Codes for the experiment of ACL2015 short paper
Clone the repository, and open the "scripts/" file, edit the environment paths for you environment. (GIZA to your giza installed directory, TRAVATAR for travatar, etc...)
Download Europarl corpus source file from:
and extract it, then you get "txt" directory that contains all the proceedings in each language.
In the same directory that you can see this "txt" directory, execute:
$ ~/acl2015/europarl-extractor/europarl-extractor/multi-sentence-align-corpus.perl en de es fr it
then you can get aligned proceedings with XML tags:
Now you can merge all the proceeedings without XML tags by executing:
$ ~/acl2015/europarl-extractor/ aligned/en-de-es-fr-it data/ en de es fr it
then you can get line aligned corpus:
data/en-de-es-fr-it.* .
You can train language model by executing (e.g. English, train set size 100k):
$ ~/acl2015/scripts/ en path/to/train.en 100000
You can train SCFG translation model by executing (e.g French to English, train set size 100k, dev/test set size 1.5k, including preprocessing, tuning, testing steps):
$ ~/acl2015/scripts/ hiero fr en path/to/corpus.{fr,en} path/to/blm.en 100000 1500
You can triangulate 2 SCFG TM into MSCFG TM (proposed method) by executing (e.g. fe-en * en-de => fr-de, including tuning, testing steps):
$ ~/acl2015/scripts/ hiero_fr-en hiero_en-de hiero_fr-de/corpus --method=prodprob --lexmethod=prodweight --nbest=20 --multitarget
You can triangulate 2 SCFG TM into 1 SCFG TM (baseline method) by executing:
$ ~/acl2015/scripts/ hiero_fr-en hiero_en-de hiero_fr-de/corpus --method=prodprob --lexmethod=prodweight --nbest=20
You can also cascade 2 SCFG TM and get the output by executing:
$ ~/acl2015/scripts/ hiero_fr-en hiero_en-de hiero_fr-de/corpus/test.{fr,de}
If you find any issues, please contact Akiva Miura:
- akiva.miura [at]
- @akivajp on Twitter