################# FIRST TERMINAL ################## [->->] [06:34:06][root][/usr/local/bin]$ #------------------------------ OUTPUT START HERE --------------------------------------# [->->] [06:34:17][root][/usr/local/bin]$ ./sysbench /root/sysbench/src/lua/select_random_points.lua --db-driver=pgsql --pgsql-db=test --pgsql-host= --pgsql-port=5432 --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-password=Admin123! --pgsql-sslmode=prefer --report-interval=60 --table_size=450 --histogram=on --threads=3 --tables=5 --percentile=50 --warmup-time=60 run sysbench 1.1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3) Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 3 Warmup time: 60s Report intermediate results every 60 second(s) Initializing random number generator from current time Initializing worker threads... Threads started! Warming up for 60 seconds... Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds) value ------------- distribution ------------- count 0.395 | 1 0.402 | 1 0.409 | 3 0.417 | 4 0.432 | 2 0.440 | 10 0.448 | 7 0.456 | 14 0.464 |* 31 0.473 |* 28 0.481 |* 50 0.490 |* 53 0.499 |* 67 0.508 |** 93 0.517 |*** 124 0.527 |**** 171 0.536 |***** 237 0.546 |******* 319 0.556 |******** 376 0.566 |********** 474 0.576 |************** 627 0.587 |**************** 743 0.597 |****************** 844 0.608 |********************* 979 0.619 |************************ 1109 0.630 |************************** 1202 0.642 |******************************* 1428 0.654 |********************************* 1506 0.665 |********************************** 1549 0.677 |*********************************** 1600 0.690 |*************************************** 1770 0.702 |************************************* 1718 0.715 |**************************************** 1834 0.728 |**************************************** 1819 0.741 |*************************************** 1804 0.755 |**************************************** 1822 0.768 |************************************** 1723 0.782 |*********************************** 1593 0.797 |********************************** 1563 0.811 |******************************* 1414 0.826 |***************************** 1352 0.841 |************************ 1106 0.856 |******************** 905 0.872 |****************** 841 0.888 |************** 662 0.904 |************ 535 0.920 |******** 375 0.937 |******** 366 0.954 |******* 306 0.971 |****** 279 0.989 |***** 218 1.007 |**** 189 1.025 |**** 168 1.044 |*** 131 1.063 |*** 116 1.082 |** 104 1.102 |** 80 1.122 |** 75 1.142 |* 66 1.163 |** 78 1.184 |* 54 1.205 |* 50 1.227 |* 42 1.250 |* 54 1.272 |* 42 1.295 |* 31 1.319 | 20 1.343 |* 28 1.367 | 18 1.392 | 21 1.417 | 15 1.443 | 9 1.469 | 8 1.496 | 2 1.523 | 7 1.551 | 7 1.579 | 6 1.608 | 7 1.637 | 5 1.667 | 8 1.697 | 7 1.728 | 4 1.759 | 4 1.791 | 3 1.824 | 6 1.857 | 4 1.891 | 7 1.925 | 13 1.960 | 11 1.996 | 12 2.032 | 9 2.069 | 13 2.106 | 11 2.145 | 9 2.184 | 12 2.223 | 20 2.264 | 10 2.305 | 8 2.347 | 5 2.389 | 5 2.433 | 7 2.477 | 8 2.522 | 1 2.568 | 1 2.615 | 3 2.662 | 2 2.710 | 2 2.760 | 3 2.810 | 1 2.913 | 2 3.304 | 2 3.748 | 1 SQL statistics: queries performed: read: 39304 write: 0 other: 0 total: 39304 transactions: 39304 (3928.87 per sec.) queries: 39304 (3928.87 per sec.) ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.) reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.) Throughput: events/s (eps): 3928.8721 time elapsed: 10.0041s total number of events: 39304 Latency (ms): min: 0.40 avg: 0.75 max: 3.75 50th percentile: 0.73 sum: 29380.63 Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 13101.3333/28.02 execution time (avg/stddev): 9.7935/0.00 [->->] [06:35:53][root][/usr/local/bin]$ ./sysbench /root/sysbench/src/lua/select_random_points.lua --db-driver=pgsql --pgsql-db=test --pgsql-host= --pgsql-port=5432 --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-password=Admin123! --pgsql-sslmode=disable --report-interval=60 --table_size=450 --histogram=on --threads=3 --tables=5 --percentile=50 --warmup-time=60 run sysbench 1.1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3) Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 3 Warmup time: 60s Report intermediate results every 60 second(s) Initializing random number generator from current time Initializing worker threads... Threads started! Warming up for 60 seconds... Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds) value ------------- distribution ------------- count 0.374 | 1 0.402 | 2 0.409 | 1 0.417 | 1 0.424 | 1 0.432 | 4 0.440 | 2 0.448 | 6 0.456 | 4 0.464 | 9 0.473 |* 28 0.481 |* 30 0.490 |* 26 0.499 |* 43 0.508 |* 56 0.517 |** 76 0.527 |** 96 0.536 |*** 133 0.546 |**** 176 0.556 |***** 201 0.566 |******* 290 0.576 |******** 340 0.587 |************ 510 0.597 |************* 593 0.608 |*************** 675 0.619 |****************** 788 0.630 |********************* 935 0.642 |************************* 1084 0.654 |**************************** 1233 0.665 |******************************* 1361 0.677 |********************************** 1484 0.690 |************************************* 1618 0.702 |************************************* 1625 0.715 |*************************************** 1713 0.728 |**************************************** 1747 0.741 |*************************************** 1732 0.755 |**************************************** 1768 0.768 |**************************************** 1748 0.782 |************************************** 1671 0.797 |************************************** 1670 0.811 |************************************ 1592 0.826 |********************************* 1453 0.841 |******************************* 1392 0.856 |***************************** 1280 0.872 |**************************** 1252 0.888 |********************** 981 0.904 |****************** 801 0.920 |*************** 678 0.937 |************ 516 0.954 |********** 421 0.971 |******** 373 0.989 |******** 340 1.007 |****** 283 1.025 |***** 214 1.044 |*** 152 1.063 |*** 131 1.082 |*** 131 1.102 |*** 119 1.122 |** 106 1.142 |** 71 1.163 |** 71 1.184 |* 51 1.205 |* 39 1.227 |* 55 1.250 |* 40 1.272 |* 36 1.295 |* 39 1.319 |* 28 1.343 | 16 1.367 |* 29 1.392 | 13 1.417 | 7 1.443 | 15 1.469 | 11 1.496 | 2 1.523 | 3 1.551 | 10 1.579 | 1 1.608 | 3 1.637 | 4 1.667 | 3 1.697 | 1 1.728 | 2 1.791 | 1 1.824 | 4 1.857 | 2 1.891 | 1 1.925 | 2 1.960 | 3 1.996 | 1 2.032 | 2 2.069 | 2 2.106 | 2 2.145 | 1 2.184 | 1 2.433 | 2 2.477 | 2 2.662 | 1 2.760 | 1 2.861 | 1 SQL statistics: queries performed: read: 38279 write: 0 other: 0 total: 38279 transactions: 38279 (3826.51 per sec.) queries: 38279 (3826.51 per sec.) ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.) reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.) Throughput: events/s (eps): 3826.5085 time elapsed: 10.0040s total number of events: 38279 Latency (ms): min: 0.38 avg: 0.77 max: 2.85 50th percentile: 0.75 sum: 29337.82 Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 12757.3333/21.64 execution time (avg/stddev): 9.7793/0.00 [->->] [06:37:24][root][/usr/local/bin]$ ################# SECOND TERMINAL ################## [->->] [06:35:32][root][/]$ #------------------------------ OUTPUT START HERE --------------------------------------# [->->] [06:35:34][root][/]$ psql -U postgres -h Password for user postgres: psql (9.2.24, server 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1)) WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 14.0. Some psql features might not work. SSL connection (cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256) Type "help" for help. postgres=# select now(),version();select name,setting from pg_settings where name = 'ssl';select s.pid,s.ssl,s.version,a.usename,a.query from pg_stat_activity a, pg_stat_ssl s where a.pid=s.pid and s.pid!=pg_backend_pid(); now | version -------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-11-24 06:35:40.386123+00 | PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit (1 row) name | setting ------+--------- ssl | on (1 row) pid | ssl | version | usename | query -----+-----+---------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 154 | t | TLSv1.2 | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | 155 | t | TLSv1.2 | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | 153 | t | TLSv1.2 | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | (3 rows) postgres=# select now(),version();select name,setting from pg_settings where name = 'ssl';select s.pid,s.ssl,s.version,a.usename,a.query from pg_stat_activity a, pg_stat_ssl s where a.pid=s.pid and s.pid!=pg_backend_pid(); now | version -------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-11-24 06:35:55.706256+00 | PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit (1 row) name | setting ------+--------- ssl | on (1 row) pid | ssl | version | usename | query -----+-----+---------+---------+------- (0 rows) postgres=# select now(),version();select name,setting from pg_settings where name = 'ssl';select s.pid,s.ssl,s.version,a.usename,a.query from pg_stat_activity a, pg_stat_ssl s where a.pid=s.pid and s.pid!=pg_backend_pid(); now | version -------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-11-24 06:36:18.180777+00 | PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit (1 row) name | setting ------+--------- ssl | on (1 row) pid | ssl | version | usename | query -----+-----+---------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 163 | f | | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | 164 | f | | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | 165 | f | | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | (3 rows) postgres=# select now(),version();select name,setting from pg_settings where name = 'ssl';select s.pid,s.ssl,s.version,a.usename,a.query from pg_stat_activity a, pg_stat_ssl s where a.pid=s.pid and s.pid!=pg_backend_pid(); now | version -------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-11-24 06:36:46.198061+00 | PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit (1 row) name | setting ------+--------- ssl | on (1 row) pid | ssl | version | usename | query -----+-----+---------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 163 | f | | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | 164 | f | | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | 165 | f | | postgres | SELECT id, k, c, pad + | | | | FROM sbtest1 + | | | | WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)+ | | | | (3 rows) postgres=# select now(),version();select name,setting from pg_settings where name = 'ssl';select s.pid,s.ssl,s.version,a.usename,a.query from pg_stat_activity a, pg_stat_ssl s where a.pid=s.pid and s.pid!=pg_backend_pid(); now | version -------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-11-24 06:37:27.268708+00 | PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit (1 row) name | setting ------+--------- ssl | on (1 row) pid | ssl | version | usename | query -----+-----+---------+---------+------- (0 rows) postgres=#