# octopusengine.org | newreality.eu #-------------------------------------------- #block-0.2 - 2015-12 - main idea + serial display #block-0.316 - 2016-10 - "better" HTMLParser + nextion display #block-0.317 - 2017-02 - JSON HTMLParser + new "design" # if exist "new" transaction in blockchain.info > action
install (pip):
sudo pip install git+https://github.com/octopusengine/simpleBitcoinMachine.git@currencylib#egg=simpleBitcoinMachine --process-dependency-links
install (from code):
git clone https://github.com/octopusengine/simpleBitcoinMachine.git
sudo python setup.py install
sudo simplebtc
YES! It works!
To test the payment use simplebtc_emulator
this requires ImageMagick or other PIL Image.show() compatible displaying utility.
While opinions on cryptocurrencies are strongly divided, we believe they will find a place in future. As a de-centralised payment instrument, fully computerised currency and store of value.
That’s why we are creating Simple Bitcoin Terminal.
Light, portable, easy to operate – cashier that allows you to accept payments in Bitcoin (and possibly other cryptocurrencies).
Constructed from Raspberry Pi and Nextion touch display. You can adjust it and use flexibly in variety of cases:
– PoS system in shops, restaurants, bars….
– Payment processor for vending and ticket machines
– Part of paid access/service system (unlocking a door, switching a light, AC…)
– Can include BTC chart and alerts
More about it:
2016/2017 last edition:
The new version is using Raspberry Pi and serial display for displaiyng QR code.
https://github.com/octopusengine/serial-display From BITSTAMP.net "gets" current (BTC/USD), recalculate the amount required (USD to BTC), and it generates QR code, after payment is executed events (relays, ...)
Payment of small amounts => waiting only for new transaction in blockchain...
All this takes a few seconds!
Next step? LoLin + micropython / or Raspberry Py 3?
>> Final machine for dispensing goods or opening doors ;-) Up2U
simple bitstamp JSON parsser:
cfile = urllib2.urlopen("https://www.bitstamp.net/api/ticker/").read() jObj = json.loads(bcfile) lastNum =int(float(jObj["last"]))
QR code:
qrGet="bitcoin:"+wallAdr+"?amount="+str(amount) #+"?label="+label +"&message=Payment" #+"&ex" displayQR(nextionBool,qrGet) ...> we use qrencode os.system('qrencode -o qrcode.png '+qrGet) os.system('qrencode -t ASCII -o qrcode.txt '+qrGet)
What about BTC donation? ;-)
Please support us with BTC if you find the code useful:
alfa testing: block-test02.py
beta testing: simplebtc.py
new transaction > action