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Comparison of Performance Between Raw Oracle SQL and NHibernate ORM

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Comparison of Performance Between Raw Oracle SQL and NHibernate ORM


This is a project of Database Sessional (CSE-304) based on Raw SQL and NHibernate ORM. We choose the dataset of "Stack Exchange" to run our query.

We ran some selected queries in both Raw sql and NHibernate ORM. Then we compare the execution time of both of these. And By this way we will show which one is better in what cases.

Working Procedure

  • Download the Dataset: We downloaded the XML file of the dataset of "Stack Exchange".

  • Designing Schema: Then we design the schema for this dataset. After that we create the corresponding table for the database in ORACLE database management system.

    Here is the schema-

    Alt text

  • Inserting Data: We inserted the whole dataset in our database.We have imported 20.4 gb data in our database. The current state of total records of our database -

      Community: 301 
      User: 3123793
      Posts: 4046670
      Tags: 85830 
      Badges: 5665372 
      PostLinkS: 473431
      Comments: 6821944 
      PostHistory: 11837446 
      Votes: 19628868  
  • Writing Queries: We tried to write queries such that these can cover all the basic feature of DBMS as simple query with small query time comparison between ORM and RAW SQL may not be authentic. THese queries are:

    a) Which questions have score(upvote - downvotes) but have not been answered yet

      select postId , Score, ViewCount, AcceptedAnswerId from Posts 
      where Score > 0 and ViewCount > 0 and ParentId is null and AcceptedAnswerId is null
      order by ViewCount asc;

    b) Show the postlink counts of a global user sorted by total count

      select u.accountId , count(*) PostlinkCount from Users u, 
      Posts p ,
      PostLinks pl where p.postId=pl.postId and p.ownerUserId= u.userId
      group by u.accountId 
      ORDER BY PostlinkCount DESC

    c) Sort the user according to their most post body edits [ who are the worst post writers.

      Select g.accountId, g.displayname, count(ph.postHistoryId) as cnt
      From Users u, Posts p , PostHistory ph , Gloubalusers g
      where u.userId = p.ownerUserId and p.postId=ph.postId
       and ph.postHistoryTypeId = 5 and u.accountId = g.accountId
      group by g.accountId
      order by cnt DESC

    d) Find out the persons in sorted list who have earned the most badges in a specific community between two given date.

       Select u.accountId , count(b.badgesId) as cnt
       From Users u, Badges b 
       where u.userId = b.userId and u.communityId = 1
       and b.badgesdate between '01-jan-2015' and '01-jun-2017’
       group by u.accountId
       order by cnt DESC

    e) Find out tags in sorted list whose questions have earned most upvotes.

      select t.tagname,count(c.commentid) cnt
      FROM Tags t, PostTages pt, Posts p, comments c 
      WHERE t.tagid=pt.tagid and pt.postid=p.postid and p.postid= c.postid 
      GROUP BY t.tagname
      order by cnt DESC

    f) Find out tags in sorted list whose questions have most comments on them.

      select t.tagname,COUNT(*) AS UpVotes 
      FROM Tags t, PostTages pt, Posts p, Votes v
      WHERE t.tagid=pt.tagid and pt.postid=p.ParentId 
      and v.PostId = p.PostId and v.VoteTypeId = 2
      GROUP BY t.tagname
      order by UpVotes DESC
  • Writing code for ORM: we wrote code for ORM for those 6 queries.

Raw Query Time

    Query 1
    Query 2
    Query 3
    Query 4
    Query 5
    Query 6

Nhibernate Query Time

    Query 1
    Query 2
    Query 3
    Query 4
    Query 5
    Query 6

Alt text


Raw SQL performed better than NHibernate ORM and it also became evident that NHibernate ORM is less suitable for the large applications with a huge amount of data and where many requests to the database at a time is involved as it created ORM object for each request and consumed more memory and increased the CPU usage rather than executing the queries. On the other hand ORM provides benefits and advantages that one simply cannot miss, it can enhance maintainability, portability and productivity of the application.


Comparison of Performance Between Raw Oracle SQL and NHibernate ORM





