default 13:13:59.299781 -0700 assertiond [SpringBoard:46688] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleApp:46777: default 13:13:59.300028 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:13:59.300083 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Activate assertion: default 13:13:59.298423 -0700 SpringBoard [com.airbnb.ExampleApp] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'siri' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion added. default 13:13:59.300128 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10300] default 13:13:59.299423 -0700 SpringBoard [com.airbnb.ExampleApp] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x6000035580f0 default 13:13:59.305754 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Deactivate assertion: default 13:13:59.305808 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100] default 13:13:59.305849 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Remove assertion: default 13:13:59.307778 -0700 SpringBoard [com.airbnb.ExampleApp] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x6000035580f0 default 13:13:59.307948 -0700 assertiond [SpringBoard:46688] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleApp:46777: default 13:13:59.308103 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:13:59.308148 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Activate assertion: default 13:13:59.308191 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10300] default 13:13:59.310237 -0700 assertiond client HWM increased to 1 because of default 13:13:59.310286 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleApp:46777: default 13:13:59.310449 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:13:59.310504 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Activate assertion: default 13:13:59.310550 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10308] default 13:13:59.994736 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Deactivate assertion: default 13:13:59.994785 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10108] default 13:13:59.994840 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Remove assertion: default 13:13:59.994892 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Deactivate assertion: default 13:13:59.994920 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100] default 13:13:59.994945 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Remove assertion: default 13:14:00.709947 -0700 assertiond [SpringBoard:46688] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleApp:46777: default 13:14:00.710164 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:14:00.710244 -0700 backboardd [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.airbnb.ExampleApp (46777) default 13:14:00.710218 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Activate assertion: default 13:14:00.710271 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10108] default 13:14:00.710732 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Deactivate assertion: default 13:14:00.710782 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100] default 13:14:00.710839 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Remove assertion: default 13:15:02.315549 -0700 SiriViewService No entry for com.airbnb.ExampleApp found in cache, generating icon default 13:15:02.316124 -0700 lsdiconservice Generating icon data for com.airbnb.ExampleApp <23> { CFBundlePrimaryIcon = { CFBundleIconFiles = ( "Icon.png", "Icon@2x.png", "Icon-72.png", "Icon-72@2x.png", "Icon-Small-50.png", "Icon-Small-50@2x.png" ); UIPrerenderedIcon = 0; }; } default 13:15:02.333927 -0700 SiriViewService name: default 13:15:02.376048 -0700 pkd allowing host 46797 /Applications/ to use plug-in com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentUIExtension(1.0) uuid=337E1BD3-D6D5-42DA-B94A-1E5C1C5DE679 at /Users/michael_bachand/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/FBF09DB1-6509-4284-A8D5-D047FB88E3F9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/FE593609-09F2-4E5F-A518-549C8EB639E2/ default 13:15:02.748686 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.752258 -0700 backboardd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:EC78B2BA-5588-433C-98D7-D0E5FE4E9314 pid:46932 process:ExampleIntentUIExtension type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: ___getHIDEventSystemClient_block_invoke + 349 attributes:{type = immutable dict, count = 3, entries => 0 : {contents = "pid"} = {value = +46932, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 1 : {contents = "bundleID"} = {contents = "com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentUIExtension"} 2 : {contents = "HighFrequency"} = {value = false} } inactive:1 default 13:15:02.755356 -0700 SpringBoard [FBServiceFacilityServer] Client ExampleIntentUI:46932 connected to service default 13:15:02.757629 -0700 SpringBoard Adding: default 13:15:02.758594 -0700 SpringBoard [FBServiceFacilityServer] Client ExampleIntentUI:46932 connected to service default 13:15:02.760807 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = eQd5mlz0BN0amTp/2ccMoA default 13:15:02.763757 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Retrieving resting unlock: 0 default 13:15:02.865269 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.866101 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension [FBSDisplaySource 1-1] silently connecting default 13:15:02.866314 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension [FBSDisplaySource 1-1] initialized default 13:15:02.868071 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.868798 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.869936 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.870417 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.871077 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.871629 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.872154 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog error 13:15:02.872346 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Unable to look up screen scale error 13:15:02.872397 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Unexpected physical screen orientation default 13:15:02.889789 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.954056 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.955303 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.956951 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.959349 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.961433 -0700 assertiond _FGJetsamPriorityBand is 10 for ExampleIntentUI:46932 error 13:15:02.961549 -0700 assertiond SyscallError: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_PROCESS_IS_MANAGED failed for ExampleIntentUI:46932 default 13:15:02.961943 -0700 assertiond Now tracking extension process with host default 13:15:02.962480 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.962197 -0700 assertiond Extension (46932) is hosted by requesting process (46797); created extension process: default 13:15:02.962334 -0700 assertiond [SiriViewService:46797] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:02.962599 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:02.962668 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:02.962748 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x7fe85e2001f0 added: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; removed: (none)) default 13:15:02.962805 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2000000] default 13:15:02.962872 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] dump assertions count:1 HWM:1 (CPUMON check): { [active] } default 13:15:02.964523 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog error 13:15:02.964716 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Unable to look up screen scale default 13:15:02.965296 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.963586 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010000] default 13:15:02.965971 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.963977 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] setpriority(PRIO_DARWIN_ROLE, 46932, 1): ok default 13:15:02.966637 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.967315 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.967954 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.968679 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog error 13:15:02.968872 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Unable to look up screen scale error 13:15:02.968935 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Unexpected physical screen orientation default 13:15:02.969566 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:02.972955 -0700 assertiond [SiriViewService:46797] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:02.973206 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:02.973267 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:02.974000 -0700 assertiond [SiriViewService:46797] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:02.974000 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:02.974078 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0 default 13:15:02.974207 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Remove assertion: default 13:15:02.974724 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:02.974821 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:02.981156 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Failed to inherit CoreMedia permissions from 46797: (null) error 13:15:03.080732 -0700 backboardd Unable to bootstrap_look_up port with name com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentUIExtension.gsEvents: unknown error code (1102) default 13:15:03.092840 -0700 SpringBoard [FBServiceFacilityServer] Client ExampleIntentUI:46932 connected to service default 13:15:03.119845 -0700 MobileGestaltHelper platform fast path elided: caller = ExampleIntentUI.46932, question = oBbtJ8x+s1q0OkaiocPuog default 13:15:03.127828 -0700 SpringBoard [FBServiceFacilityServer] Client ExampleIntentUI:46932 connected to service default 13:15:03.129450 -0700 SpringBoard [FBServiceFacilityServer] Client ExampleIntentUI:46932 connected to service error 13:15:03.132715 -0700 SpringBoard HW kbd: Failed to set com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentUIExtension as keyboard focus default 13:15:03.172119 -0700 assertiond client HWM increased to 1 because of default 13:15:03.172180 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:03.180062 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:03.180124 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:03.180179 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010008] default 13:15:03.180851 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:03.180907 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010000] default 13:15:03.181509 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Remove assertion: default 13:15:03.434903 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Will reevaluate code items and load any needed ax code items now default 13:15:03.435347 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension found 10 axbundle(s) requiring load default 13:15:03.481587 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Finished loading ax code items default 13:15:03.780491 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Will reevaluate code items and load any needed ax code items now default 13:15:03.780614 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension found 0 axbundle(s) requiring load default 13:15:03.780649 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Finished loading ax code items default 13:15:23.223130 -0700 assertiond [SpringBoard:46688] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:23.223373 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:23.223478 -0700 backboardd [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.airbnb.ExampleApp (46777) default 13:15:23.223444 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:23.223503 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x7fe85e602b10 added: preventThrottleDownUI; removed: (none)) default 13:15:23.223548 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010008] default 13:15:23.223992 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:23.224045 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x7fe85e602b10 added: (none); removed: preventThrottleDownUI) default 13:15:23.224081 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010000] default 13:15:23.224323 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Remove assertion: default 13:15:29.910554 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:29.910736 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:29.910781 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:29.910860 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010008] default 13:15:29.922061 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:29.922115 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010000] default 13:15:29.922216 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Remove assertion: default 13:15:32.009609 -0700 pkd allowing host 46676 /Applications/ to use plug-in com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentExtension(1.0) uuid=FFC456C5-061C-4B6E-B629-26DDA91FF66E at /Users/michael_bachand/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/FBF09DB1-6509-4284-A8D5-D047FB88E3F9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/FE593609-09F2-4E5F-A518-549C8EB639E2/ default 13:15:32.173932 -0700 assertiond _FGJetsamPriorityBand is 10 for ExampleIntentEx:47062 error 13:15:32.174025 -0700 assertiond SyscallError: MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_PROCESS_IS_MANAGED failed for ExampleIntentEx:47062 default 13:15:32.174260 -0700 assertiond Now tracking extension process with host (null) default 13:15:32.174468 -0700 assertiond Extension (47062) is hosted by requesting process (46676); created extension process: default 13:15:32.174649 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentEx:47062: default 13:15:32.174834 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:32.174892 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Activate assertion: default 13:15:32.174937 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x7fe85e313560 added: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; removed: (none)) default 13:15:32.175015 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2000000] default 13:15:32.175211 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] dump assertions count:1 HWM:1 (CPUMON check): { [active] } default 13:15:32.175636 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010000] error 13:15:32.175942 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] SyscallError: setpriority(PRIO_DARWIN_ROLE, 47062, 1): Operation not supported default 13:15:32.415979 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentEx:47062: default 13:15:32.416194 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:32.416253 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Activate assertion: error 13:15:32.596429 -0700 coreduetd error in setObject { DKObjUUID = "42B37035-9F61-4835-834E-C69E2685B980"; class = BuckPhotoIntent; donatedBySiri = 1; handlingStatus = 3; sourceBundleID = "com.airbnb.ExampleApp"; sourceItemID = "9E9B8F1F-808F-4692-80A9-C12E3F796F58"; } for keyPath /device/intents/dataDictionary : Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.} default 13:15:32.713657 -0700 SiriViewService name: default 13:15:32.736672 -0700 assertiond [SiriViewService:46797] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:32.736909 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:32.736969 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:32.739607 -0700 assertiond [SiriViewService:46797] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:32.739777 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:32.739818 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:32.740425 -0700 assertiond [SiriViewService:46797] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:32.740429 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:32.740535 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0 default 13:15:32.741170 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Remove assertion: default 13:15:32.741875 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:32.742073 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:32.745718 -0700 ExampleIntentUIExtension Failed to inherit CoreMedia permissions from 46797: (null) default 13:15:32.771635 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Attempting to acquire assertion for ExampleIntentUI:46932: default 13:15:32.771841 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Add assertion: { owner = ; flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep; } default 13:15:32.771903 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Activate assertion: default 13:15:32.771961 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010008] default 13:15:32.777473 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:32.777537 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x2010000] default 13:15:32.777636 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Remove assertion: default 13:15:37.462087 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:37.462139 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0 default 13:15:37.462229 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Remove assertion: default 13:15:37.462292 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Deactivate assertion: default 13:15:37.462420 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] no more active assertions, resetting _timedAssertionPermittedDuration, _timedAssertionReferenceTime, _timedAssertionDeadlineActive: NO default 13:15:37.462714 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] No time-limited assertions remain default 13:15:37.462915 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] New process assertion state; (none) (assertion 0x7fe85e206770 added: (none); removed: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep) error 13:15:37.464174 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] cannot suspend task in the simulator; we do not have a valid task port default 13:15:37.464226 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] suspend success default 13:15:37.464480 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Setting jetsam priority to 0 [0x10000] default 13:15:37.464725 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Setting jetsam priority to 0 [0] error 13:15:37.465157 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] SyscallError: setpriority(PRIO_DARWIN_ROLE, 47062, 3): Operation not supported default 13:15:37.465323 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Remove assertion: error 13:16:13.859196 -0700 assistant_service -[AAPIntentsInfoSyncHandler getChangeAfterAnchor:changeInfo:] No intents are supported by Intents extensions for com.airbnb.ExampleApp: ( " pluginID=com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentExtension UUID=FFC456C5-061C-4B6E-B629-26DDA91FF66E version=1.0" ) error 13:16:13.862344 -0700 assistant_service -[AAPIntentsInfoSyncHandler getChangeAfterAnchor:changeInfo:] No intents are supported by Intents extensions for com.airbnb.ExampleApp: ( " pluginID=com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentExtension UUID=FFC456C5-061C-4B6E-B629-26DDA91FF66E version=1.0" ) default 13:16:20.560047 -0700 assertiond [ExampleApp:46777] Allow-idle-sleep timer fired but we are not locked; ignoring. default 13:17:32.474761 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Port death watcher fired. default 13:17:32.476417 -0700 assertiond Process exited: default 13:17:32.476573 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Invalidating... default 13:17:32.670345 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentEx:47062] Invalidation complete. default 13:17:32.670520 -0700 assertiond Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.airbnb.ExampleApp.IntentExtension default 13:18:32.760821 -0700 assertiond [ExampleIntentUI:46932] Allow-idle-sleep timer fired but we are not locked; ignoring.