Project specific vim configurations for hackers. Checks your project's directory for .vimjectsrc
files and sources them.
For example, you can add autocommands that automatically runs your project's build command on save, specific to each project.
- Recursively searches the filesystem for .vimjectrc and .vimjectrcbuf files and sources them
- Rudimentary security features
- Completely customizable to your needs
Vimjects is compatible with Pathogen and other Vim addon managers. I personally use vim-plug
Just add
Plug 'ahalbert/vimjects'
between the Plug calls in your .vimrc.
Add a .vimjectrc file with the extra configuration options in the directory of your project.
Vimjects will confirm you want to source this file before doing so.
By default, Vimjects will stop after sourcing 1 file. Calling vimjects#continueSourcing()
in your .vimjectsrc when sourcing will tell Vimjects to source
the next file.
Values: 1
or 0
If set to 1
, source all files given by the function without using vimjects#continueSourcing. If 0
, require vimjects#continueSourcing()
to source next file.
Default: 0
Values: 1
or 0
If set to 1
, ask for confirmation if file has never been loaded or been changed since last loaded. If set to 0
, file is sourced without prompting
The hashes check if the file has changed since previous
Default: 1
Values: Function signature
Function to be used to determine what files to source. Takes any number of args, and returns a list of files to source. If empty, will do nothing.
Default: vimjects#sourceRecursive
Copyright (c) Armand Halbert. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See :help license