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1559 - tests now pass; mfn is indeed redundant
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akkartik committed Feb 17, 2012
1 parent 704e66d commit 529fd12
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Showing 35 changed files with 1,480 additions and 6 deletions.
75 changes: 70 additions & 5 deletions 030.wart
@@ -1,5 +1,70 @@
= foo (fn'(y) (eval `(if 3 ,y)))
= bar (fn(x) (foo pr.x))
bar 111
= mac! (fn '(name params . body)
(eval `(= ,name (fn ',params
(eval ((fn() ,@body)))))))

mac! def!(name params . body)
`(= ,name (fn ,params ,@body))

mac! do body
`((fn() ,@body))

def! prn args
(if args
pr car.args
prn @cdr.args
(pr "

mac! def(name params . body)
if bound?.name
(prn "redef: " name)
`(def! ,name ,params ,@body)

mac! mac(name params . body)
if bound?.name
(prn "redef: " name)
`(mac! ,name ,params ,@body)

mac alias(new old) ; include later refinements
`(mac ,new $args
`(,,old ,@$args))

def compose(f g)
fn 'args
eval `(,f (,g ,@args))

def complement(f)
(compose not f)

mac let(var val . body)
`((fn(,var) ,@body) ,val)

def list args
if args
(cons car.args
(list @cdr.args))

let $iso iso ; ignore later refinements
def isa(x t)
($iso t type.x)

= cadr car:cdr
= cddr cdr:cdr

def id(_)

= quote (car:car (cons ' 'a))
def quote?(_) (iso _ quote)
= backquote (car '`(1))
def backquote?(_) (iso _ backquote)
= unquote (car:cadr '`(,1))
def unquote?(_) (iso _ unquote)
= unquote-splice (car:cadr '`(,@1))
def unquote-splice?(_) (iso _ unquote-splice)

def die args
prn @args
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions 031test.test
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(test "test using keyword args"
:valueof (+ 1 1)
:should be 2)

(test "test using positional args" iso (+ 1 1) 2)
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions 032check.test
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
(test "if handles 0 args"
:valueof (if)
:should be nil)

(test "if handles 1 arg"
:valueof if.3
:should be 3)

(test "if handles 2 args"
:valueof (if 3 4)
:should be 4)

(test "if handles then branch"
:valueof (if 3 4 5)
:should be 4)

(test "if handles else branch"
:valueof (if nil 4 5)
:should be 5)

(test "if handles 3 args"
:valueof (if nil 4 5)
:should be 5)

(test "if handles 4 args"
:valueof (if nil 4 5 6)
:should be 6)

(test "if handles 5 args"
:valueof (if nil 4 nil 6 7)
:should be 7)

(test "if handles :else"
:valueof (if nil 4 :else 6)
:should be 6)

(test "if handles lexical scope"
:valueof (let x 34 (if x))
:should be 34)

(test "if handles dynamic scope"
:valueof (do (= x 34)
(if x 35))
:should be 35)

(test "or handles 0 args"
:valueof or.
:should be nil)

(test "or handles nil arg"
:valueof or.nil
:should be nil)

(test "or handles non-nil arg"
:valueof or.3
:should be 3)

(test "or handles 2 args"
:valueof (or nil 3)
:should be 3)

(test "or handles multiple non-nil args"
:valueof (or 3 4)
:should be 3)

(test "or short-circuits on first non-nil arg"
:valueof (let x nil
(or 3 (= x 4))
:should be nil)

(test "or evals each arg at most once"
:valueof (let x 0
(or (do (= x (+ x 1))
(do (= x (+ x 1))
:should be 1)

(test "or handles lexical scope"
:valueof (do (= x 35)
(let x 3
(or nil x)))
:should be 3)

(test "and handles 0 args"
:valueof and.
:should ~be nil)

(test "and handles nil arg"
:valueof and.nil
:should be nil)

(test "and handles non-nil arg"
:valueof and.3
:should be 3)

(test "and handles 2 args"
:valueof (and nil 3)
:should be nil)

(test "and handles 2 non-nil args"
:valueof (and 3 4)
:should be 4)

(test "and handles lexical scope"
:valueof ((fn(x) (and 3 x 4)) nil)
:should be nil)

(test "and short-circuits"
:valueof (let x 0
(and (= x 3)
(= x 4))
:should be 3)

(test "and handles dynamic scope"
:valueof (do (= x 35)
(and x 36))
:should be 36)

(test "iso handles nils"
:valueof (iso nil 3)
:should be nil)

(test "iso compares nils"
:valueof (iso nil nil)
:should ~be nil)

(test "iso handles ints"
:valueof (iso 3 4)
:should be nil)

(test "iso handles ints - 2"
:valueof (iso 3 3)
:should ~be nil)

(test "iso handles strings"
:valueof (iso "a" "b")
:should be nil)

(test "iso handles strings - 2"
:valueof (iso "a" "a")
:should ~be nil)

(test "iso handles lists"
:valueof (iso list.1 list.2)
:should be nil)

(test "iso handles lists - 2"
:valueof (iso list.1 list.1)
:should ~be nil)

(test "iso handles user-defined types"
:valueof (iso '(type foo 3) '(type foo 3))
:should ~be nil)

(test "match - atom positive"
:valueof (match 3 3)
:should ~be nil)

(test "match - atom negative"
:valueof (match 3 4)
:should be nil)

(test "match - list positive"
:valueof (match '(1 (2 3)) '(1 (2 3)))
:should ~be nil)

(test "match - list negative"
:valueof (match '(2 (2 3)) '(1 (2 3)))
:should be nil)

(test "match treats _ as atom wildcard"
:valueof (match '_ 3)
:should ~be nil)

(test "match - _ positive"
:valueof (match '(1 (_ 3 4)) '(1 (2 3 4)))
:should ~be nil)

(test "match - _ negative"
:valueof (match '(2 (_ 3 4)) '(1 (2 3 4)))
:should be nil)

(test "match - _ matches lists"
:valueof (match '_ '(3))
:should ~be nil)

(test "match - _ matches lists when dotted"
:valueof (match '(1 . _) '(1 2 3))
:should ~be nil)

(test "match treats any sym beginning with _ as wildcard"
:valueof (match '(1 . _x) '(1 2 3))
:should ~be nil)
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions 032check.wart
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
= compiled-if if
let $if if
mac! if args
$if !cdr.args
`(,$if ,car.args
(if ,@cddr.args))

mac or args
if args
`(let $x ,car.args
if $x
or ,@cdr.args)

mac and args
if !args
if !cdr.args
`(if ,car.args
and ,@cdr.args)

alias nil? not
alias no not

def match(a b)
(or (iso a b)
(iso str.a.0 "_")
(and cons?.a cons?.b
(match car.a car.b)
(match cdr.a cdr.b)))

let $iso iso
def! iso(a b)
or ($iso a b)
and (cons? a)
(cons? b)
(iso car.a car.b)
(iso cdr.a cdr.b)

def only(f)
(fn args
(if f (f @args)))

mac check(x test else)
`(let $x ,x
if (,test $x)

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