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Engine: use abstract types in plugin API instead of exposing internals
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Only palette is left for now, deal with that later.
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ivan-mogilko committed Jun 22, 2018
1 parent 8f5f148 commit 2f4e88d
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Showing 6 changed files with 26 additions and 141 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Common/ac/characterinfo.h
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ using namespace AGS; // FIXME later

struct CharacterExtras; // forward declaration
// remember - if change this struct, also change plugin header file struct

struct CharacterInfo {
int defview;
int talkview;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Common/ac/mousecursor.h
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ using namespace AGS; // FIXME later
#define MCF_DISABLED 2
#define MCF_STANDARD 4
#define MCF_HOTSPOT 8 // only animate when over hotspot
// this struct is also in the plugin header file

struct MouseCursor {
int pic;
short hotx, hoty;
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Engine/ac/gamestate.h
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ struct GameState {
int fast_forward; // player has elected to skip cutscene
int room_width; // width of current room (320-res co-ordinates)
int room_height; // height of current room (320-res co-ordinates)
// ** up to here is referenced in the plugin interface
int game_speed_modifier;
int score_sound;
int takeover_data; // value passed to RunAGSGame in previous game
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Engine/ac/roomobject.h
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
namespace AGS { namespace Common { class Stream; }}
using namespace AGS; // FIXME later

// This struct is only used in save games and by plugins
// [IKM] Not really.... used in update loop
struct RoomObject {
int x,y;
int transparent; // current transparency setting
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31 changes: 14 additions & 17 deletions Engine/plugin/agsplugin.cpp
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include "ac/dynobj/scriptstring.h"
#include "main/graphics_mode.h"
#include "gfx/gfx_util.h"
#include "ac/dynobj/scriptobject.h"

using namespace AGS::Common;
using namespace AGS::Engine;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ extern PluginObjectReader pluginReaders[MAX_PLUGIN_OBJECT_READERS];
extern int numPluginReaders;
extern RuntimeScriptValue GlobalReturnValue;
extern ScriptString myScriptStringImpl;
extern ScriptObject scrObj[MAX_INIT_SPR];

// **************** PLUGIN IMPLEMENTATION ****************

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,11 +364,13 @@ void IAGSEngine::PollSystem () {
AGSCharacter* IAGSEngine::GetCharacter (int32 charnum) {
if (charnum >= game.numcharacters)
quit("!AGSEngine::GetCharacter: invalid character request");

// IMPORTANT: if we change the script functions object argument type, we must change this return value too!
return (AGSCharacter*)&game.chars[charnum];
AGSGameOptions* IAGSEngine::GetGameOptions () {
return (AGSGameOptions*)&play;
// We should not return anything, because script functions do not require passing actual instance of GameState
quit("!AGSEngine::GetGameOptions() is no longer supported. Use related script API instead.");
return NULL;
AGSColor* IAGSEngine::GetPalette () {
return (AGSColor*)&palette[0];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,8 +402,8 @@ int IAGSEngine::GetNumObjects () {
AGSObject *IAGSEngine::GetObject (int32 num) {
if (num >= croom->numobj)
quit("!IAGSEngine::GetObject: invalid object");

return (AGSObject*)&croom->obj[num];
// IMPORTANT: if we change the script functions object argument type, we must change this return value too!
return (AGSObject*)&scrObj[num];
BITMAP *IAGSEngine::CreateBlankBitmap (int32 width, int32 height, int32 coldep) {
// [IKM] We should not create Bitmap object here, because
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,16 +433,10 @@ BITMAP *IAGSEngine::GetRoomMask (int32 index) {
quit("!IAGSEngine::GetRoomMask: invalid mask requested");
return NULL;
AGSViewFrame *IAGSEngine::GetViewFrame (int32 view, int32 loop, int32 frame) {
if ((view < 0) || (view >= game.numviews))
quit("!IAGSEngine::GetViewFrame: invalid view");
if ((loop < 0) || (loop >= views[view].numLoops))
quit("!IAGSEngine::GetViewFrame: invalid loop");
if ((frame < 0) || (frame >= views[view].loops[loop].numFrames))
return NULL;

return (AGSViewFrame*)&views[view].loops[loop].frames[frame];
quit("!AGSEngine::GetViewFrame() is no longer supported. Use Game_GetViewFrame() of the script API instead.");
return NULL;
int IAGSEngine::GetRawPixelColor (int32 color) {
// Convert the standardized colour to the local gfx mode color
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,10 +533,9 @@ void IAGSEngine::MarkRegionDirty(int32 left, int32 top, int32 right, int32 botto
AGSMouseCursor * IAGSEngine::GetMouseCursor(int32 cursor) {
if ((cursor < 0) || (cursor >= game.numcursors))
return NULL;

return (AGSMouseCursor*)&game.mcurs[cursor];
// We should not return anything, because (at this time) script functions do not require actual cursor instance
quit("!AGSEngine::GetMouseCursor() is no longer supported. Use related script API instead.");
return NULL;
void IAGSEngine::GetRawColorComponents(int32 coldepth, int32 color, int32 *red, int32 *green, int32 *blue, int32 *alpha) {
if (red)
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129 changes: 10 additions & 119 deletions Engine/plugin/agsplugin.h
Expand Up @@ -79,126 +79,17 @@ struct AGSColor {
unsigned char padding;

struct AGSGameOptions {
int32 score; // player's current score
int32 usedmode; // set by ProcessClick to last cursor mode used
int32 disabled_user_interface; // >0 while in cutscene/etc
int32 gscript_timer; // obsolete
int32 debug_mode; // whether we're in debug mode
int32 globalvars[50]; // obsolete
int32 messagetime; // time left for auto-remove messages
int32 usedinv; // inventory item last used
int32 inv_top,inv_numdisp,inv_numorder,inv_numinline;
int32 text_speed; // how quickly text is removed
int32 sierra_inv_color; // background used to paint defualt inv window
int32 talkanim_speed; // animation speed of talking anims
int32 inv_item_wid,inv_item_hit; // set by SetInvDimensions
int32 speech_text_shadow; // colour of outline fonts (default black)
int32 swap_portrait_side; // sierra-style speech swap sides
int32 speech_textwindow_gui; // textwindow used for sierra-style speech
int32 follow_change_room_timer; // delay before moving following characters into new room
int32 totalscore; // maximum possible score
int32 skip_display; // how the user can skip normal Display windows
int32 no_multiloop_repeat; // for backwards compatibility
int32 roomscript_finished; // on_call finished in room
int32 used_inv_on; // inv item they clicked on
int32 no_textbg_when_voice; // no textwindow bgrnd when voice speech is used
int32 max_dialogoption_width; // max width of dialog options text window
int32 no_hicolor_fadein; // fade out but instant in for hi-color
int32 bgspeech_game_speed; // is background speech relative to game speed
int32 bgspeech_stay_on_display; // whether to remove bg speech when DisplaySpeech is used
int32 unfactor_speech_from_textlength; // remove "&10" when calculating time for text to stay
int32 mp3_loop_before_end; // loop this time before end of track (ms)
int32 speech_music_drop; // how much to drop music volume by when speech is played
int32 in_cutscene; // we are between a StartCutscene and EndCutscene
int32 fast_forward; // player has elected to skip cutscene
int32 room_width; // width of current room (320-res co-ordinates)
int32 room_height; // height of current room (320-res co-ordinates)

// AGSCharacter.flags
#define CHF_FIXVIEW 2 // between SetCharView and ReleaseCharView
#define CHF_ALWAYSIDLE 0x10
#define CHF_NOLIGHTING 0x20
#define CHF_NOTURNING 0x40

struct AGSCharacter {
int32 defview;
int32 talkview;
int32 view;
int32 room, prevroom;
int32 x, y, wait;
int32 flags;
short following;
short followinfo;
int32 idleview; // the loop will be randomly picked
short idletime, idleleft; // num seconds idle before playing anim
short transparency; // if character is transparent
short baseline;
int32 activeinv;
int32 talkcolor;
int32 thinkview;
int32 reserved[2];
short walkspeed_y, pic_yoffs;
int32 z;
int32 reserved2[5];
short loop, frame;
short walking, animating;
short walkspeed, animspeed;
short inv[301];
short actx, acty;
char name[40];
char scrname[20];
char on;

// AGSObject.flags
#define OBJF_NOINTERACT 1 // not clickable
#define OBJF_NOWALKBEHINDS 2 // ignore walk-behinds

struct AGSObject {
int32 x,y;
int32 transparent; // current transparency setting
int32 reserved[4];
short num; // sprite slot number
short baseline; // <=0 to use Y co-ordinate; >0 for specific baseline
short view,loop,frame; // only used to track animation - 'num' holds the current sprite
short wait,moving;
char cycling; // is it currently animating?
char overall_speed;
char on;
char flags;
// These are pointer types returned from the engine, to be used only as
// arguments when calling script functions. The contents of these types are
// sealed from plugins. You do not need to know what is inside these structs,
// nor try to access their data in your plugin code, because it may be
// a subject of change in any future engine update.
struct AGSGameOptions;
struct AGSCharacter;
struct AGSObject;
struct AGSViewFrame;
struct AGSMouseCursor;

// AGSViewFrame.flags
#define FRAF_MIRRORED 1 // flipped left to right

struct AGSViewFrame {
int32 pic; // sprite slot number
short xoffs, yoffs;
short speed;
int32 flags;
int32 sound; // play sound when this frame comes round
int32 reserved_for_future[2];

// AGSMouseCursor.flags
#define MCF_DISABLED 2
#define MCF_STANDARD 4

struct AGSMouseCursor {
int32 pic; // sprite slot number
short hotx, hoty; // x,y hotspot co-ordinates
short view; // view (for animating cursors) or -1
char name[10]; // name of cursor mode
char flags; // MCF_flags above

// The editor-to-plugin interface
class IAGSEditor {
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