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Scripts for Rust (game)

These scripts are intended to ease your wipe days for Rust servers and generate smaller backups than the stock LGSM backups by only backing up the map/sav files as opposed to the entire install.



Ideally you'll want to set a cron for the wipe script to specify the day, and then use an if to execute on a wipe day. For example, my force map cron looks like this:

0 13 * * 4 if [[ $(date +\%-d) -le 7 ]]; then sleep 20; ./rust-scripts/ --force-wipe --restart-server 3600 weekly server restart @@ --wipe-blueprints odd --do-backup rustserver; fi

This cron will fire every Thursday at 1PM server time. It then checks if the day is less than '7' (ie, the first Thursday of the month).


./ [--full]

This syntax will take a backup of all instances under the user account running the script. No save commands are sent.

./ <instancename> <instancename...>

This invocation will only save the data needed to restore the specific instance(s). If you have webrcon-cli installed and defined, it will also send a save command prior to the backup.


./ [--full] backupFile [<date>]

This invocation will restore all Rust instances from the specified backupFile. If you need a file from a different month, then pass the month in MM format (as date). If you have redefined backupDirSuffix then use that format instead for date.

./ <instancename> backupFile [<date>]

This version of the command restores only the given instancename from the given backupFile

./ list [<date>]

This will list all backup files available for the current month. Pass MM for date if you need a different month. If you have redefined backupDirSuffix then use that format instead for date.

Wipe script

./ [option-name] [option-name...] instanceName [option-name] [option-name...] instanceName

  The last parameter MUST be an instance name.

    Will delete all *.sav and *.map files in the specified LGSM instance.
    Implies --update-rust, --update-mods, and --wipe-map.
  --new-seed [<seedfile.txt>|random]
    Will generate a new map seed and update the specified LGSM config.
    Use seedfile.txt to use the next seed from a given file, seed is deleted on use.  Will use a random seed if file is empty.
   'random' will generate a random seed.
    Will update Rust.
    Will update uMod.
  --wipe-blueprints [odd|even|now]
    Will remove the blueprint files, based on the required option.
    (eg: if the month is divisible by two and 'even' is passed, blueprints will be wiped).
    Will delete all backpack data from the default location (serverfiles/oxide/data/Backpacks)
  --restart-server <restart time in seconds> <restart reason>
    Will restart the server when done.
    Restart reason can be multiple words; string must be terminated with '@@'
    (requires valid webRconCmd setting in .rs.config).
    Will update LGSM.
    Will take a backup.


scripts to manage backups / restores / weekly restarts







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