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KEEP Network Helm Charts


These charts provide a simple way to deploy KEEP Network clients into Kubernetes and make for easier and simplier upgrade processes


  • Kubernetes 1.9+
  • Support for PersistentVolume


There are two charts to use depending on the client you are deploying these are

  • keep-client (also known as keep-core or the Beacon chain client)
  • keep-ecdsa (used for tBTC and other applications)

Using the Chart

Required Config

To install the charts you need to provide a few essential configuration options, these are:

  • Node config information
  • Ethereum wallet JSON
  • Ethereum wallet password

There are multiple ways of passing these data to the chart including:

It's recommended you place these parameters in a local values file and install the chart with the following command


helm install my-keep-node keep-client -f myvalues.yaml --set keyPass.password="mypassword"

Configuration Options

Below are common configuration options which apply to both charts (keep-client and keep-ecdsa)

Parameter Description Default
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
config.announcedAddrs List of addresses to announce connectivity on ['"/ip4/"']
config.contractAddrs Key/value pairs of contracts to add to config See client ecdsa
config.ethereum.account Ethereum account address "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
config.ethereum.keyFile Keyfile name to load from config.paths.keyStore wallet.json
config.ethereum.url Ethereum WS Url "wss://"
config.ethereum.urlRpc Ethereum HTTP RPC Url ""
config.logLevel Node logging level ""
config.paths.config Path to store config /mnt/config Path to persist data /mnt/persistence
config.paths.keyStore Path to store keys /mnt/keystore
config.peers List of peers to bootstrap network See client ecdsa
config.port Port to listen for p2p traffic 3919
config.sanctionedApplications List of sanctioned contracts ['"0x14dC06F762E7f4a756825c1A1dA569b3180153cB"']
configFile.enabled Enable reading local toml file false
configFile.localFile Local toml file name config.toml
configYaml Raw config.toml to place in ConfigMap {}
image.command Command to execute within image []
image.repository Image repository See client ecdsa
image.tag Image tag See client ecdsa
fullnameOverride Custom fullname override for chart ""
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets []
keyFile.existingSecret Existing secret to use for keyfile (ensure the filename is set to config.ethereum.keyFile) {}
keyFile.localFile Local json wallet filename wallet.json
keyFileJson Raw JSON keyfile to place into secret {}
keyPass.existingSecret Existing secret containing KEEP_ETHEREUM_PASSWORD value ``
keyPass.password Password for keyfile "keepnetworkclient"
metrics.enabled Enable metrics false
metrics.port Set metrics port for node 8080
metrics.networkMetricsTick Set tick for network metrics collection 60
metrics.ethereumMetricsTick Set tick for ethereum metrics collection 600
nameOverride Custom name override for chart ""
nodeSelector Node labels for controller pod assignment {}
persistentDisk.accessModes Access mode for the persistent volume ReadWriteOnce
persistentDisk.enabled Enable persistent disk for node true
persistentDisk.size Size of persistent disk to provision 1Gi
persistentDisk.storageClass Storage Class to provision disk with ""
podAnnotations Annotations to be added to the node pod {}
podLabels Labels to be added to node pod {}
podSecurityContext Set security context for pod {}
preParamsGenerationTimeout Set pre-params generations timeout for ECDSA nodes ""
probesEnabled Enable readiness and liveness probes false
pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
replicaCount Replica count for StatefulSet 1
resources Resource limits and requests for node {}
securityContext Set security context for node container {} Set service port name p2p
service.port Set service port number 3919
service.type Set service type ClusterIP
serviceAccount.annotations Service account annotations {}
serviceAccount.create If true a service account with created and used true Existing service account to use ""
serviceMonitor.enabled Enable service monitor for metrics false
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Additional labels for service Montitor {}
serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations for service monitor {}
serviceMonitor.interval Interval for metrics scraping ""
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout for scraping metrics ""
tolerations Controller pod toleration for taints []