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113 lines (99 loc) · 13.9 KB


This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Iterable source connector.


To set up the Iterable source connector, you'll need the Iterable Server-side API Key with standard permissions.

Set up the Iterable connector in Airbyte

  1. Log into your Airbyte Cloud account or navigate to the Airbyte Open Source dashboard.
  2. Click Sources and then click + New source.
  3. On the Set up the source page, select Iterable from the Source type dropdown.
  4. Enter the name for the Iterable connector.
  5. For API Key, enter the Iterable API key.
  6. For Start Date, enter the date in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ format. The data added on and after this date will be replicated.
  7. Click Set up source.

Supported sync modes

The Iterable source connector supports the following sync modes:

Supported Streams

Additional notes

List Users Stream when meet 500 - Generic Error will skip a broken slice and keep going with the next one. This is related to unexpected failures when trying to get users list for specific list ids. See #24968 issue for more details.


Version Date Pull Request Subject
0.5.0 2024-03-18 36231 Migrate connector to low-code
0.4.0 2024-03-19 36267 Pin airbyte-cdk version to ^0
0.3.0 2024-02-20 35465 Per-error reporting and continue sync on stream failures
0.2.2 2024-02-12 35150 Manage dependencies with Poetry.
0.2.1 2024-01-12 1234 prepare for airbyte-lib
0.2.0 2023-09-29 28457 Added userId to email_bounce, email_click, email_complaint, email_open, email_send email_send_skip, email_subscribe, email_unsubscribe, events streams
0.1.31 2023-12-06 33106 Base image migration: remove Dockerfile and use the python-connector-base image
0.1.30 2023-07-19 28457 Fixed TypeError for StreamSlice in debug mode
0.1.29 2023-05-24 26459 Added requests reading timeout 300 seconds
0.1.28 2023-05-12 26014 Improve 500 handling for Events stream
0.1.27 2023-04-06 24962 UserList stream when meet 500 - Generic Error will skip a broken slice and keep going with the next one
0.1.26 2023-03-10 23938 Improve retry for 500 - Generic Error
0.1.25 2023-03-07 23821 Added retry for 500 - Generic Error, increased max attempts number to 6 to handle ChunkedEncodingError
0.1.24 2023-02-14 22979 Specified date formatting in specification
0.1.23 2023-01-27 22011 Set AvailabilityStrategy for streams explicitly to None
0.1.22 2022-11-30 19913 Replace pendulum.parse -> dateutil.parser.parse to avoid memory leak
0.1.21 2022-10-27 18537 Improve streams discovery
0.1.20 2022-10-21 18292 Better processing of 401 and 429 errors
0.1.19 2022-10-05 17602 Add check for stream permissions
0.1.18 2022-10-04 17573 Limit time range for SATs
0.1.17 2022-09-02 16067 added new events streams
0.1.16 2022-08-15 15670 Api key is passed via header
0.1.15 2021-12-06 8524 Update connector fields title/description
0.1.14 2021-12-01 8380 Update Events stream to use export/userEvents endpoint
0.1.13 2021-11-22 8091 Adjust slice ranges for email streams
0.1.12 2021-11-09 7780 Split EmailSend stream into slices to fix premature connection close error
0.1.11 2021-11-03 7619 Bugfix type error while incrementally loading the Templates stream
0.1.10 2021-11-03 7591 Optimize export streams memory consumption for large requests
0.1.9 2021-10-06 5915 Enable campaign_metrics stream
0.1.8 2021-09-20 5915 Add new streams: campaign_metrics, events
0.1.7 2021-09-20 6242 Updated schema for: campaigns, lists, templates, metadata