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98 lines (69 loc) · 2.05 KB

File metadata and controls

98 lines (69 loc) · 2.05 KB

Development Environment


Before you start

  • All commands that should be executed on your machine are prefixed by $
  • All commands that should be executed on the VM are prefixed by


$ vagrant up

Get in the Vagrant VM, in the app folder:

$ vagrant ssh

In your guest machine run the following command:

⇒ composer install

Building database structure

⇒ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Generating fake contributions for development

Checkout the dev/generate-contributions branch in your repository.

$ git checkout dev/generate-contributions

In the guest machine, in the /vagrant directory then run the following command

⇒ php app/console haphpy:contributions:generate <quantity>

the optional quantity parameter can be set up to 768. It defaults to 100.

⚠️ Currently, the command does not clean either the database or the file system from old contributions.

Here are the commands to run in your guest machine:

⇒ rm -rf /var/haphpy/contributions/*/*

And for the database

⇒ mysql -u afup -p -e 'DELETE FROM contribution' haphpy;

password: afup

Accessing dev pages

Accessing the web pages


  • root password: afuprocks
  • database: haphpy
  • user: afup
  • password: afup


Before committing, be sure to run the tests:

⇒ bin/phpunit -v -c app/ src

and to check the Coding Standards:

⇒ bin/coke