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agarwalutkarsh554 committed Oct 4, 2021
1 parent 2095b98 commit da085df
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 0 deletions.
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
import nltk
import sys
import os
import string
import math
import corpus

SENTENCE_MATCHES = 1'stopwords')

def main():

# Check command-line arguments

# Calculate IDF values across files
files = load_files(corpus)
file_words = {
filename: tokenize(files[filename])
for filename in files
file_idfs = compute_idfs(file_words)

# Prompt user for query
query = set(tokenize(input("Query: ")))

# Determine top file matches according to TF-IDF
filenames = top_files(query, file_words, file_idfs, n=FILE_MATCHES)

# Extract sentences from top files
sentences = dict()
for filename in filenames:
for passage in files[filename].split("\n"):
for sentence in nltk.sent_tokenize(passage):
tokens = tokenize(sentence)
if tokens:
sentences[sentence] = tokens

# Compute IDF values across sentences
idfs = compute_idfs(sentences)

# Determine top sentence matches
matches = top_sentences(query, sentences, idfs, n=SENTENCE_MATCHES)
for match in matches:

def load_files(directory):
print("loading data......")

files = {}
for filename in corpus:
files[filename] = content

return files
Given a directory name, return a dictionary mapping the filename of each
`.txt` file inside that directory to the file's contents as a string.
#raise NotImplementedError

def tokenize(document):
words_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(document)

refined_words_tokens = [word.lower() for word in words_tokens if
word not in string.punctuation and word not in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english")]

return refined_words_tokens
Given a document (represented as a string), return a list of all of the
words in that document, in order.
Process document by coverting all words to lowercase, and removing any
punctuation or English stopwords.
#raise NotImplementedError

def compute_idfs(documents):
idf = {}
total_documents = len(documents)
for titles in documents:

for word in documents[titles]:
if word in idf:
word_frequency = 1
for other_titles in documents:
if titles == other_titles:
if word in documents[other_titles]:
word_frequency += 1
idf[word] = math.log(total_documents / word_frequency)

return idf
Given a dictionary of `documents` that maps names of documents to a list
of words, return a dictionary that maps words to their IDF values.
Any word that appears in at least one of the documents should be in the
resulting dictionary.
#raise NotImplementedError

def top_files(query, files, idfs, n):
tf_idf_scores = {file_names: 0 for file_names in files}
for file_name in files:
for word in query:
if word in files[file_name]:
tf = files[file_name].count(word)
idf = idfs[word]
tf_idf_scores[file_name] += tf * idf

return sorted([file for file in files], key=lambda x: tf_idf_scores[x], reverse=True)
Given a `query` (a set of words), `files` (a dictionary mapping names of
files to a list of their words), and `idfs` (a dictionary mapping words
to their IDF values), return a list of the filenames of the the `n` top
files that match the query, ranked according to tf-idf.
#raise NotImplementedError

def top_sentences(query, sentences, idfs, n):
top_sentence_score = {sentence: [0, 0] for sentence in sentences}
for sentence in sentences:

for words in query:
if words in sentences[sentence]:
top_sentence_score[sentence][0] += idfs[words]
query_term_density = 0
for word in sentences[sentence]:
if word in query:
query_term_density += 1
top_sentence_score[sentence][1] = query_term_density / len(sentences[sentence])

sorted_top_sentence_score = {sentence: values for sentence, values in
sorted(top_sentence_score.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1][0], x[1][1]), reverse=True)}

return list(sorted_top_sentence_score.keys())[:n]
Given a `query` (a set of words), `sentences` (a dictionary mapping
sentences to a list of their words), and `idfs` (a dictionary mapping words
to their IDF values), return a list of the `n` top sentences that match
the query, ranked according to idf. If there are ties, preference should
be given to sentences that have a higher query term density.
#raise NotImplementedError

if __name__ == "__main__":

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