day (journal-time->day date)))
(format "%s/%d/%s/%d.txt" journal-base-directory year month day))))

(defun journal-timestamp-str
(let ((year (journal-time->year time))
(month (journal-time->month time))
(day (journal-time->day time))
(dow (journal-dow-string time)))
(format "<%4d-%02d-%02d %s>" year month day dow)))

(defun journal-insert-timestamp
"Inserts a timestamp into the current buffer, followed by a newline."
(insert (journal-timestamp-str time))
(insert "\n"))

(defun journal-buffer-empty-p
"Returns true if the given buffer is empty, false otherwise"
(= (buffer-size buf) 0))

(defun journal-open-today
"Opens the file for today into a new buffer and switches to that buffer."
(let ((filename (journal-filename-for-date (current-time))))
(let ((buffer (find-file filename)))
(when (journal-buffer-empty-p buffer)
(journal-insert-timestamp (current-time)))

(defun journal ()
"An interactive functiont that wraps journal-open-today"

(provide 'journal)

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