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dotnet core msbuild task which generate POCO classes from db up migration files.

This task make the perfect fit to be used in conjunction with Dapper and DapperExtensions and DbUp.

It allows to make a real database first approach on your project. A good practice is not to add the generated classes to your SCM (by adding Generated/ folder to .gitignore for example), because they will be (re)generated before each build.

How to use it

In your .csproj file simply add the reference to the nuget assembly:

        <PackageReference Include="DbModelGenerator" Version="0.4.7"/>

And then feel free to call the DbGenerateModel task on pre-build step :

    <Target Name="Generate Db Model" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">

This will look for migrations scripts located into the ${ProjectDir}/Scripts directory. It will iterate over all sub directories found into the Scripts directory.

For each of them :

  • It will apply the Dbup migration scripts located in the directory (into an Sqlite in memory database).
  • It will generate the POCO classes mapping the schema tables.
  • The files will be written to ${ProjectDir}/Generated/${MigrationDirectoryName} namespace.

Optional parameters :

  • ScriptsDir : The absolute directory where to search for DbUp migration scripts
  • EntityInterface : A list of C# interfaces for the matching classes to implement. An interface define all the matching fields and can have generic type parameters.
  • PrimaryKeyAttribute : A C# attribute class to mark primary keys properties with.
  • AutoIncrementAttribute : A C# attribute class to mark auto increment properties with.
  • Suffix : A text suffix to append to generated class names.
  • Ignore : List of tables to ignore (separated by comma).


See provided Example.Service.csproj for example


dotnet core msbuild task which generate POCO classes from db up migration files







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