OpenGallery is an easy way to share photos and small videos with your friends and colleagues without loosing meta-data or image-quality of these.
It was originally designed to collect images from trips with friends at one place. We had the issue that you lose a lot of meta-data when you share your images via whatsapp or similar services. For example you loose the date, when the photo was taken and maybe the GPS-information to. To prevent these issues I started developing this site and there is still a lot of work to do to make this site better suited for this purpose than dropbox, gdrive or other filehosters are.
You can checkout the live demo with secret code demo
(or click here ) But I've disabled the upload function.
So if you are interested in this project, feel free to commit and check the current developing status and ideas on the corresponding Trello Board. I may don't have the time to make this project as awesome as it could be, so please help me.
- Take the last part of the url of your Trello ticket (e.g. "8-setup-feathers-js")
- Name the branch after the Trello id (e.g. "8-setup-feathers-js")