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A lean module for formalizing GPTs

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A lean module for formalizing GPTs

Install Mathlib in modules folder and Open VSCode from modules folder to contribute while on lean4.

There is a python file to suggest tactics and proofs for your theorems using LeanDojo. Additional tactics can be trained in that model using pytorch.

Quantum Computational Complexity Classes

To learn more about Quantum Computational Classes, refer this research paper by John Watrous.


A language L is in BPP if and only if there exits a probabilistic Turing machine M,such that

  • M runs for polynomial time on all inputs
  • For all x in L,M outputs 1 with probability greater than or equal to 2/3
  • For all x not in L,M outputs 1 with probability less than or equal to 1/3
def in_bpp (A : set string) : Prop :=
  ∃ (M : string → bool),
    turing_machine M ∧ ∀ x ∈ A, M x = tt ∧ M.prob_accept ≥ 2/3
    ∧ ∀ x ∉ A, M x = ff ∧ M.prob_accept ≤ 1/3

end bpp


In computational complexity theory, PSPACE is the set of all decision problems that can be solved by a Turing machine using a polynomial amount of space. If we denote by SPACE(f(n)), the set of all problems that can be solved by Turing machines using O(f(n)) space for some function f of the input size n, then we can define PSPACE formally as

PSPACE is a strict superset of the set of context-sensitive languages

def PSPACE (TM  TuringMachine) (f : TMConfiguration TM → bool) :=
  ∃ (poly  ℕ :ℕ), ∀ (n  ℕ), ∃ (config : TMConfiguration TM),
    config.tape.length ≤ poly n ∧
    (∀ (eps  ℝ), eps  0 → ∃ (k ℕ), Pr[f TM config k] ≥ 1 - eps)

end complexity


BQP can be viewed as the languages associated with certain bounded-error uniform families of quantum circuits. A language L is in BQP if and only if there exists a polynomial-time uniform family of quantum circuits , such that {Qn: n ∈ N}

  • For all n ∈ N, Qn takes n qubits as input and outputs 1 bit
  • For all x in L, Pr(Q|x|(x)=1)>=2/3
  • For all x not in L, Pr(Q|x|(x)=0)>=2/3
def BQP (S : set Σ) (Q : Σ → Type*) : Prop :=
  poly_time_generated S Q (λ _, bool)


AWPP contains the complexity class BQP (bounded-error quantum polynomial time), which contains the decision problems solvable by a quantum computer in polynomial time, with an error probability of at most 1/3 for all instances. In fact, it is the smallest classical complexity class that upper bounds BQP

def AWPP_BGP (P : awpp_protocol → bgp → Prop) :=
  ∀ (ap : awpp_protocol) (bgp : bgp),
    P ap bgp →
    ∃ (poly : ℕ → ℕ), ∀ (n : ℕ),
      let public_coins := list.repeat tt n in
      let ap' := { ap with public_coins := public_coins } in
      ap.verifier.verify n = tt →
      let prob_dist := bgp.prob bgp.prob_space in
      prob_dist {i | (ap'.prover.prover n).state i} ≥ 2/3 ∧ ap.verifier.verify n = ff →
      prob_dist {i | (ap'.prover.prover n).state i} ≤ 1/3
      end awpp


In complexity theory, PP is the class of decision problems solvable by a probabilistic Turing machine in polynomial time, with an error probability of less than 1/2 for all instances. The abbreviation PP refers to probabilistic polynomial time

def PP {α : Type} (p : α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∃ (A : Set α) (time : α → ℕ) (rand : α → ℕ → Bool),
    (isPolyTimeRandAlgorithm A time rand) ∧
    (∀ (x : α), p x ↔ ∃ (y : α →  A), rand x (time x) = tt) ∧
    (∀ (x : α), ¬ p x ↔ ∀ (y : α →  A), rand x (time x) = ff)


A lean module for formalizing GPTs






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  • Lean 93.3%
  • Python 6.7%